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Everything posted by Mayama

  1. You mean blue outline you can get without scout mode? Nope in the left tower is a stone with a blue outline, in the right one is a stone with purple outline.
  2. I fount the workaround somewhere in the bug forum
  3. You are aware that stats have zero impact on classes in AD&D? Their is only one way to spend them for every class. The only thing that stats did in AD&D was showing you how much you missed to perfection. AD&D had zero varition, if you would have removed the stats and gave every class just some defined numbers than the game wouldnt have played any different. Especialy in a computer game where everyone could reroll til he had those perfect numbers.
  4. Yeah I noticed that too but thats something different, I didnt kill anyone in that area.
  5. Well I guess its a balance issue, you can balance a game around realistic stats ( realistic in the way that such people could actually exist) or balance it around min/max characters with 18 strength and 3 wisdom.
  6. The exact opposite of the item disappearing bug. 1) Started a new game 2) went straight to the second floor of the dracogen inn to get the quest 3)when I went down to the first floor again I noticed items laying around the stairs 2 A fine rod, fine battle axe, fine sword and a fine stiletto The only things I did beside talking to the quest giver on the second floor was taking the hidden staff on the second floor and talking to dengler on the first floor. I couldnt pick up the 5th item because it was on the stairs and no character could move thier, after some time that 5th item just disappeard. Edit: My party had a poleaxe, battle axe, hatchet, stiletto, morning star and a rod. So those mysterious items are not copies of what my party had.
  7. Its triggerd by loading a game from inside the game, you can work around it by loading from the start screen.
  8. Can't you hire an entire party from the tavern? Or is it prohibitively expensive to do so? You cant hire more than one guy from the tavern, its a bug.
  9. In other words, the atmosphere/discussion over there is virtually indistinguishable from the one that is occurring on this very thread. I don't disagree. LOL I read a bit through that thread and its basicaly some people raging over everything and a huge majority of people that are not in the beta chiming in. Their are also a lot of people disagreeing with the ragers.
  10. Yes exactly, the ingame loading is buggy and wipes out all quest progress.
  11. Im not sure about this but it kinda feels like that one of the main reasons behind the "we can build characters that are good at everything" problem is that we get to many skill points at character creation. Less points would mean that we have to choose what we want and make sacrifices.
  12. I would most likley never play with 6 self made characters because I would miss the chit chatter of my party. It would get even more complicated if theirs a character like Jan Jansen or Minsk in PoE.
  13. Monks should "unload" their wounds automaticaly, or their should be a setting for it.
  14. Off topic, nice svarte greiner avatar
  15. But that's hardly all that distinguishes a mage from a fighter in AD&D, is it. Fighters can't use wands or scrolls or cast spells. Mages can't wear armor or wield swords. Thats true and I personaly always felt that its kinda weird how AD&D handled it. Right now we have a very low level party in beta. Fighters and similar archetypes seem to get more weapon specialization skills than mage like characters. I guess we dont have a real clue how it progresses. In BG1 my low level mage casted some magic missiles and started to whack people with his staff. They should give us a arena like testing area where we could test high level parties too.
  16. It would only start again in another thread, better let it grow in a controlled enviroment.
  17. Well, I wouldn't call it imaginary. I would, however, call it "not significant enough". If the only thing distinguishing a rogue from a Barbarian is that the Barbarian can hit 2 beetles at the same time for 50 damage then wild sprint straight to the 3rd, while the rogue can sneak attack one Beetle for 50 damage then teleport to the second, that's not "class diversity". That's just 2 melee specialists using different l33t tools. It's not a whole lot different than having 2 mages...one who specializes in Evocation spells, and another who's focusing on Necromancy. IMO there should be more to distinguish the classes than just their combat talents. Whats your problem? Thats basicaly the difference between classes in AD&D. If you throw fireballs at someone or hit him with a sword its basicaly the same. The difference is that you are not forced to take useless characters with you like rogues because they are the only ones that can disarm traps and lock pick. It always felt anoying to be forced to bring a lockpickbot with you.
  18. No, it's fairly obvious that you don't get it. Let me try to sum up your argument, at least with respect to the stats: Characters with the lowest possible stat values are too effective; and/or Characters with the highest possible stat values are not effective enough; and/or The difference in effectiveness between the lowest and highest stat values is not large enough. Now, I'll admit that you may very well be right. Maybe stats below 10 should subtract effectiveness. Maybe stats above 10 should be more effective. Maybe both. What you are failing to grasp is that this is a beta. Things like stat values can change. In fact, changing them is trivial. If stats are not impactful enough, it's a simple matter to make them more so, assuming you can convince the devs to do so. The only thing he does is whining that the game is broken because some stats need a number tweak.
  19. HAHA, you are like the biggest troll here on this forum. The best part is that you are completly oblivious to everything that contradicts your statement. The fact that you dont even get what a troll you are is only the cherry on top. Why are you calling me a troll because I am pointing out how broken the game's system are? You guys are just all throwing fits instead of countering with sensible arguments. The game is fundamentally flawed, because there is no build diversity. Why do you think this thread exists? Did you even read the title? Living in denial must suck. Anyway, the game is broken and needs to be fixed. Sawyer failed. That is it. HAHA "living in denial". Self awareness must be completly alien to you. No one needs to counter your rants with sensible arguements. You act like a doom prophet that yells from the corner of the street and everyone ignores him while passing by.
  20. Today I learned that niche protection is the same thing as diversity. Mind = Blown You actually learned that the dumbing down in PoE has nothing to do with diversity, but interpret it however you like. OK last attempt: Diversity in AD&D: Classes with a fixed playstyle Diversity in PoE: Builds with flexible playstyle defined by the class you choose. You just cant get your head around the fact that you can make a thief tank, fighter tank, wizard tank etc. that your build also limits you to that type of playstyle and you cant do everything with one character is something you just dont get.
  21. HAHA, you are like the biggest troll here on this forum. The best part is that you are completly oblivious to everything that contradicts your statement. The fact that you dont even get what a troll you are is only the cherry on top.
  22. ONLY load your game from the start screen, if you load the game while playing it you reset all quests.
  23. The classes are not a smoke screen. Classes are about how you approach something, which toolset you use. Roles are defiines by builds. Yeah I think that's the difference. Roles are not defined by classes anymore but by builds. The only thing defining anything in this game is the abilities/spells you have, nothing else. There is no building. You choose a class and a trait and and spend completely meaningless attribute points. You can use every weapon, every armor and what not at your disposal. The game might as well just have one class that specializes in dealing damage and and another class that specializes in healing. There is no building and there is no diversity in this game, it is simply an illusion. You discriped the AD&D system to the point without even realizing it. You know the system used in the BG games. The only defining thing in AD&D games were the abilites and spells of the class. You did choose a class in AD&D and spend completly meaningless attribute points because their was only one perfect way to spend them on every class. You could use any armor, weapon in AD&D it just restricted you, like in this system. AD&D had classes specialized in dealing damage or healing etc. Their is diversity in this game you just refuse to see it. Most classes can do every role BUT they can only do that one role because the build you use makes them weak in the other roles.
  24. I totaly agree BUT I really hated those black areas on BG maps that you couldnt explore.
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