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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. The interesting thing with Fascism, is it is basically socialism without the obsession with equality. You're kidding, right?
  2. It's such pathetic demonisation and conspiracy theory crafting that makes me laugh, when Brexit results were announced and now, the desperate need to blame voters who don't align with their own smug elitist positions is always absolutely hilarious. One wonders how such people deal with the real world where not everyone echoes their inane tweeting. I didn't see a single tweet in that post demonising anything, merely hypothesizing. No value judgments in any of the tweets. And the describing of a spontaneous, decentralized phenomenon is hardly "conspiracy theory crafting". She makes no reference, explicit or otherwise, to who may be funding, coordinating and leading those groups -- because clearly no one is. Perhaps you haven't had the pleasure of mingling with MRA and PUA types, but I assure you, she's pretty much spot on. Hell, we even have some of that here. Whether what she's describing can be singled out as the reason for Hillary's rather hilarious crash-and-burn performance is another matter. Personally I think her theory is excessively reductionist and ascribes undue weight to those people, but I wouldn't say she's wrong. Who's demonising who?
  3. Crap, I was hoping for a fire sale. Can't a guy catch a break?
  4. Does this mean Hillary will end up in jail where she belongs? I mean, it was a campaign promise.
  5. Plot twist: he really does work for Obsidian. The mod tag is part of a dastardly scheme to infiltrate the community by posing as part of the volunteer mod corps. It's just that so far only Chippy has seen through his clever façade! We're onto you now, Pidesco.
  6. So, maybe it's a good time to invest in treasury bonds? Either it pays off or it's an end-of-the-world scenario where money not invested ceases to be worth anything. Win-win, from my perspective.
  7. Not where the EU is concerned. France and the Netherlands rejected the EU Constitution and they end ran those results. Technically the Constitution was goneburger, practically the Treaty of Lisbon was the same thing, just made in such a way that it could be done as amendments instead of new laws and avoid those pesky referenda (France and Dutchies didn't have plebiscites this time). It then got rejected by Ireland who had to have a referendum by law. Who then held a second referendum to make sure the 'right' result was reached. Greece. And in that case, the government did like the outcome, or at least got the outcome they had been campaigning for, after winning an election with a program predicated precisely on the matter they ran a referendum on. Democracy: "I do not think it means what you think it means".
  8. Boring interview. Two pages of "I don't know", "can't say", "couldn't tell even if I knew" and cryptic remarks about Obsidz management. I agree with the passive-aggressive observation. I'd much rather have the dude talk about stuff he's working on. And I specifically mean games, not issues. Though that's as much his fault as the interviewer's. Ah, who am I kidding. Came for the gaming, stayed for the drama. Rock on, Infinitron.
  9. Really? The EU need 100% agreement on these matters? You guys are going to tank even faster than us! I figured Gfted1 would appreciate this: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ceta-canada-eu-trade-deal-belgium-justin-trudeau-charles-michel-a7382851.html I guess somebody made a phone call after they recovered from their laughing fit.
  10. I'm sure that the people's commissars MEPs that toiled valiantly day and night for seven long years against insurmountable legal hurdles and the objections of filthy peasants are completely devastated over this outcome. I'm positive their €96k (before expenses) salaries are hardly any consolation. edit:
  11. Nope, sry
  12. Don't waste time arguing on the internet.
  13. Why? Is Fargo (and BNone) trying to pitch the game over there? That would be lolworthy alright. I'd expect much of the 'dex to pledge regardless... In eggs isle going full popamole is hardly surprising, at this point.
  14. I didn't have much trouble, (almost) no reloads. I found both bandit camps harder (the one with the hostage near Teron and the group that has the mountain monastery under siege). But that's probably due to the builds I used. One was a spearman exploiting the spear pushback proc, and the other was a crossbow/dodge assassin. The Teron mine garrison only has one ranged guy, and that encounter allows you to start with advantageous positioning and ample room for maneuvering, whereas the bandits fights don't, unless you start combat manually. But even if you do, their archers are bad news.
  15. The difficulty in AoD came from getting into fights with non-fighter type characters. A properly specced fighter that made liberal use of poisons, bolas and nets would find very little trouble. I'm wondering where the difficulty is going to come from in a combat-centric game where the player is expected to be combat ready. Unfair encounters, most likely, and enemies that spam that **** as much as you do, probably. I'll be getting this one for sure, but won't play it for a while. Took a few patches for AoD to be really polished, from what I read.
  16. well it will be more flashy, but I really doubt, many of the games will play at 60 FPS. "Cinematic" 30 FPS is the new trend of the industry. Yeah, 60 fps really isn't even on the menu these days. When I tried to run DAI at 60 fps, the cutscenes got horrible throttling that couldn't really be done away with, even after tinkering with the inis. A buddy of mine tried uncapping FO4 which yielded really funny results at >60 fps, with sentences not finishing before the other guy cut in (TL;DR effect?), and scripted bits outright bugging out, breaking the game. RivaTuner fixed the dialogues thing, but not the broken scripts. 30 fps is a design spec, and I'm guessing that just phat hardware isn't enough to overcome that. #pcmasterraceproblems
  17. But really. That's not at all how you set up a deep state. Give one branch too much power and you risk them getting ornery and daydream of launching coups to "protect the Motherland". Even more so when the current head and prospective Minister is a senior military official. The smart way to go about establishing a proper police state with a democratic façade, is to make sure that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Kind of like the NSA and the FBI. Get with the times.
  18. DO EET One of the most fun games I've played the last few years was Metal Gear Rising, a console game through and through. Good thing I kept my PS2-USB converter from back when I used to do PES5 marathons with my friends, because playing with KB/M was just painful. Swallowing my PC Master Race pride never felt so good, tbh.
  19. 213374U

    US Dope

    Don't hate on Biles for having more of a V-taper than you, oby. Also, phishing? Really? What's this, 2003?
  20. DLCs are terrible in that regard, though. Encounters dropped on top of your head -literally, mobs spawning right in front of your eyes- for no reason. And player-leveled encounters at that, throwing the difficulty curve of the game out of whack. That single-handedly broke my enjoyment of New Vegas DLCs.
  21. Such a wasted opportunity to tackle the issue of ethics in video game journalism... alas. But at least we banged, ok. ( ) Regardless, I've seen fan voice acting that was at least decent (1), so it's certainly not an impossibility. If they aren't restricted to the extremely reduced pool of hot video game "journalist" broads to pick from, I don't see why not. I'm not expecting Tony Jay, but it's just a marketing gimmick and the clips will be used for some random nobody on the equivalent of the Citadel.
  22. This came out fairly recently, English version of it anyway. Can't vouch for English writing as I'm playing it in Czech (and even that's not too great) but it's finally a big chunk of Fallout after Fallout 2 released. The English translation is good. I didn't find any glaring errors, but I'm not a native speaker. As for the writing itself, I thought it was surprisingly good, especially for a fan project. It's a bit wordy at times, which seems to be a common feature of fan productions, but the tone, characters and plot are clearly set up to be reminiscent of FO1. None of the over-the-top silliness of FO2 or grandiose self-infatuation of FNV, that I can remember. I liked it very much.
  23. I read on Reddit (don't judge me) that another dataminer said Guard is now an ability gained from the tank tree. Stances being passive and gained from the discipline means the tank stance requirement is redundant. So while it's technically true that it doesn't require tank stance to be active, only properly specced tanks will have a Guard to throw around. But yeah, boring. I haven't even bothered to follow the plot past chapter... I don't even know, something in a forest. But from what I've read, it looks as though they just don't know where they are going with the story. Funny, just like the gameplay, the meta, and the business model...
  24. Not really a "discovery" per se, though I'm sure at some point they'll discover what caused it: Not the first time something SpaceX explodes, either, but that's gotta be a serious blow to a non-(completely)-gov't funded organization.
  25. Sure. It makes perfect sense from a financial standpoint to protect your investment as much as possible, and play it safe. I wasn't suggesting they should act differently or that it's not a sound business strategy, because their success attests to the fact that it very much is. Problem is this means financial reasons are dictating design decisions, which then are going to be passed off as "improvements", when in reality they can be anything but. That's where marketing comes in, and at it's usually at this point that I go into anaphylactic shock from all the PR talk. In the particular case of EA, success also means they tend to buy up studios that I personally like, to turn them into soulless Madden-churning machines, and finally close them down when all the juice has been sucked up. It's the way of things, maybe, but that doesn't really help with the butthurt. I also shake my fist at clouds FYI.
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