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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. For sure. But there is basically a Portand in every geographical region of this country, so I'm no sure why you would need to go to that city specifically. I can just go over to Santa Cruz for the same thing. Texas has Austin. GD has Memphis.
  2. I noticed the show Billions popped up on Amazon Prime, so I tried it. It is a Wall Street Hedge Fund versus AG type show. It seemed pretty dramatic and both characters are clearly bad guys, but I was willing to try episode 2. But for some reason I kept getting an error on my roku. I tried resetting and nothing. So I decided to see if other programs worked, and the first thing in the 'similar shows' queue was called Black Monday. It was a Wall Street comedy with Don Cheadle. It hooked me from the first late 80's synth beat. I recruited my wife and we started watching that instead. So Black Monday > Billions
  3. I'm also waiting for Breathedge to to release. I played with it a bit in beta and it is a bit odd. Definitely more quirky and silly than Subnautica. I got really into Below Zero a few months ago. I think it might be even better than the original when it comes to base building, and I like the brief above ground stuff and the fact there is actually other people alive out there somewhere. They definitely know how to pace advancement in these games, I always feel like I'm about the build something awesome. Below Zero is much smaller in terms of map, but it is still pretty sizeable. Handmade maps with biomes and very well crafted areas are so much more superior to the randomly generated maps that some survival games go with. Conan Exiles has the same attention to detail and it just makes it way more engaging for me.
  4. We drink alkaline water for the most part in our house. Expensive bit seems to help with digestion and our constant exersizing. Today I slept in for the first time.in ages, then went and did a trail run with a group. It was still very socially distanced, but it was the first real social event I have had in awhile. Then we hit the farmer's market and got some goodies. We started drinking and watching Chef on Netflix, so we walked down for some korean bbq from a local food truck and had a beer at a local brewery. Things are starting to open up a bit now that we crested our most recent wave. It was a good day.
  5. I bought and played Valheim, but the graphics turned me off. They are kind of bit mapped. It just seemed like a less attractive Conan, to be honest. I refunded it quickly. But I might be a graphics whore. I picked up Imperator Rome for some bucks. It seems interesting and complicated. I don't understand how to fight people. I'm like come at me bro and they are like naw.
  6. Yes, with laser guns, spaceships, and a cute little baby yoda. Baby Yoda definitely isn't getting cancelled. He could storm the Capitol Building and they would still keep him in the show.
  7. It isn't happening the other way though. This isn't McCarthyism for Conservatives. She isn't going to go to jail for comparing liberals to Nazis. She lost her job on a kid's TV show. As for liberals not being held responsible for their actions, I'd imagine Colin Kaepernick would beg to differ. Kathy Griffin also crossed a line. Honestly though it just isn't as simple as 'conservative = bad, liberal = good'. Hollywood is super weird. How the heck does Mel Gibson still have a career?
  8. Sure, it happened awhile ago. Of course, those people were persecuted by the government and served time in jail for their politics, so I'd still say it is fair to get a good chuckle out of the narrative that things are somehow worse today. They aren't.
  9. Yeah, the left gets away with everything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_blacklist
  10. Huh, I actually agree with that completely. Jobs will adapt and hopefully be replaced by higher paying, higher skill jobs. I'd also like to think the current 40 hours and 5 days a week work model will change. If parts of your job are automated, and you can produce the same work in 20 hours instead of 40, then why work as much? You should be paid the same if you are being paid based on production.
  11. I recognize the bit of irony in posting this on an online forum, but you don't actually have to share your dumb political opinions online. You can just enjoy the big checks that Disney is cutting you while still voting for whomever or whatever you want. But I'm sure people will whine about 'cancel culture' or whatever because someone was held accountable over statements made to the entire world that nobody asked for.
  12. What do you mean? This house is clearly a work of unparalleled craftmanship! https://abc7news.com/san-francisco-real-estate-market-bay-area-shack-for-sale/5298629/
  13. Everybody likes to call this stuff free money, but really it is the government giving back money that they take from us. Some people at the lowest levels might come out ahead, but most people are still paying more than they will be getting back.
  14. It seems like people are trying very hard to minimize the impact that Brady had in winning the Superbowl, like it was just luck and defense that put him there for the 10th time. That's laughable. He got them a big lead and then the defense held it. It was a pretty simple win for the greatest QB ever.
  15. My wife and I have been coming to terms with the fact we might not be able to buy a house where we live. The last couple years we have been working hard at paying down any and all debt. It is a long story how we got ourselves in debt, and it took a good decade to do it, but with another year we should have all credit cards and cars zeroed out. That is the good news. The bad news is we really haven't saved anything. We've been aggressively paying down the debt, but setting money aside has been very difficult. So we need to figure out how to create a down payment. Then you look at the market where we live, and that seems like an insurmountable sum. A modest townhome goes for $800k. That means just to scratch the bare minimum of 5% down, we need $40k. We talked to a retirement specialist the other day, because I had the bright idea of borrowing from out 457b or 403b. The specialist literally said, "Why would you buy in this market. It is too high! Wait and buy low!" This is great advice, even though I know she is also trying to make sure we don't lower our contributions, but it is tough advice when we need a place to live. You might say, why not move? Teachers have a lot of trouble changing school districts, particularly late in the career. If we retire in 15 years, we both get about 68% of our income from all of our year contributing to the state retirement system. That is great. Leaving our schools would hurt that. So we need to tough it out. We also love our town. So we rent a modest house for $3100 a month, which is the average rent in our town. But we only have another year or so before they develop the land we are on, so we need to move. Which means jumping into a rental market that looks like this: https://www.towncharts.com/California/Housing/Morgan-Hill-city-CA-Housing-data.html So yeah, it is ugly renting. Part of me wants to buy a nice cabin in the woods a few hours away. They are literally a quarter of the price. We can rent a dump for the next decade and spend weekends and summers there. But that is probably more of a daydream. Anyways, just venting as I process all this.
  16. I was very happy with the Halftime show. Amazing set design for sure, and The Weeknd was great. Honestly I didn't know much about the guy before the performance, but I thought he was stronger than Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga.
  17. I'm not a coffee guy, but I did buy a Keurig for my wife a number of years ago. I was pretty shocked at how expensive the k-cups were. It seemed like you ended up paying over .50 cents per cup, plus the cost of the machine that needs to be replaced every two years, and it creates more waste than your normal coffee maker. But I am biased since I don't like coffee.
  18. 75+ million people voted for Trump, so I don't see why you would need to wait until 2022 to find people calling it a mistake. Good luck finding anyone who voted for Biden that would want Trump instead, though. Ain't nobody gonna miss those potus tweets.
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