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Planar Jedi

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Everything posted by Planar Jedi

  1. Since God is merciful, and Jesus never talked about hell, i think the concept of hell is not real
  2. And most times it is more a fashion, not a true change because your privious religion was not satisfying enough. The question is not what kind of god exists, but if any kind of god exists
  3. Religion is a vital part of human society. It is like muscles for the human body
  4. And women i think were too minor at those times in hebrewic society to be worthy to mention(no sex offence)
  5. Well i think that members of the same family could marry in such times. Though the thing about Cain raises a lot of question
  6. The point is that religion is like time: is it real or imaginary, something creared to give a reason for existance?
  7. If we explain every mystery by crafting something, then our world would not advance. I tend to believe in god, i don't believe in hell, and in alliens. And the bible is not made up.It is either true, or : i have heard that a part of our brains actually can create a state of mind, where we are likely to see things like visions, but we don't know they are creations of our mind, so some people may think they have contacted with the god, but that is just imaginary, or the reason for activating that part of the brain is due to god intervantion
  8. Hades One you should know, you are the god of the realm of the dead afterwards
  9. If locked down we could continue in way off topic. ot is very interesting
  10. We will know the time we die(if we die. we can't prove that death ends our consciousness either). The existance of god is like the existance of aliens, nearly impossible to prove it being right or wrong.
  11. Yes but can you accept that? Besides, it is hard to say, but since we are all different none is equal. Some are superior and others infrerior(not in society, in biological terms). And i should have said"leaders who we think are uber". My mistake.
  12. I swooped raced once for the credits, and i pazzaked once for the credits.I was pretty damn good, but it was really boring to beat every pazzak player at about ten or more times to get all his money
  13. As thou wishst
  14. This is uot of topic. Sign The existance or not of god is something that can simply not be proven. You can't prove that god exists, nor you can entirely deny his existance, because these are things beyond comprehension. Can you trully understand what eternity means? Or soul? In order to have an organised society there must be some kind of religion. God(s) is/are supposed to be greater than humans, and thus it is a form of discrimination. Without religion, no stable society can survive, because people would all be entirely equal. Religion makes our mind possitive towards the belief that some beings are uber, or that some people are uber, or that we must have some leaders, who are uber.
  15. Jedi Podo if you lived in another country you would know that something is always better in its native language. If you translate a comedy, for example, half of the jokes will not be translated, because languages are not the same. And hellenic is a great (but difficult) language
  16. Arcade would be better if your character skills made the results. RPG are not about your abilities, they are about the guy you roleplay abilities
  17. I highly anticipate the reviews, from gamers mostly
  18. Hades One is right on that matter. Christmas were made up to prevent Christians from participating in some paganistic celebration of the god of Sun, which was in December
  19. Or maybe they have to do with the story. X box side prevents me from seeing clearly
  20. When they translate games it sounds horrible. Better english than wrong and full of mistakes and funny accent home language
  21. But developing games for Antarctica OS is difficult(but the tradeoff is probably worthy the cold)
  22. He is a scoundrel, not very muscular but extra endurant. Does it make any sense? he is on an important mission and he always plays with all the females he sees, trying to cause a public conflict, and finally get into prison and be executed. (If the pc is ds he will get off the prison, and he would seek to ruin the republic). And there is probably the planet of the Hutt in the game. See?
  23. Will we ever get more info on the prestige classes? It is no spoiler after all.
  24. He is already happy. He just became happier. As long as games are on windows, i want Gates happy.(because his pc affairs goes well). Personaly, me hates xbox
  25. No. Atton Rand is a Hutt disquised in human form in order to ruin the Republic
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