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Darth Riker Ketra

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Everything posted by Darth Riker Ketra

  1. Its coming out on the 8th in Future Shop.
  2. I think they should recall it, when it comes out i want it to be bug free to the most extent
  3. Ya i read the review on gamespy. It was pretty disappointing. If the game is gonna be released next week ie probably the 8th, they better recall it and fix all the bugs/glitches, such as the game crashng, party members, etc. Or they should improve and fix them before it gets shipped to stores. They have 3 days left and they better make use of it. Bioware when they made kotor 1, there was a few glitches/bugs, but not as worse as kotor 2. I dunno, but it maybe the developer. Thats just my opinion.
  4. Its coming here feb 8th in stores, i cant wait yay. OH YA
  5. you can check the game's system requirements on the website. It may help. I suggest u get a nice Nvidia CarD :D
  6. For ppl who live in canada and have future shop stores ie toronto, go to the link: http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/dept.asp?...6+Toys&catid=15 It tells us when the game will be out in that store ie Feb 08, 05 I cant wait :D (w00t)
  7. Very disappointing considering the longer wait... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes i am very disappointed. I find their lack of faith disturbing
  8. Are you going to be either a male or a female, since its good to play both like in kotor, you get to have conversations a lot (not a spoiler)
  9. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/kotor2/preview_6116951-2.html An excerpt from the article <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm... i saw it, Well we can always wait till then, but wat if the game's website puts it as a different date either earlier or b4. And also if you guys know the actiontrip website says feb 5th.
  10. Hmm... are you going to start 'rebalancing' it right away? (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D Well I have to handed it to you, Hades. That's a pretty great attitude. If you don't like something about the game, then mod it. I knew you would see the "light" ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So its confirmed huh? February 10th... Thanks for telling us Hades <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought its gonna be the 8th of Feb??? Thats wat most sites say... dunno lol. but when it comes out i will get it lol. Be the first in line
  11. I hope the delivery isn't delayed from the snow <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would truly suck... But I know the dude at my local game store which is the only reason I pre-ordered. I hate pre-orders because they take forever to deliver your game but I'm getting the first copy from my store so I'm pretty much guaranteed it will arrive the day of its release. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You pre-ordered eh? Good luck wit that lol u will get it maybe on time or not. I would rather go to the store and buy it when the store opens and i wouldnt skip school for that. Its just a game, nothing much. You can always wait till more copies come out. And it comes out i think the 5th of feb which is next week saturday.
  12. NEVER GO BY THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. I ran KotOR on a 350 (w/ a Ti 500) and it worked. I also tried running it on a friends 733 and my 900 and it worked on those machines aswell. When I tried running it on my other friend's 2.66, it had trouble because that machine had an Intel Extreme 2 card. I think the game is more GPU intensive than CPU intensive. A P3 866 should suffice... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I see, hmmm well in that case, i better go grab a pc version when it comes out :D , or hopefully get it for a gift . Cuz i have no dvd rom, hmm ya kotor did work on my 866 and it was ok, actually most new games work thx to my ram and video card (w00t) Well thanks again DARTH NI
  13. There is exactly 15 days for the game to come out so we can buy it. I hope they put up some trailers for the pc version. They already have the sys requirements, those who haven't checked it you can.
  14. There is no such thing as a 6800 Ultra GTO. There is a 6800 GTO, and there is a 6800 Ultra but no such thing as an Ultra GTO. A Ti 4200 will be fine for KotOR 2, according to the system requirements, the reccomended VC is Ti 4200, 9200 or better. Don't bother upgrading now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I see your point, but my pc is only AGP 4 X not 8 X and my processor is pentium 3 866mhz wit 512mb sdram and since does kotor 2 posted their sys req? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah i saw the sys requirements on the site, thx anyway, it will work just like the original did, only thing, it will lag cuz of processor. One question though? Will the game be out for pc or dvd? cuz on the sys it said u need cd rom and dvd rom recommended. So just an issue there and will the game come with a cd key? Thanks
  15. There is no such thing as a 6800 Ultra GTO. There is a 6800 GTO, and there is a 6800 Ultra but no such thing as an Ultra GTO. A Ti 4200 will be fine for KotOR 2, according to the system requirements, the reccomended VC is Ti 4200, 9200 or better. Don't bother upgrading now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I see your point, but my pc is only AGP 4 X not 8 X and my processor is pentium 3 866mhz wit 512mb sdram and since does kotor 2 posted their sys req?
  16. So my AGP X 4 will work then? Even though my processor is slow? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AGP 4x has a transfer rate of 1.1GB/s. Sure an 8x AGP or 16x PCI-E slot will make the difference of a few frames but AGP 4x is fine for most games provided you have a good enough video card... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well right now i have a GForce 4 Ti 4200 - 128mb, dunno but that worked on kotor 2 and most new games, a little lag tho. Waiting to probably get a 6800 Ultra GTO hopefully.
  17. Hey guys, If you go to the kotor 2 website and go to game info, then go to Chronicles. If you read the last 2 chronicles sections, it may give a storyline on the characters and what not. I am not sure if I am right about the storyline, but it has little detail. Check it out for yourself. I thought I'll let u know and brought it up, just like that. Cant wait for the pc version of kotor 2. :D
  18. I agree about the graphics for kotor 1 and 2. Probably it may take up more hard drive space, who knows? We have to find out
  19. Just wondering, who here watched the Spike TV Video Game Awards? The best rpg title was Fable Come on, kotor 2 shoulda got it. Some ppl made coments on Fable shouldnt have been rpg title. And the GOTY was GTA San Andreas, that got alot of awards. Its too bad that kotor 2 didnt get any. I hate those non - star wars fans or anti star wars ppl. What are your opinions?
  20. Have u ppl ever thought of or eager if Lucas Films made a movie based on kotor 1 and kotor 2? It will be great and thats what i think :D If they do intend on making one in the late future, I hope the movie becomes # 1 on the box office, lol (w00t)
  21. You can ask the sales people at the store where you bought it from or you can ask Prima the company who made it. I have the guide but its the magazine one. Good luck findin it.
  22. I got the game for xbox from EB games from Eaton Center:D Toronto rulz!!!!.... Bastilla Skywalker, i can save a copy for u,
  23. See if you will make it as the Sith or in the Republic. The Sith rules while Republic sux lol :D
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