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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yeah I've logged over 80 hours which is over double the time I've put in any non-MMO. It really is a masterpiece.
  2. It's all about the context. We were having a pretty interesting conversation about the swastika, and it was out of place to go for a personal dig. It derailed a nice debate. Then it turned into a whole "I don't care what you think!" and it got silly. Seems like a pretty typical day in the WOT to me.
  3. Well he did call Bruce spineless. Or I guess it was spinless. But then he said it was a hypothetical insult.
  4. There is also a lot of room to exercise your freedom of speech and still maintain a form of common decency.
  5. The scholar can be pretty useful in battle, he's like a bard. I've got two and they also kick but tinkering.
  6. Jagged Alliance 2!!! Xcom!! Minesweeper!
  7. This game is pretty addicting. I'm really enjoying it.
  8. Tabular Rasa was pretty sweet, actually. Has it been 20 years since Ultima Online?
  9. I'd prefer Origin over that stupid web browser they had for BF3.
  10. There are two different (and significantly so) concepts there though. I'd strongly disagree with banning symbols but equally strongly disagree with banning dissent on the use of those symbols inappropriately. Most people who'd actually want to walk down the street wearing/ carrying swastikas are pathetic individuals whose entire identity and sense of self worth rests on the accident of their birth, and people should be free to tell them that. On the other hand, they should also be free to broadcast their stupidity to the world. People do not have the right not to be offended and for good reason- there's always something that offends someone and if you're going to ban symbols because they offend you're going to end up with a monumental list of banned stuff. And I'm really rather tempted to change my avatar to some Jain symbology, because Jains are cool. I agree fully with this. But I also get why Germany bans it, they are trying to distance themselves from a terrible chapter in heir history.
  11. Depends on the people. No, I don't care if you like me. Nor do I care if you belive me or not. I've never understood why someone would want to join a community just to get people to not like them. Why waste the time? I mean we all have our unpleasant moments, but not every post has to be a competition.
  12. Nice thread find I picked it up today. I'm teaching the Age of Exploration in class right now, so I actually ran through the tutorial with students after they finished their projects. Of course they chose a party full of racists. It's the last week of school, so I'll probably give them a little more time to move forward. So far it looks plenty appropriate for their age group.
  13. I'm excited that when I show my Engineering an Empire movies in class, many of the students will now know who Peter Weller is and not look at me blankly when I yell about Robocop.
  14. I actually agree with Oby, those crowds look overwhelming to me.
  15. Offensive to some? Yes. Sign of bigotry? No. You'd change your picture? How unexpectedly .... spinless. Wow, so Bruce offers to change something that you found offensive, and you call him spineless? Way to endear yourself to the community.
  16. Fun fact: If a student wrote this on a paper I would put a bunch of question marks next to it.
  17. I never really looked closely at Bruce's avatar until now.
  18. I am concerned, given that Double Fine doesn't always have the best gameplay (they make up for it in other areas.) But I'll probably back it in the end.
  19. After Oblivion, I told myself I was not going to buy Skyrim early. I told myself it was not worth paying full price, I would be better off waiting. But somehow it came out and I rushed to the store to buy it. I need therapy.
  20. I loaded up Fallout: New Vegas, a game with the same engine as Skyrim (I think?) and now I'm hooked on wandering around Zion National Park. Very odd how different my experience is with these two games. I definitely didn't feel like I was wasting my time in F:NV.
  21. Hitler also ruined those little mustaches, why isn't Trashman arguing to bring those back?
  22. I'm thinking a Chicago/Pens final would be the most interesting. I'm going to call that my prediction. Hawks over Kings in 5 - The Blackhawks had their little hiccup, but managed to win 3 straight to advance. I think they stay hot. Quick will need to steal games to keep the Kings in it. Pens over Bruins in 6 - Too many weapons for these Penguinos.
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