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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yeah, to be honest the whole Brotherhood or House choice was huge for me, it really bothered me that House wanted me to take them out. In the end it turned me against him. And really that is why I love Obsidian. They create difficult moral dilemmas in their games, and they do so gracefully.
  2. Definitely a busy day for pledges! Less than 60k to go in 40 hours, it's doable.
  3. As you kind of hinted at, we can explain the chemical reaction of love, but we can't really explain why someone loves someone else specifically. So we've answered the how but not the why.
  4. Agreed. That's why I don't think Absolution will be for me.
  5. It's looking pretty tight, but at least they are getting close. They brought up a good point with Shadowrun Online, how it looked like it was going to be a good deal short and then it got $200,000 in the last two days. Rumor is that was some sort of investor, seems odd to me.
  6. No. Unless you mean to say there's a lot of observational data of Elvis after he died. I think you misunderstand what I'm talking about, and I probably didn't make it any better by joking about ghosts. What I see is a plan, a greater purpose, when I look at certain things. The majesty of Yosemite, or even the smile on my child's face, says to me that this is clearly more than just a matter of happenstance. But this is very individualistic, I don't expect you to look at my child and see the same thing, you will just see it as genetics. That is why I separate faith from religion by the way, I see them as two very different things. My faith makes me more tolerant of religion, but religion doesn't give me faith.
  7. You don't believe in ghosts either?
  8. There is plenty of observational data on God, it's just limited to the eye of the beholder.
  9. If you are living in a basement and spending your free time coding, I'm pretty sure you are praying super hard that what you are coding hits it big time.
  10. M&M3 was my first real RPG. It was love at first sight.
  11. Well the Heroes of Might and Magic series has been continued nicely, so you can pick those up. King's Bounty is a fantastic game in the same vein too.
  12. That's why I don't get why you cater to the evangelicals at all. Where else they gonna go? That ridiculous American Family Values party? They certainly aren't going to go vote democrat.
  13. The LOST thread we had going was pretty epic. That and the NHL thread are what made me a regular here.
  14. Well that will encourage you to nurse a single beer all night I hope you don't feel we are all yelling at you to drink, it is definitely a vice and it is a cool that you've chosen to avoid it.
  15. I really am agreeing with Volourn a lot lately. ME2 was my favorite in the trilogy. Yeah, I would have enjoyed more plot development, but the character development was great, and the suicide mission was rewarding, particularly after hearing how many players didn't get their full team through it alive.
  16. Yeah, buying up real estate is one of my favorite parts of Saint's Row. It scratches some sort of itch.
  17. Heathen! Actually this project isn't quite on the scale of PE, so it estimates a release at the end of next year. It had a pretty good day today, so I think it will get close, but I'm still very worried. Did you read over the updates? They are funny and witty, which is what I expect from the Coles.
  18. This is a thread about encouraging physical activity, it could do without the attacks Solonik. With kids and a job, getting to the gym can be pretty tough, but I've found since I changed my diet recently that I'm feeling lighter and more able when I do get in some hockey or other activities. My work schedule clears up a lot during the winter, so hopefully I can do some strength building stuff for the next few months.
  19. Sounds good Cant, I'm making gnocchi's in a pumpkin sauce for dinner tonight. Should be interesting.
  20. Enoch makes some good points. I was never a big fan of wine or champagne, but about a year back my wife and I went to this even where a private chef came out and served a 5 course meal. Each dish was served with a small glass of an accompanying wine, and it worked extremely well with the food. Plus a good beer with a steak is pretty much heaven. It really can enhance the flavors. And yeah, it helps you let loose every once in awhile. Obviously it is important to be careful with that angle, but I know you sometimes complain about the social event at work Malcador and a couple drinks makes them a lot more tolerable.
  21. I am an original QFG fan but I feel we are just inundated with games that we feel we should fund, I guess you can't fund everything? Well hold on now. We are starting to see an uptick. Maybe a late rush could get this thing done. It would be really close though. Anybody want to toss a few bills in their direction? I'm already in for quite a bit, hoping for a strong push in the end
  22. I do the same thing! I tend to enjoy those first 15-20 too, but then I'm just done. Happens with every Elder Scrolls game, Fallout was the first game they made that I actually finished. I think it has more to do with enjoying the setting for me, I just lose interest in the enter world after awhile.
  23. Gotta agree with alanschu. People who go up against incumbents lose all the time. The incumbent almost always has an advantage. That's really all that happened here, Republicans still control the house. Save the panic talk for a few more terms. Reagan to Bush equaled 12 years, and I don't remember hearing blue states talk about how impotent they were during that time. Of course I was pretty young, so maybe I just missed it
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