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Everything posted by thelee

  1. I've been giving TB mode a more serious try thanks to @Noqn's beta S4 mod, and I discovered an interesting thing that I hadn't known before: many effects that do periodic damage have their damage multiplied to simulate 6 seconds of time passing as one "round" hazard effects tick like every second (it's why their damage numbers frequently look so low), so their damage gets 6x-ed most persistent aoe effects only trigger on specific initiative points each round. (This makes it really easy to run in and out of e.g. a tanglefoot or a chill fog without getting hit. lucky for humans, enemy AI is too dumb to exploit AoEs like this.) TB mode hazard effects, however, trigger both on initiative but also while moving into or through it. all these points combined, especially with #4, means that every "unit" of movement in or through a hazard effect on TB mode triggers the 6x-ed damage. If you can kite enemies, knock them around, terrify them, or somehow just get them to move around, you can do a sick amount of damage with hazard effects. I discovered this with Wall of Thorns - ordinarily does 4-5 damage per hit on RTwP - it's 6x-ed to 24-30 on TB mode. I had hobbled enemies stumbling through it wracking up tens of damage with every "unit" of movement, not to mention the additional "tick" of 24-30 damage just from the once/round effect. Easily did hundreds upon hundreds of damage in one fight alone. There's not a lot of persistent hazard effects in the game, but I anticipate these all become damage kings on TB mode: Wall of Thorns Wall of Flame Wall of Force Wall of Draining <-no damage, but probably lots of drain Wall of Many Colors <- not sure if damage gets 6x due to the way this is implemented, but enemies do trigger the color effects a lot LMK if I missed anything. Interestingly, in the tooltips, the damage isn't 6x-ed for hazard effects like other durational things, so it must be a dynamic adjustment done when someone is hit. Given that movement/trigger damage is unintentionally 6x-ed, I wonder if priest seals (electric and searing) also get 6x-ed despite having no duration?
  2. BoW at 13/14 can be rough, but I typically do it at around ~14 and have a couple times done it around late 13 (though that's pushing it and I believe I relied a lot on chanter summons). It basically boils down to your party build: your ability to interrupt the main BoW antagonist while they are trying to cast Llengrath's Safeguard (or: if you have a way to repeatedly dispel effects) how good your balance of sustain and damage are. BoW has a decent number of bullet sponge enemies that can attrition you out if don't have enough damage or enough sustain (including the main BoW antagonist and the optional secondary boss fight). I think those are the main difficulty considerations. (There's also some really annoying kith-like enemies, by far the worst are archers that love to use Confounding Blind... I can't decide if the bullet sponges or the archers are the hardest part of BoW).
  3. i think overall that would be an extremely useful change. with the slight niggle that the only thing is that i feel like it'd still be useful to have mats or something for crafting consumables. you're getting some mats after some fights anyway. (and even for enchanting, getting an adra ban off the fire titan fight saved me some cash from having to buy it) but i can't deny it'd be heck of a lot more convenient to just worry about cash only i think it's fine to have "out of chronological order" stuff. makes this mod really like a battle sandbox (esp fun to have some of the items to buy that normally are only available like a few minutes before the end of the game)
  4. So now that I've gotten the hang of TB mode i think you hit a good spot with the cash rewards same thing with exp i was wondering how you were going to deal with the treasure hunting part, glad to see they all get unlocked some thoughts: remove high-level scrolls and bombs from vendors? seems a bit trivializing that it's easy to buy 5 scrolls of maelstrom, at least make people craft for it c'mon! edit: similar thing with foods. edit 2: well, maybe not foods, since the nice ones are expensive enough that they may be more of a tradeoff to buy and rest spam similarly, it feels like mats should be split up, like one person gets jewels, one person gets creature parts, one person gets the other stuff. makes it hard scrolling through least unstable coil guy's inventory. edit: eh, maybe not, upon further play it's nice that i don't have to run around while trying to remember what mats i needed for an upgrade.
  5. you know, i think actually some other chanter invocations also last past end of combat (i seem to recall opening with a buff invocation that didn't do anythign because i had still carried it over from a previous fight), though may not be as powerful to use with strand of favor compared to immunities
  6. dang. while the art is definitely more coherent than the other one, it's wild to me that the corpus is so different that it doesn't know what you're talking about. (lol at the AI generated craiyon poe screenshots though) does "screenshot" as a prompt do anything?
  7. if you're just casting, as an end game weapon you could use weyc's wand. when you empower an ability you get +3 PL for 20 seconds (intellect would help boost it), which can make your casting phase go pretty well. In fact, this might be a good synergy for any caster paired with a darcozzi for any hard fights. With Least Unstable Coil, you could empower the Darcozzi's Lay on Hands on your self. Every time you get hit and trigger you minor flame aura damage, you'd trigger another tier 3 inspiration. Eventually you'd get Brilliant. (I think you can also keep this effect going by re-using Lay on Hands on yourself. The game "remembers" that the original use was empowered, and just refreshes the duration. Though the flame aura should last plenty long by itself). You'd basically be able to cast druid spells in perpetuity, with a +3 PL for much of it. or you could just keep shifting into forms (though brilliant won't restore spiritshift) and spam flames of devotion over and over and over and over again.
  8. only bear and boar forms get the engagement in unmodded deadfire, a few of the forms do pierce: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/227477-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/faqs/76599/druid
  9. oop also small consideration - even on PotD the spiritshift forms can be pretty tanky, and I think bear form plus the defensive paladin aura should give you some pretty decent hardiness; you end up with AR equivalent to heavy armor (with no weaknesses), automatically enchanted to a reasonable level, plus an additional +2 AR
  10. i haven't explored this combo before, and you probably have already considered it, but loading up on the wildstrike and spamming flames of devotion seems like a decent melee-ing option. As a plus, upgrading flames of devotion to add a damage lash would be useful for switching out of a form and blasting enemies with a few spells as needed. (if you use spells like wicked briars and venombloom you probably could open with them and then when you get the flames of devotion lash later the damage should dynamically update) boar is going to be your premier melee-dps-er because of the stacking DoT, and the lash from flames of devotion plus the bonus damage from the mark should really skyrocket its effectiveness.
  11. i'm just curious - if you're not really wild about the monk subclasses, why are you thinking about doing a monk run? and anyway, when push comes to shove, the really powerful stuff is not subclass-dependent. boeroer has a lot of useful info, but i do think that forbidden fist is quite different from the general monk experience, so even if you grok how to play it, it's ok to just say no :). if you just do end up going vanilla monk, it's not the end of the world. n.b. i have become more of a fan of xoti's subclass for mid-high level play in recent times, if modding/consoling that in is something you're considering. with whispers of the wind, the +3 wounds upon enemy death can help you chain together non-stop uses of the ability (esp coupled with dance of death).
  12. hey man, action economy considerations really different in TB mode! you can get wrecked pretty badly when naga outnumber you like 2x and focus fire and they are all guaranteed a turn each round
  13. lol i'm using S4 as an opportunity to try out higher-level turn-based mode and i honestly have only just managed to get past the second fight (naga one); quite a steep learning curve for TB-mode coming from dedicated RTwP play. so not much comment yet.
  14. heya any update on a version with pets and such? edit: @Noqn, also it might be useful to also provide superior small shield, medium shield, large shield at start of S4
  15. sorry i replied to your dm w/out seeing this post - were you able to get to a dual-wielding state that didn't crash?
  16. the biggest is that duality of mortal presence can give you up to +10 intellect (doesn't stack with inspirations), which is huge for a caster, especially one that also cares about buff/debuff durations. secondary: the accuracy bonus from dance of death also benefits spells. the PEN and might bonus from thundering blows benefits offensive spells, and the might bonus benefits heals also. swift strikes' action speed and dex inspiration makes casting much faster. tertiary: blessed harvest gets you a finisher that is an easy way to trigger xoti's monk subclass and her lantern
  17. if you had some kind of "vision" that would be pretty useful in guiding the choices here, or at least knowing what your other party members are because xoti as a monk (or any monk) is b e a s t m o d e, essentially. if all you want to do is max out damage, then you should easily make xoti an SC monk, without question. but xoti does indeed function as a decent priest, and a decent monk-priest. it depends on what you need in your party. if you need more support, then priest. if you need a flex character, then contemplative. there's not exactly a "wrong" decision here. that being said, i don't see taking tekehu along as a conflict. druids (tekehu in particular) are good at healing and elemental damage, whereas xoti's priest subclass is good at buffing/debuffing and blessed harvest. they don't really overlap, even if xoti borrows a few spells from druid's spell list (you probably wouldn't bother with taking some of them as tekehu, and it's not bad to double-up on castings of, say, wicked briars).
  18. as a side effect, does this mean that animal companion playing dead can also be targeted by Garden of Life healing or the corpse explosion chanter invocation??
  19. Josh Sawyer mentioned he had been griping about the marketing for a game he worked on. He obviously didn't specify which game, but I have to imagine it's Deadfire, right? There's evidence of the marketing guy getting fired/not having contract renewed. There's also the fact that the Steam page/ultimate edition now completely downplays ship imagery (whereas the backer mouse pad I have reflects the imagery they were going for originally, which is high seas fantasy). And, like you say, I learned about Tyranny through promotions and such and I can still recall the highly stylized art in the promos, whereas I backed Deadfire and barely saw anything about it.
  20. if "more competition" is really the issue, then you'd expect sales/audience to drop off of all the other games, but as far as i can tell, DOS2, Wasteland 3, WOTR all out-performed DOS, Wasteland 2, P:K. similarly, it's clear obsidian was expecting a bigger hit with Deadfire than with PoE1 so ultimately, it's not just the sales drop from PoE1 that is a big mystery, but also the sales drop from where a generic PoE2 should have been at, versus where it ended up being.
  21. Psychic/Brutal Backlash. It messes up trying to take on Sigilmaster Auranic. The infinite range effects of the sigils will cause you to ineffectively retaliate against the terror one iirc, which will defeat any attempt at staying stealthed or de-aggroed while you try to take a breather. I had a cipher that had the backlash and had to end up rotating them out for a level 19 merc for auranic.
  22. yeah i think the refreshing of the duration is the crazy realization in this post. i had no inkling that the damage would keep climbing up instead of resetting.
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