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Everything posted by eRe4s3r

  1. oder "Er trägt eine Augenklappe mit einem aufgestickten Augapfel-Emblem und ein Ohr ist nur ein Stummel der zuckt und krampft, während das andere Ohr sich munter aufstellt, als du dich näherst." Ps.: Ich weiß gerade nicht ob man Augapfel-Emblem überhaupt so schreibt ;P Aber wenn ich das Englische lese denke ich an ein Emblem das auf seine Augenklappe gestickt worden ist. patch and stitched jedenfalls wurden im Englischen benutzt um darauf hinzudeuten das es hier eben um ein aufgesticktes Emblem (eben einen "patch" im Bezug auf eine Augenklappe) geht. Das mit mangled remnant ist aber auch etwas komisch. Sinngemäß ist was Pho geschrieben hat aber 100% korrekt. PPs.: Ja ich weiß das ich das Englische hier etwas "short" nehme. Daher ich übersetze generell lieber Sinngemäß als wörtlich, das ist im Englischen nämlich sonst immer mit sehr komischen Sätzen verbunden die man so im Deutschen nie sagen würde. Man hat nur 2 Ohren, also ein Ohr, das andere Ohr. Das es SEIN Ohr ist ja logisch, immerhin ended er Satz mit "his head" also sein Kopf. Da musst du nicht noch "sein Ohr" hinschreiben PPPs.: Ah... ich bin Blind ... "sein Kopf" und "wraps around" wurde schon von Obsidian nicht mit übersetzt, daher der komische Satzbau. "Eine Augenklappe mit einem aufgestickten Augapfel-Emblem umwickelt seinen Kopf, ein Ohr ist nur ein Stummel der zuckt und krampft, während das andere Ohr sich munter aufstellt, als du dich näherst." Was haltet ihr denn von dem Satz?
  2. So much is at least obvious. PoE seems to load and read the entire save file and THEN pick what it needs for the area you enter. Meaning the more areas you have behind you, the slower the loading of future areas will be. I think MobileObjects.save is still the main problem though, because that's the "dynamic" info saved and applied to all areas on load. That means the game *has* to load and read the entire file always and at all times, because otherwise it would have no idea what is on what area and what it needs to load and not load. Imo the only way to truly fix this would be to split the MobileObjects.save so that there is 1 file for each area, as well as an global file for any stuff that needs to loaded globally, and on load, only the file and area info that is relevant to the area you load is loaded. This way area load times could never actually increase (in fact, smaller areas you never been to would load substantially faster) As you would expect (in PoE currently it doesn't matter what you load, 1 screen hut takes exactly as long as giant open map with 50 screens of content) So yeah, we need a fix for this but the primary problem is still how "loading" works to begin with. The longer you play, the more bloat the game drags behind it whenever it loads an area where NOTHING you did (except global variables setting scripts/choices) should have any influence.
  3. Pfff try it when you've dualled Yoshimo to a fighter with 4x backstab. Sad times. I think in terms of thieves BG II is arguably making up for the first Baldur's Gate, where you have no less than FOUR straight thieves (with a *lot* of skill overlap and two of which come so late in the game as to never logically get taken), none of which are evil. Tis worth mentioning that the thing I miss most in PoE, aside from you know.. some better and more class abilities, is that we can't dual class and that elves/dwarfs etc don't get specific multi-class (with no penalties) options. This cuts down your party composition options severely imo. Yoshimo was absolutely awesome as fighter/thief dual class and Imoen wasn't so bad either as Thief/Mage, since INT did get you massive stat boosts for Thief skills and was nice to have on a Mage anyway. And in DnD you could boost thief skills via spells. Which meant you had more option to get past a trap. In PoE though the writing imo put itself in a dead-end when it comes to Rogues. Class wise the class is ok I guess, backstab is neat does good dmg and when the Thief damage skill isn't entirely broken anymore maybe the class is even useful, but lore wise it makes no sense to even have a dedicated Rogue as an option. Seems to me that is only "in" because Obsidian figured that they can't break the Fighter/Mage/Rogue system from DnD without getting some ire from fans. Imo better to have a "Rogue" (ie, mechanics and sneak) on a Druid. Makes lore wise even less sense, but at least you get a Rogue that can make some serious difference in battle. This wishy washy approach to Rogues and the entire stealth mechanic is also plainly visible in the game. There are no rooms that fully 100% trapped in such a way as to literally stop your progress (Irenicus Dungeon in BG2 had more traps than PoE has in the entire game). And let's not even begin to mention that traps in PoE are completely inconsequential.. yeah they can kill one of your dudes or gals, but in BG2 a trap could imprison you, curse you and level drain you, and reversing THAT was not done via resting ;p in BG2 trap finding and disarming was a major part of the game, if you ran through certain traps with your tank your tank would find itself a km under the earth, quite literally (tis was Imprison does ,p) or as a stone stature, pretty to look at but not very useful to draw aggro ;p In PoE though, these states do not literally not exist. So traps are.. not really scary. Even in Expert mode, my solution to traps was to just use a level 1 adventurer.. yes I am evil. ^^
  4. You need to delete all files in %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity\CurrentGame %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Temp And most likely all stored files in %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity (Except the save you want, but if the game has the same problem all over again, your save edit failed and the save is junk) So delete it, and quicksave out of an older save again. If you still have saving problems, then I don't know
  5. Indeed, look at the bright side.... At least my hired Rogue doesn't betray me in an extremely importune moment right before a major battle where you really could have used that party member *curse you Yoshimo* and my Rogue also isn't called Imoen... so that's a big win-win
  6. Ich möchte mich bei euch mal bedanken Als ich das Spiel auf Deutsch gestartet hatte ist es mir ab dem Baum mit den Leichen komplett vergangen.. selten so eine schlechte Übersetzung in einem Obsidian RPG gesehen. Mit diesem "patch" und eurer Arbeit ist es zumindest erträglich Habt ihr denn vor das "du" und das "Layout" der Dialoge (Gesprochenes, Beschreibungen) auch anzupassen? Wie schon oben jemand sagte, finde ich das du im Dialog auch äußert deplatziert. Das Englische kommt mir jedenfalls sehr formell vor... und niemals würde ich Durance mit "du" anreden Sondern höchstens mit "ihr"/"euch" (Wisst ihr....) (Wie geht es euch...) etc. Neija auch so schon ist dieser patch ein absolutes muss. TL:DR I hope Obsidian will implement this translation work into the main-game. Because the German translation is currently absolutely lacking
  7. Maybe if some Obsidian dev *hint* comments on this and mentions that a fix is already in the next patch you can save yourself the hassle? (Just thinking loud) what you have ahead of you is definitely not easy.. trap definition searches I tried have tons of mismatches with other parts in the file... Also there is still the matter as to *why* loading a 40mb file takes forever. That should not be the case, read speed on an SSD can handle that within a second and 3000 objects to serialize aren't exactly "a lot" for a modern engine. So something else (aside from the trap bloat) must still be weird in the engine itself too. Something that also makes area loads (without saving) longer than it feels they should be. Anyway, I have not a clue about save and load systems in games. But I know Unity engine 4 has *tons* of issues with asset (especially texture) loading so.. I hope Obsidian can find the causes for both the trap/save bloat as well as increasing LOAD times for areas. There is no reason why areas take longer and longer to load, even on a savefile that is not affected by massive bloat.
  8. This is a very nice find. I mean.. the finding of it is nice, the thing you found isn't so nice 26kb for a single trap definition in a save is also very very... crazy. I guess the compression was added because otherwise the save would have violated steams cloud save guidelines. So you should be very careful if ye plan make to a mod that changes compression. It can blow peoples cloud save storage up if they forget to disable it and there is no easy way to delete savegames from there. Either way, that's a very interesting find
  9. In that fight I also got stuck with 2 effects that never disappeared on my main, funnily despite it saying 8 raw dmg per second, my endurance regen was faster than the damage. And "death" did not fix it either. I didn't dare saving Sickness or Ilness was such a bad buff on my main that I rather not continue with that state... Ps.: And that fight was brutal indeed. The insect swarm is also not the only negative buff these druids can mass-apply and that can get stuck on for eternity, as you can't remove yourself from the party ;p
  10. Yeah that doesn't explain what bloats the save and increases these load times so massively. Maybe.. and this is a big maybe, it is related to you LOADING autosaves or certain quicksaves made in certain situations? I think in my entire game so far I loaded exactly... zero autosaves. Only normal saves (quick and proper manual saves) Also while I welcome that I can disable auto-saves with only 1 quicksave slot this is now very dangerous indeed....
  11. Glad to have helped that's amazing and you guys are doing amazing work I just hope you can notice my thread and tell me if there is a way to ever save my file I have already started a new game but I lost 33 hours and the game broke on me Your bug is definitely very bad, but you need to upload your broken/stuck savegame somewhere or the devs can't reproduce it on their end.
  12. do you have many items? did you update your keep often? did you craft anything out of your crafting material? I just want to make sure what you did differently. maybe I should check out your save, too edit: okay just checked. I cannot see much of a difference. you have a ton of items, many buildings, hired companions, same as me. But my mobileobjects is way larger I regularly sold my ENTIRE stash of weapons and armor and "hoods and stuff" but aside that, as you say and saw, I wasn't exactly keeping my myself restricted Stronghold is nearly fully upgraded, 7 levels and a half of 8th of the mega dungeon are completely cleansed, and I honestly think I explored every major area pre Hearthsong 100% and picked everything, literally every, single, loot drop ever dropped, up. With the exception of maybe 2 or 3 things. I crafted maybe 8 things at most in the entire playthrough so far, enchanted tons of things though, and I am broke after spending nearly all my money on rare enchantment materials ;P Using no auto-save mods my load times are now... 8 to 12 seconds.. lmao.. My god.. you are a hero whoever made that. A HERO !! game is playable again! But quicksaving is of course still a major chore
  13. Vegetable if we load your save and save again, it just further bloats and we will all have this load time with your save But if you are bored and want to test my save that for me has around 23 seconds area change time in act 3 you are welcome http://www.mediafire.com/download/769xor490rtou8o/e6f43dbc06824c1c981e0bc38ad015b9_14680329_Northweald.zip My MobileObjects.Save inside that savegame is a mere 7mb so transition times remain SANE (but for me way out of what I consider acceptable) I want to note that I have a lot of open quests though and didn't explore everything 100% because of these load times Ps.: And of course I would welcome a "no autosave on map transition" as well as a "autosave on REST" option...
  14. For me it only really started when I was in Defiance Bay.... and it got much worse ever since then.. now at 27 seconds for area transitions;) (act 3 elms song)
  15. Tis true, but with size also grows load and save time, and more bloated it becomes, the longer loading any single area in the game takes. If this were just the size we'd have no problem A SSD can read 100mb in a second. But having extremely (and ever growing) load/save/area transition times is possibly game-breaking, at the very least patience breaking. And that 1 save posted here on page 2 takes over 1 minute to transition anywhere. 1 minute per area transition.... something with Unity and how it's used here must be very broken if loading and saving assets takes this long. My saves are now 4.4mb and load times are around 28 seconds + autosave, and remember this is on a SSD setup that should do this in less than 2 seconds. Others have substantially worse load-times (I can't even imagine how much people must suffer with a HDD here) I truly hope this is tackled by the devs....
  16. That's all very cute, but how about years going backward in the quest logs even though the quests happened after each other, and the quest with the higher year happened *first* ? 16933 (but day 42) http://imgur.com/EbsstBk 5645 (but day 63) http://imgur.com/37m9cYg I wonder what happens by day 90 ?
  17. I snagged the Pillars guidebook off of Amazon, and I've been doing a lot of reading between loading screens I may actually put further progress on hold until I can get some kind of fix. If I knew anything about coding, I'd take a crack at modding the game files to turn off autosaving myself. And woo, go team Truthadin! Actually... wait, what if that's the common link? I hope that is not the common link ;P Anyway... I have put the game on hold as well. Looking at your save I noticed I (apparently) completely missed a NPC too probably because I told her off very harshly... but for me 20 seconds are already aggravating enough. And there is still an entire "city" waiting for you too.... so I can understand not wanting to suffer through these load times. And I dunno if auto-save not being there would really make that 2nd city any less a suffering for you. That save takes 46 seconds to load without auto-save (from menu) after all. I consider everything above 5s unacceptable. But everyone has a different patience level for load times, mine got very low as I got older
  18. Hi in the save zip I attached in first post you are 1 click away from reproducing the issue. Wings of Steel is still active and can not be completed which is a requirement for Cyrver to accept you as "honorary high inquisitor", the Forge Knight fight in the Keep never happened when I entered and Cyrver has an infinite dialog that remains highlighted and never triggers the invitation nor concludes Wings of Steel nor Forge Knights. Or summed up, in the attached save when you click on Cyrver you can see 2 quests were "skipped" in the game logic by not "finishing" them before getting the invitiation quest. The save quite literally puts you right in front of him Wings of Steel is still active but can not be concluded because invitation quest overrides dialog. Forge Knights going crazy never triggered because Wings of Steel wasn't concluded, so you can not get honorary status with crucible knights. I sadly have nothing else to add, no output log from that time (because it was 65mb..) and no save before. Unless you mean 3 hours before ;P
  19. I've been trying to delay going to Hearthsong, knowing what a bear it's going to be while this problem persists. Hoo boy... In the interest of bringing more attention to this issue, I'll post my own savegame and info. Savegame Here's my latest savegame. (Uploaded and shared through Google Drive; if there are issues, I can find another hosting service.) System Specs AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Processor, ~3.2 GHz Windows 7 Professional 16 gigabytes RAM Game installed on SSD, Windows installed and savegames located on standard HD Description As with the original poster, starting at around 20 hours of play time, the process of saving games and loading new maps began becoming increasingly lengthy. Quicksaving now takes around 15-20 seconds to complete; transitioning to a new area takes 30 seconds or more. As a temporary measure, if the problem is too complex to resolve in time for the patch this week (or unable to be replicated at Obsidian), I would suggest enabling an option to turn off autosaving after map transitions. Saving will still take much longer than it should, but at least navigating the game will be less frustrating for those of us experiencing this problem. I tried loading your save (pure from the menu, without an autosave in-between) and for me it takes 46 seconds to merely LOAD and over 30seconds to quicksave in that, wow. I would consider that unplayable. For fun I tried moving to Hearthsong with your save and it took nearly 65 seconds to load. Yes that is longer than 1 minute. I dunno how you can even play with that. I am complaining about 20 seconds ^^ Your save has well over a minute load time from caed nur to Hearthsong for me. I also notice you have 2 people more than I do. Could that be related? Ps.: At least it is quite funny that we play the same class and even the same paladin "category" Except your avatar is way way prettier... Pps.: Your MobileObjectsSave in your savefile is over 46mb ! PPps.: Deleting MobileObjects in the save file breaks the savegame ;p But it loads a good 35 seconds faster (under 10 seconds) sadly into a black void ;p
  20. Sadly that didn't work for me. Admin or not, network on or not... loading with Admin ON and Network off even takes 23 seconds (without Admin, it takes 20 seconds). My MobileWhateverItwascalled file inside the save is a whopping 7mb though. It compresses nicely but it's still 7mb... In all cases I tested (Hearthsong House of Six -> Outside -> Back in) load times were between 21 and 23 seconds.
  21. So now in Act 3 Hearthsong.. In Hearthsong the situation got worse, changing AREA's and quickloading takes now 20 seconds. And I wish I was joking. I looked at the clock (because it takes forever to change areas or load from a party wipe now) Save size is now 3.8mb http://www.mediafire.com/download/8o3b7owl27pck5x/e6f43dbc06824c1c981e0bc38ad015b9_14501915_Hearthsong.zip The save menu itself with 20 saves takes about 5 seconds to open. This feels very sluggish and slow but I could live with that. But what I can't live with it quicksaves taking a good 14 seconds, quickloads taking 20 ! seconds or entire area changes taking 20 seconds. I am talking about "From Hearthsong into Market" and back (40 seconds altogether load times) that's longer than I was in the market itself. You may think "20 seconds is nothing" but it is a lot. To explore you enter and exit tiny areas all the time, these take 20 seconds to load going in, and 20 seconds to load going out add up to many many minutes of wasted time and waiting. Worse if you are often quicksaving (as you should) and often saving in new slots (as you, normally, should) So load/save and area change times are constantly increasing, and very much so. By 500% for me. I have 16GB Ram, Win7 x64 and both Game and OS on a Samsung 830 SSD
  22. I definitely noticed problems ,) Save menu opens quickly but saving/loading takes a good 10+ seconds, on a pure SSD setup. Here is one of my latest saves from act 2 (3.4MB packed 3.1MB) http://www.mediafire.com/download/t84jjmhpo7v6jha/e6f43dbc06824c1c981e0bc38ad015b9_13516728_CrucibleKeep.zip It creates these saves EVERY single load of an area, and this takes longer and longer to do. Meaning area loads take longer and longer.... the Keep is a complete nightmare to navigate because of this ;P
  23. Then it seems to you have discovered a second issue related to the Duc Invitation plot event ;/ And in both cases it's a plot stopper. Having played it again from my (thank the havens, quicksave right before leaving areas, long burned in muscle memory from BG2 ;p), this time in the "correct" order I finally understand what you meant with the automata fight. For me that ENTIRE fight never happened and thus the main plot got stuck there and could never continue. I hope that the powers that be fix this in an upcoming patch with a bit more solid fail-safe scripting...
  24. Yes for me the conversation lines (ask for invitation) stays highlighted even after selecting it.. it seems if you have any open quests that are related to the NPC named Clyver the main plot quest bugs out. And all other factions for me have too bad dispositions to even ask them. Lucky he who has a save not short before this.
  25. I have encountered a major plot progression issue regarding getting an invitation for the DUC from the Knights of the Crucible. I have a save before that and 1 showing it, but you only need the one showing it I think Where as far as I can see, there is no way to complete this quest and thus progress the main plot in this save state. (But if you find a work-around, please tell me.. though I will simply throw this save away and reload) This can happen when you have these 2 quests active (with exactly these states) at the same time... Winds of Steel - Research Given to Courier, Courier dead during fight - Quest not reported to Commander Clyver Invitation Quest -> Only "good standing" with crucible knights -> But Dialog with Clyver loops infinitely and the dialog choices are not going to next quest step because his "directive" (Winds of Steel) is not completed Save (Standing right in front of him with the infinite looping and very very weird dialog a click away) http://www.mediafire.com/download/t84jjmhpo7v6jha/e6f43dbc06824c1c981e0bc38ad015b9_13516728_CrucibleKeep.zip Also worth noting, before I went to the crucible knights, but after getting the invitation quest, there was 1 hostile Metal Knight Automata and 3 dead bodies in front of the keep. With nobody even acknowledging this after battle. So yeah... I have a save around 15 minutes before getting the invitation quest thankfully so I am not entirely stuck, but someone else might not be so lucky. So I hope this is the right way to report this kind of bug.
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