It is not so revolutionary, and it rarely improves the original. PS:T, Starcraft have no sequels(and starcraft was a big hit), pirates is a remake, Bloodlines is not a sequel to redemption, half life 1 was better(gameplay) . Age of epires 1 was a joke. ANd the warcraft games are entirely new games. W3 is a RPS, not even a rts. Civilazation 1 was better, unreal 1 was better than 2, as unreal tournament, Beyond Kondor was better trhan return to Kondor, Bubble Boblu was better than 2, street fighter 1 was better than 2,3, 4 and so on, rise of nations had no sequel, and it was good, Master of Orion 1 is better than master of orion 2 and 3