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Everything posted by thelee

  1. yeah i'm pretty sure that unless you have a second enchantment (either burning burst or enduring flame) or have abilities that add burn damage, the heal effect is really lame. you might want to save and then enchanting it and then attacking a townperson with it to make sure (reloading once you've verified one way or the other).
  2. 1. Street Sweeper 2. Pukestabber For Street Sweeper, in most runs, I don't even enchant it to prefer cleaning only hostile or only beneficial effects, because the versatility of doing both per hit is awesome. (I'm either stripping enemies of their defenses, or I'm using it to save an ally from a hard CC) For Pukestabber I just how hilariously flavorful the weapon is, in addition to really powering up based on using in-game alcohol (which sometimes has pretty muted rest effects compared to non-hangover food).
  3. I updated my OP with my findings from spiritual weapon (they actually have a lash range of 21.25 to 31, not 20 to 30) and added a POSTSCRIPT 2 where I strongly suspect there's a single script function that is either implemented incorrectly or explained incorrectly so designers are implementing these disposition scaling thinking it does one thing when it really does another.
  4. Aggressive and diplomatic are complete opposites ^_^ . By the way, as far as I know Priest and Pal companions have no disposition, their disposition-based abilities improve with level ups. This is not the case. Please see the original post. Priest and pal companions still use dispositions and they register their disposition ranks based on what your dispositions are. (So if you are a kind wayfarer with a bleakwalker companion, your bleakwalker companion ain't going to be doing too well for disposition-scaling stuff. For role-playign purposes imagine that your bleakwalker companion really isn't happy with you being a goody two-shoes.)
  5. mage slayer in deadfire is actually much less onerous than the bg2 version. the bg2 version wasn't just "can't use potions/scrolls" it was "can't use any magical items other than weapons and armor" IIRC. it also had a lame 10% per hit spell failure (instead of 25%) and a really lame spell resistance (something like 1% per level).
  6. Yeah but the Wizard Slayer kit being garbage is tradition. How does uncanny luck provide better spell resistance? Mage Slayer gets 25%. Admittedly it protects against friendly spells, but if you work around that (lay on hands?) it's much better.
  7. The party-killing issue can't be reproduced from loading the save directly. The way I tend to trigger it is to have a save where maia leaves the party. Make another save later. Load that save. And then later load the earlier save. When j do that there is a good chance that after maia leaves my party again, my entire party dies. It makes me think there's some weird interaction with this bug that only happens when I'm loading an older save and some game state isn't being restored correctly.
  8. Nope. Have arrived to the same conclusion. P.S. And do like Boeroer's suggestion of removing +1 rage cost penalty; but reducing max rage pool by 2 instead. If needed, corpse-eater can have a small penalty to deflection and reflex while... consuming. Incendax's suggestion is also nice and looks better than the current state. Problem with reducing max rage pool by 2 is that for PL1 you literally can't use any abilities, and for PL2 you can only use frenzy or shout despite having access to barbaric blow. Yes, I assumed that Flesh Communion allowed you to exceed your starting "max" Rage. I think it's stupid that there's a ceiling. You know, if you kept your max rage the same, but implemented it as a start-of-combat hit of -2 to your rage, that would probably be just fine. for PL1 and PL2 you have to consume a corpse to use an ability, but later on, it just means eating one corpse gives you a "profit."
  9. thanks for all the research. looks like carnage is pretty weak compared to poe1. it seems like in general with end-game gear, the add'l damage from carnage is going to be a really minor contribution to your net damage output (since they're not benefiting from better weapon enchants). given my own thoughts about the state of the corpse-eater, i wish i had voted barbarian most underpowered instead of ranger in that informal poll. PS: any mod feel like stickying this thread? (and the power level compilation thread) i feel like [MECHANICS]-labeled deep-dives should be easily findable. EDIT: maybe carnage is not too bad. 33% of base weapon damage scaled by might and PL when you're hitting two additional enemies with it is basically like getting an additional legendary enchant on your weapons (discounting a bit for the fact that focus-firing is better than an equivalent amount of total damage spread out). it's just not the massive aoe dps monster that carnage was in poe1. it also means might is super important for a barb (though it was in a way for poe1 too since it additively combined with the carnage damage penalty in poe1).
  10. Nope. Have arrived to the same conclusion. P.S. And do like Boeroer's suggestion of removing +1 rage cost penalty; but reducing max rage pool by 2 instead. If needed, corpse-eater can have a small penalty to deflection and reflex while... consuming. Incendax's suggestion is also nice and looks better than the current state. Problem with reducing max rage pool by 2 is that for PL1 you literally can't use any abilities, and for PL2 you can only use frenzy or shout despite having access to barbaric blow.
  11. Well, now there are ten of them and counting. Honestly this might be a bad enough bug (mostly the party death) that I have to abandon this particular run until it gets fixed. It's such an utter waste of time to deal with.
  12. Simplest way to explain this is with pictures. I have the following set up on one of my characters: If I cast spiritual weapon (summons pistol and sword) while using weapon set #1, the moment the spiritual weapon appears the axe is replaced with the special magran priest sword (as expected) but also all the "copied" versions of the axe disappears. when the spiritual weapon wears off, the axe comes back, but not the copies. Notably, if I have weapon set #3 active and cast spiritual weapon, then I only lose that one, the copy in weapon set #2 is still intact. I still don't get the copy back when the spiritual weapon wears off. See below: (Similarly, if I have weapon set #2 active and cast spiritual weapon, I lose that one and the copy in #3 and I don't get any of them back when the spiritual weapon wears off.) This has been an issue since 1.0 and is connected with any summoned weapon. Optimally, it would be best if the "copies" that currently get erased after summoning a weapon were left untouched and then the copy that gets replaced by the summoned weapon is restored. Here's a dropbox link to an output_log as well as an autosave where one can play around with my CHARNAME setup and spiritual weapon to see this in action. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/osoffzyzj8b4fs6/AAA5lgkBGi4M8G71NAkkc967a?dl=0
  13. There's already a thread in the patch beta bugs forum that the level up/character creation screen is broken, but I want to point out that the problem is more pervasive than that. Exhibit A: just look at this screenshot: (Done by right-clicking a spell while in the ability selection screen of the AI script editor) Exhibit B: when you refill ship supplies, you can no longer click to change the amount on the scrollbars (I always would refill and click on the left arrow a bit on the supplies to make room for stuff I would find while exploring; can't do that now, I have to manually enter a number or drag the scrollbar itself)
  14. Well... that was weird. Just now I reloaded an older save, got the "Maia has left the ship" message, and then I took a few more steps and... my entire party died???? This is actually the second time this has happened with this Maia leaving the ship bug, but I had hoped the first time was a one off.
  15. This might be a hotfix regression or it might have been an issue since 1.2. Basically, I'm siding with the VTC, I blew up the powderhouse, and then when in the palace, I admitted it was me and murdered both the Hazanui and Prince Arahui. I left Neketaka by sea and Tekehu and Maia left my party. OK, that's fine. I do a bounty, come back to the world map and walk a bit... Maia left my party. Huh? Maybe I misremembered Maia leaving my party earlier. Enter an in-game encounter, finish it, come back to the world map and sail a bit... Maia left my party. OK, now I'm pretty sure things are weird. I checked my inventory (I kept selecting "put in stash" for the notice) and see three Maia's farewell letters. This is pretty ridiculous. I'm up to five letters and it doesn't appear like it's going to stop (I tried exiting and restarting the game, since that tends to clear up some weird issues). Below is a screenshot showing five (!!) of Maia's Farewell letters. Here's a dropbox link containing an output_log and a save where this issue is occuring: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0olp2ei5fjo8e3j/AAD0eP93AS09MKKcwjC3beP2a?dl=0
  16. again, I'm not too familiar with playing with barbarians but I thought it was the case that Berserkers were good because you could just intellect inspiration your way out of the main downside (the confuse). the hit->crit and tenacious/hardy upgrades (+2 pen and +2 AR over normal frenzy) sound amazing to me to have at will at PL1, even with the raw damage and hidden health (i mean hidden health was the norm for berserking in BG2 and pillars so I'm used to it). i might be more OK with a corpse-eater merely if flesh communion had like a 6m range. the biggest problem I have with it is the fact that you physically have to get over to the corpse you want to commune with. that's a huge opportunity cost (not to mention losing a lot of tactical positioning and possibly messing with engagement/disengagement) on top of the 6s, unless I'm somehow funnelling all kith/wilder/beasts to the corpseeater specifically.
  17. Which one ? I assume that only Magran and Skaen is viable options for pure Priest, Skaen because his symbol target deflection. All others symbols target fortitude i.e bosses will **** you :D This isn't poe1, so fortitude isn't the end-all defense for enemies (even big ones) like it was, and it's much easier to debuff fortitude in deadfire (worst case scenario just grab a morning star proficiency for a huge, unresistable -25). also determining viability for pure priest based on one PL8 spell is sort of.... not right? also you must be mistakenbecause i think the only symbols that target fortitude are wael's and berath's. Magran gives you a lot of nukes to cast, Berath doesn't give you as much (just Touch of Rot essentially), but gives you some interesting debuffs and also Rot Skulls which is a really nice summoned weapon. Still good and comparable to Magran, just not as good as Skaen or Wael imo.
  18. I haven't played barbarians much, so I was thinking of rolling one. Corpse-eater sounded interesting at first. Oh, eat a kith/wilder/beast corpse and get +3 rage and heal +50 health? Neato. Oh, it takes 3s with 3s recovery and at 0 range? Oh, well, I guess it has to be balanced out somewhere. But wait, this downside: "abilities cost 1 more rage"... what?? Never mind that your likely rage spenders are super cheap so +1 rage cost is a massive increase (with 6 rage you could do 6 barbaric roars on a vanilla barbarian vs... 3), but the +1 rage cost means that if you use three abilities in a fight, you have to eat at least one corpse in a fight just to do the same thing a vanilla barbarian can. I.E. with 6 rage you can barbarian blow three times with a vanilla barb, or barbarian blow twice, eat corpse, barbarian blow again and now you've just done what a normal barbarian could already do... you don't really start to benefit in most cases until the second corpse (and if you're spamming frenzy/shouts you actually need three corpses to turn a "profit"). I mean, sure, you heal 50 health/corpse, but this ignores the fact that you probably had to break off an engagement to go eat a random corpse and the opportunity cost of wasting 6 seconds to do this (likely more with armor). And in fights with vessels/spirits/primordials, you're just straight up worse than a vanilla barbarian. Seems like an awful lot of downside for little gain (e.g. long kith/wilder/beast fights where you can eat enough corpses to turn a "profit" all while that 6 second/corpse opportunity cost isn't somehow costing you the fight). Am I missing something here? Is kith meat/forbidden pie just that good in practice?
  19. So first of all i played shattered every run because it fixes the one weakness monk has over everything else, get wounds when not being focused. And its outstanding at doing exactly that. So you accusing me of "not playing just considering" is you being unfair and just making assumptions instead of arguing the issue. I really dont want to deal with people who do that quite frankly because this is online and i simply dont have to and theres enough monkeys doing that irl. In general if people attack a person directly by devaluing their opinion overall in this way it means they are bad at arguing the issue because they have anything valid to say. I will address this disaster with priest tho as a last thing i do. You can not actually be serious about ignoring the fact that priests clearly have no impactful subclass WHEN EVERY OTHER CLASS HAS SUBCLASSES THAT ADD TO THE WAY THEY ARE PLAYED rather than just move around a few spells. You ignore this fact entirely and just focus on the arbitrary fact that priest "technically" has no "vanilla" state and thereby completely circumventing the issue which IS OBVIOUSLY THERE. And again with the personal insult instead of staying on topic very nice.. ResidentSleeper Sorry, but this just tells me you don't know how to play priests. Skaen/Wael get bonus spells/abilities that can radically change how you play the character. E.G. a wael+martialclass multiclass is just so radically different from anyotherpriest+martialclass that I can't believe you can say "priests clearly have no impactful subclass" with a straight face. Berath/Magran have impactful differences to, just to a lesser extent than Skaen/Wael. Technically speaking, though, Boeroer is right. Paladins and priests used to have negatives (very severe imo) which basically made them have no non-subclass version. There was never intended to be a "vanilla" way to play those classes. (Though in current release Eothas is very close to a vanilla priest with a severe lack of unique spells.) Also Monks already have built-in solutions to this; Dance of Death and Mortification. You can also just roll a Nazpalca who will get tooooons of wounds while still not being focused on. IMO Shattered Pillar got hit with nerf bat during backer beta/release a bit too hard. All I know is that a lot of people in like BB1 talked about Shattered Pillar like it was the best thing since sliced bread and now virtually no one talks about it.
  20. It appears that Drunkard's Regret properly prevents hangover from alcohol as of 1.2 (I recently resolved a bug I filed in 1.1 for this). However, it does not prevent "Unforgettable Hangover" from drinking "Forgetful Night". I'm guessing Drunkard's Regret was updated to properly prevent the "hangover" effect from most alcohol, but this left out the special "unforgettable hangover" effect from Forgetful Night. Here's a dropbox link to an autosave where someone has the drunkard's regret equipped and a forgetful night buff, along with an output_log from a game in which the unforgettable hangover effect occured nonetheless. To reproduce this issue, simply rest and consume any food other than mariner's breakfast (which prevents any hangover). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mbyrvgldrxan5hl/AADqZh89ogZyU6LuFZ3QUNBta?dl=0
  21. From a priest perspective, in addition to using Barring Death's Door (or another immortality effect like Shieldbearer's lay on hands) as Reviving Exhortation wears off, you could also use Salvation of Time to extend the Reviving Exhortation effect (which is what triggers the massive damage when it wears off). But yeah, these are just hacks on top of what appears to be an extremely badly implemented ability. They should halve the damage it deals. I'm fine with the 4 zeal cost because res effects should not come easily (and the different classes that can res do so at different power levels. arguably priest top rezzers, followed by druid or chanter, and then by paladin (with fighter self-res at last)).
  22. yes, i can confirm that Pallegina Order (Frermas Mes Canc Suolias) doesn't have any kind of disposition, i've tried that unlocking the hidden classes with a mod also stated in the factions.gamedatabundle { "$type": "Game.GameData.PaladinOrderGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Frermas_Mes_Canc_Suolias", "ID": "4bc2b585-82e5-4e26-a86b-1cf7b0313fe1", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.PaladinOrderComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 25, "PositiveDispositionsIDs": [], "NegativeDispositionsIDs": [] } ] } Any idea about which ones should fit better for this order? Just off the top of my head, I'd say Positive: Aggressive, Diplomatic, and Negative: Passionate, Clever. The Frermas strike me as equal parts negotiators and enforcers, and they seem very rules-oriented. I wonder if the intent was for any party to be able to use Pallegina without worrying about gimping her, and that's why she has no reputations. But, I mean, the downside is relatively low...
  23. I did a mod where i've changed the requirements of the the scrolls (levels & skills), so following what you stated , have those scroll spells a greater PL based on the new requirements ? I don't think the levels need to be higher. Scrolls in general got a huge nerf in 1.2, so unless you really want to gimp scrolls it might be worth seeing how the current in-game levels work out.
  24. I think this aspect of Arcane Dampener was a bug that got stealthfixed in 1.2. I definitely remember having issues trying to rebuff from an Arcane Dampener while it was still active but post 1.2 I just recently had a fight where I was able to rebuff while still having an Arcane Dampener effect active.
  25. imo concussive shot/tranq were saving graces for my first party, which had maia and my charname was an itinerant (berath/ghost heart). i think it's better than arcane dampener. arcane dampener is temporary and in any hard fight it goes away and all the buffs come back with the duration they had when they got hit. concussive tranq is an effectively permanent solution and works pretty well on the enemy casters with high will. no aoe though i guess :/
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