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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I was more confused about the use of the music. I was trying to read the dialogue and getting blasted with stuff that didn't seem to fit the scene at all. Then you have all the sitcom references, which could be funny, but nothing really made me laugh in the trailer.
  2. Very cool. Do you guys sell at renaissance faires or anything like that?
  3. Good luck with the recovery Nep. Take it easy.
  4. Huh...that kind of looked terrible.
  5. I find it funny the entire company even exists anymore. I'm shocked that anyone has actually contributed to that.
  6. Sounds like a crazy holiday for you Enoch. A few years ago I broke my leg right before Christmas, and I remember what atough holiday that was. Good luck!
  7. From what I heard, you have to choose between a brisket cut and a tri-tip cut when carving the cow. Apparently brisket is more common, but tri-tip is more popular in California. I've been having a blast getting presents for the kids this year. My daughter was a bit tricky, she asked for an easy-bake oven and a slurpee machine. I read up on them and apparently they both are garbage. So I used my powers of persuasion and convinced her that a cupcake griddle would be cooler, and I got her a little sno-cone machine that looks very awesome. I got my wife some overly expensive earrings also, but our 10 year anniversary is coming up and I'm hoping they will work towards that as well
  8. Looks like I wasted my $3.75. No matter what I do, it ends up at the configuration utility, which crashes with a "application has stopped working" error. Not impressed. ME1 seems to have been a much better PC port. One is a lot older than the other. I would check the Steam forums for help.
  9. One thing I would like to mention is that there is such thing as a long term policy change, which is probably what we are looking at here. Guns are too widespread at this time to simply say "turn in all your semi-auto weapons" in the US, but you can make changes to lower the amount of guns and gun use over time. I guess you could compare it to smoking regulations. It took generations for the rates to go down, and eventually they leveled off, but using a combination of public education programs, taxes, use restrictions and so on it has become less common.
  10. I did take my RV out this last weekend to fill it up with gas and make sure everything was running smoothly, just in case I need to load the family up on Friday and get out of town
  11. That's why I prefer the Secret World system, which has a ton of abilities, but you combine certain ones to make decks. So you are making strategic decisions out of combat, and then the combat itself is fast paced.
  12. I counted last night, and my Jedi Guardian has 21 abilities that are somewhat useful in any given fight. Yeah, only about 6-8 of them are critical, but that's still a lot of fluff.
  13. It's my favorite time of the year! Personally this has actually been a bit of an odd Christmas, since I've had some troubles with my parents and sisters, and I won't be seeing them this year as a result. But I've been doing my best to focus on all my friends and family that I do have around. I've already bought most of my presents and have them hidden away for the kids and my wife. I also had some extra money for presents this year, so I took part in a gift exchange, which felt good to do. I am hosting Christmas lunch/dinner for my in-laws, but I haven't decided what I will cook. I've done tri-tip in year's past, but this year with my wife on a restricted diet I'll probably do something a bit more creative.
  14. That was probably the best part of the movie. Although I imagine that was taken directly from the book, but I never read that. Still, quoting American Psycho is a bit off-topic
  15. That's actually been the biggest defense brought up when arguing about violent video games. Violent crime as a whole has steadily dropped in the US for a number of years.
  16. My main concern is reducing the massacres, to be honest. Specifically the ones being carried out by mentally unstable individuals, which is why I see psychiatric care as the other big issue here. I really do differentiate between terrorism and this. Of course this is all terrible, but to have no motive at all? To be just completely senseless? These were just little kids, and they were targeted directly. There has to be a way to stop this type of thing. I have no idea what it is. I don't know enough about the way Chinese schools are run to make a full analysis, but I don't think the knife situation would be possible given the way security is handled at my school, and most of the schools in my area. Diagoras, I will have to read up on your sources when I have a bit more time, but I appreciate you sharing them and discussing them.
  17. I appreciate the educational posts about the different types of rifles. I stumbled across this link and found it helpful. It seems like a huge amount of the weapons being used are obtained legally, which makes me think there has to be a way to prevent some of these through legal means. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/07/mass-shootings-map Most of the killings are done with semi-automatic pistols and rifles.
  18. It's not so much that WoW has a horrible system, it's more that numerous games have improved on the system and it is a fairly outdated way to play an MMO.
  19. Agreed, they'd really have to redesign the entire combat system, the way enemies act, and everything to modernize it.
  20. Guild Wars 2, The Secret World, and Rift all do much more in combat with way less abilities. I don't mind having a lot of pre-planning and out of combat buttons, I had those galore in LotRO, but I shouldn't have 20+ combat skills. It's also about the quality of the skills, too many of them are very similar. I'd rather see some diversity in the build I use, like how in The Secret World you changed your abilities based on the situation.
  21. I'd be pretty happy if they got rid of about 20 abilities per class.
  22. Yeah, I'll be pleasantly surprised if they continue the individual story lines, but realistically I wonder if that is the best way to use resources. At least you know it will be two different stories with the imp and republic.
  23. As long as every companion conversation opens with a "Why the long face?" query, I'm happy.
  24. So is it a new unique story for every class? I doubt it, but they aren't very clear in the details. I also am a bit surprised they put this out with no video. Sounds more like an adventure pack than a real expansion, to be honest, but it's also a super low price too.
  25. To be honest, I thought the moderate area of compromise WAS controlling assault rifles and extended clips. The extreme would be no guns period.
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