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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. You've never done any programming I see. Coding disasters don't just miraculously work. That's an insult to the programmers and other people who worked on the games. It also implies that the programmers didn't know what they were doing at the time with their coding (coding disaster as you put it), but hey. it somehow how miraculously worked. Must be special programming magic. Also, as a few have pointed out, they have some of the original team members working on the EE's. Without actually looking at the code it's impossible to tell how easy or hard it is to work with, if it was well designed, organized, optimized, clearly written, etc. You can have a piece of code that mostly works but it's a nightmare to debug for anyone but the author (and even so...). Bad QA is still bad QA, however, and there's no excuse for that.
  2. ^ That's why I made a paragraph break between my question to you about BGEE and my reservations about BG2EE. I'm not terribly interested in BGEE (as in, haven't been following it closely) so I was curious what your reasons for considering BGEE superior to the original were, in hopes that in time the same process will be repeated with BG2EE. Thanks for the answers, anyway. *the BP version of Ascension caused errors with some of the end boss battles, IIRC. Maybe it's no longer the case, but at any rate it's not the only mod that doesn't work, just the most egregious example. This some sort of weird pet peeve of yours? Not even sure what you mean...
  3. While I generally share your criticism of style over substance, I don't think the art direction is necessarily a good example. After all: Yup. Leave it to us Europeans to produce something so obscenely ornate that ends up being caricaturesque. (though I suppose a valid complaint is about the taste of anyone who draws inspiration from that... ) edit: Also, because why the hell not: "Yo dawg, I heard you like sceptres, so we put a sceptre in your sceptre so you can rule while you rule..."
  4. In what way? Superior implies a comparison, and if you like it better because you can play it on your tablet whereas when the original was released that platform didn't even exist yet, it's not really a comparison at all. I mean, it's great that you feel that the port is worth $15, but what have the devs done in the six (or whatever) months since BGEE was released that makes you say the EE version is superior? I'm not invested either way, but the fact that mods that I consider essential (Ascension, among others) aren't compatible, and the way translations are being handled (i.e. they aren't) make me a bit reluctant to give these guys my money. Those were two things that the original had that the new version doesn't, so for me it hardly warrants the title "Enhanced". As it stands, anyway. I think the XP is fine—you shouldn't be forced to complete sidequests to be able to advance the main quest without being gimped. If you do absolutely every quest available to you, including possibly killing any dragons you come across, it shouldn't be surprising that you end up being overpowered. Also, by the time you are ready to take the thieves or Bodhi up on their offer, you will be way over 20k, which is hard to justify from a roleplaying perspective. Don't get me wrong, that's the way I used to play it, too. But I wouldn't say it's a design flaw. In one of the many balance mods I used to have, the Shadow Thieves' fee was raised IIRC to 80k... and I still had plenty of money to go around and buy high level scrolls and stuff. If, on the other hand, you are referring to how XP completely breaks the game if you are playing a solo Kensai/Mage, that's another story...
  5. I'll be sure to slap my grandma across the face next time, thanks for the heads up!
  6. Yeah, apparently homeboy had declared that he was afraid of being killed by police. Also the Defense Minister just resigned. Housecleaning? OK. Am I the only one who finds it a bit surreal that the only time a mod steps in on this is to suggest that people refrain from calling others darling/sweet pea?
  7. Well played.
  8. Yeah, I'm sure you are an active participant in the glory of the American economy, the head of a S&P 500 company, and not a burger flipper on minimum wage or something like that, not at all. 0/10 would not read again. And for someone not interested in the thread, your repeated attention grabs are pretty funny. What, the in-laws are visiting and pissed in your corn flakes again? Or maybe you are just not getting enough likes for your lame jokes in other threads? Poor dear. (that lighthearted enough for you?)
  9. No, if anyone has shown a reading deficit throughout the close to sixty pages that this has gone on for, it's you—as evidenced by this post. Where exactly have I (can't/don't want to speak for others) characterized Russia or Putin as "victims"? And dude, stop with the "I have evidence, but it's up to you to dig it up" schtick. It was funny the first time, perhaps, but that's not how conversations work. No, really.
  10. A bit of Deus Ex HR. Enjoying the simple pleasures of (augmented) life, such as hurling explosive barrels at unsuspecting gangbangers. I am a simple man.
  11. This. And the fact that they totally rewrote his personality between Awakening and DA2. He was my favorite companion in the expansion: Yeah, yeah. I know Gaider defended the rewrite as his own idea and stuff. And as a concept for character development, it's original and interesting. But it was a hack job; DA2 Anders just comes off as annoying, petty and whiny. Certainly not what one would expect from a powerful mage that is both the victim of constant unjust persecution and possession by a spirit of justice. The new voice actor didn't help either.
  12. Interesting theory. Do you have any evidence to back it up?
  13. Well! It's a fine day for Americentrism, don't you think? Crimea may seem insignificant to you, but in Europe any display of power by Russia is a cause for alarm. Especially eastern Europe, where Russia has a history of smacking the locals around. Understandably, people are concerned. Especially given the fact that in the past months, mainstream western news outlets have painted an extremely one-sided picture of the situation, with abundant comparisons to Nazi Germany. If you still don't see the point of discussing this, well... there's always the attractive women thread. No longer believing the source would imply acceptance that liars have somehow taken power, and have been doing so consistently for decades at least. And in the absence of a coup, in a democracy, this can only happen if we vote said liars into office. That's the ****ty aftertaste of democracy—all those wars, all those lies, all those crimes, they have been perpetrated in our name, with our consent. If we openly stop believing the lies, we must accept our share of the blame. nobodygottimefodat.jpg
  14. I'm pretty sure Anders will be in it, since letting him live was a HUGE option in DA2. Sure, let's make the terrorist, gay, apostate, possessed mage a recurring character. Good role models are overrated in my opinion. Maybe Bio is actually trying to make a statement about how history portrays terrorists freedom fighter-types.
  15. Yeah, that is what I thought. So long as they stay afloat (and avoid being bought out), I'm happy. I'd hate to see them go the way of Troika; putting all eggs in one basket is a terrible idea anyway, and the experience gained from making other kinds of games can be put to use in ways that may be difficult to see immediately. They are still making RPGs, the big RPG names are still on board, and they aren't making mobile games, so I think the only way this could be interpreted as a bad thing is if they have actually bitten off more than they can chew. But that's a concern for Feargus to worry about. It makes you appreciative of typical Obsidian luck. >Obsidian signs sweet deal with Russian publisher >WWIII is declared a nuclear apocalypse happens, deal falls through
  16. Well, the Cold War mentality is alive and well, thank you. For some at least. You don't need Cold War thinking to be wary of Russian imperialism, however. Pushing Russia is a bad idea if you are in Europe (or central Asia, for that matter...), and it has been since Peter the Great back in the 18th century. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, we Europeans had forgotten this, and Putin figured it's high time we were reminded that Russia is nobody's bitch. And, as usual, it's the little people getting shafted.
  17. Funny thing is, even if you are a decker yourself, the game doesn't detect it correctly as of 1.2.5, so you are forced to bring a decker NPC regardless. This stopped my second playthrough dead on its tracks. Strange, I played a decker and I didn't have an issue. Seems inconsistent. I've read about people not being able to choose contextual decking options during missions, even though I never experienced that myself. My problem was with runs that have a decker as a team composition requirement, in which case my PC wouldn't be recognized as such, despite having the best available deck and a higher decking rating than Blitz's. I suspect that this is derived from the fact that I chose rigger rather than decker at character creation, so my character wasn't properly flagged, or whatever.
  18. Funny thing is, even if you are a decker yourself, the game doesn't detect it correctly as of 1.2.5, so you are forced to bring a decker NPC regardless. This stopped my second playthrough dead on its tracks.
  19. Interesting read—a well-articulated piece in the bigger debate of whether games are art and their dependence of the (technological) circumstances surrounding their creation. Unfortunately, its basis seems to be that the author just couldn't get into BG2EE, which is, in my mind, a very weak starting proposition. Doesn't really say anything of substance about BG2EE, per se.
  20. If you believe that evaluating economic health is as simple as taking a quick look at DJ, I think it's safe to say that you have learned nothing from the 2007 crisis. Not that I'm surprised that you are quick to underscore the "irrefutability" of data presented that doesn't directly contradict your exaggerations and oversimplifications—it very much fits in with your offhand dismissals of anything that doesn't support your misinformed preconceptions as "extremely biased" or "propaganda", while at the same time, you have no compunctions about using similarly biased sources if it suits your purposes. The mark of a closed mind. I'd suggest you begin by reading this and do some research on the points discussed in it, if you are interested in what goes on under the hood. But I doubt you are, because complex things are never really black or white, or easily summarized.
  21. Right. If it's so easy, then why didn't you post relevant links instead of the ones you did? It's not spoon-feeding, rather it's you expecting me to do your homework. But hey, why the hell not. Googling "Russian Index loses 20%" returns this: "Russia’s Micex stock market falls 3.5% at open, RTS down 4.3%" So, yeah. Nowhere near your original claims. Problem with this sort of hyperbole is that oby is affirmed, i.e. "you can't into markets".
  22. Though I agree that in today's economy sanctions are going to hit everyone and not only the recipient, the links you posted don't really support what you are saying. Private rating agencies have a proven track record of inaccuracy with regards to their predictions and their credit ratings are rather laughable. The other link just tells the story of travel bans and asset freezes of some of Putin's collaborators. No hard economic figures anywhere. Heavily financialized economies such as the US are going to be more vulnerable to geopolitical instability, too. "[...] the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." — Hermann Göring, 1946 Unfortunately, the current climate of political apathy, devaluation of civic virtue and disappearance of critical thinking in the general populace only makes that sort of shepherding easier.
  23. I had the same experience with the Misery Mod (it was 2.0 when I played) minus the stuttering. I like some of the changes, but other changes straight up ruin the game adding nothing but tedium and making enemies beyond insanely difficult (no human should survive multiple headshots from a Dragunov, I don't care if he's wearing 3 helmets layered on top of each other). The bullet "sponginess" has been fixed somewhat in 2.1, from what I've read. The deal breaker for me was stuff like mutants being in berserk mode 24/7 and the economy being all over the place ("sure, I'll give you 150 rubles for that AK-74. That piece of bread you kinda need to avoid ****ing starving? 6,000 and it's yours"). Also "Hardcore aim", which you apparently can't deactivate, allows noob bandits to snipe you with a PMM from 200 m. Again, it's a pity because the mod adds a ton of other interesting stuff, such as artifact containment, cooking your own food, player character classes and *pretty* things like a gazillion different weapon and outfit combinations for NPCs. It's one of those mods I'd really like to like. Am downloading SGM at the moment. But yeah, we really need a new Stalker game...
  24. Oh, but that's not the argument I made, only the one you construed from amputating half my post. Pretty much in line with your tendency to mischaracterize the positions of others into black-or-white bull**** strawmen that you can then heroically ride in on your high horse and righteously put down. Try again! (protip: this time try making a rebuttal that is not a one-liner. You need to be witty and original for those to work, you are not quite there yet) Wouldn't it just be easier and more cordial just to say " no that's not the argument I made" ? Wouldn't it just be easier and more cordial not to misrepresent me in the first place? You know it's called passive-aggressive behavior for a reason, right?
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