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Planar Jedi

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Everything posted by Planar Jedi

  1. As always no offence
  2. You must be ashamed of what you said. You don't belong here.
  3. PC: Kotor, W3 Frozen Throne, Vtm Redemption and Bloodlines, Perimeter
  4. I have said that my friend in obsidian told me that the msg is Master Vrook(the old and nasty one) and Deadeye Duncan is the final villain in Kotor 3
  5. Carth Vader i lost my respect to you. You are a foul minion of xboxness, and thus your taint must be cleansed. For the Pcedi
  6. Revan: ''Pc, i am your father and my female clone is your mother''
  7. Chris is giving us all we need to believe that Obsidian is a good game developer. And i think he is not lying.
  8. Luke is the ideal Jedi. He is trhe creator of the new jedi order, and he starts a new era in sw. Is that not enough?
  9. my first time was full of crashes. I did not enjoy it at all.
  10. He had teeth. To be bad you have to have bad teeth. if you have no teeth at all you are a zero
  11. I heard that every time you take a penguin, Darth Gates power(money) diminishies
  12. That is why Malak sucked. He had no teeth at all. Muhahaha
  13. Ups something went wrong
  14. Penguins are linux
  15. Well it is natural i guess. And don't forget his teeth. Because of that he is the best villain ever
  16. Or you are not worthy enough to see him
  17. quote: And why is that? Because the xbox really sucks. It is plain simple
  18. I want to join that club. I have a list for more than 1000000 people in my country who need SAxLM assistance. And don't forget the Penguins, who are the only able to fight Emperor Gates and his X-box empire
  19. I know. That is why i admire him
  20. And get his as*ss delivered by obi wan
  21. Yes but if we count official what is in the first three movies, (and a lot of people refer only to the movies) vader is just the one who brings the balance to the force. Nothing more nothing else. And he was not even a Dark lord, and he coulded kill an 80 year old guy. And luke lost to ethe emperor, and vader lost to luke, and anakin is vader, and anakin lost to both obi wan and dooku, and dooku was under Sidious, so sidious is more powerful than both vader and anakin(and yoda if what we have heard about episode 3 is true)
  22. As i remember this isnt "real", but big woop he wasnt all metal anyways, if you had a full metal body then you would be a chunk of metal with a head, that was not what happened to vader he had a suit that allowed him to live. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually he was something like what you mention. In episode 3 we will see anakin's and vader's true inner power(being burnt). And sidious showing what true sith means
  23. Did i ever call it an easy secret?
  24. And vader took the emperor out of complete surprise, and even if he was half killed every electric shocj would kill Vader, and he had a metal body while the emperor was 80+ years old
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