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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Orogun also may be using a lot of vibrating tools.
  2. I like how half of them wrote Borat across Eastern Europe. Honestly they did pretty good, it was clearly an educated group. Maps were a lot easier when we could just write USSR across the East. How do you figure? Each state in the US is very different, with separate constitutions. Size wise they also are more comparative to countries than districts. I would expect most Europeans could label California, Alaska, Texas, and maybe a few of the Eastern seaboard states.
  3. Can't you pick anything better? It's, it's just a boooooooring game. I'm a fan of the entire Assassin's Creed franchise. I have no intention of skipping games.
  4. I only bought it because I thought it was a sequel to the popular card game Balderdash.
  5. I've been waiting for this sale to pick up AC3.
  6. I imagine they are paying Bush well, so it might be more about that than him being an actual loon.
  7. It's probably just because we have so many games that have a lower case o in the acronym, so it looks more natural. WoW, PoP, CoD, etc. It's not really something I notice much.
  8. Rex Nebular! That was one of my favorites as a teenager. Nothing like the chance of pixelated boobs to keep a young boy on the edge of his seat. I remember Dragonsphere as well, that was a decent adventure too.
  9. We're the Millers - One of the better comedies I've seen in a long time. It was hilarious, although I am a bit partial to RV hi-jinks.
  10. I'm terrified that Almost Human is going to get cancelled. It's the best show I've seen in a long time.
  11. I went to a Star Wars exhibit at the San Jose Tech Museum. It was pretty cool, they had a ton of the models from the movies. The kids had a blast and now I'm enjoying some nice downtime with one asleep and the other watching a movie.
  12. I do. His name is B**** F****. Bruce Finey? Brice Folen? Bubba Frost? Bester Friend.
  13. I've got some potatoes in the oven, and I think I'll mash them when they get out. I also have a decent box of mushroom risotto, which is an odd mix but I'm in the mood for both.
  14. Jaywalking is just a citation, I'm not sure what that has to do with arrests or prison population. He was probably going to court to contest it, rather than pay the fine.
  15. I like to think of myself as a hardcore reader. I wasn't talking about Penthouse Letters KP.
  16. It's interesting that no one ever claims to be a hardcore reader. People tend to identify themselves as experts in a certain genre. That really is a better tack to take when it comes to games. Music and movies are a bit more digestible, so it makes more sense to say you are hardcore about those media types.
  17. German restaurants are rare in my parts, and so the ones that succeed tend to be exceptional. That being said, the best part of the German food tends to be how it works with the beer.
  18. Good luck. It's my favorite game ever. Interesting. Will share my thoughts after 10-15 hours of playtime. I'd probably say my only advice would be to not rush. Enjoy the different areas that Turbine has recreated from the books and movies. There are loads of easter eggs.
  19. I always find the Mexican food to be one of the best parts of visiting California (which I do somewhat regularly to see my wife's family). A couple times a month I go to a hole in the wall mexican restaurant for breakfast that serves the best posole with handmade flour tortillas and fresh squeezed OJ. The make perfect breakfast burritos as well, no extra junk, just potatoes, eggs, and chorizo. It's pretty much the only type of food I can't easily replicate in my own kitchen.
  20. Somehow I ended up watching all of the death race movies one weekend. It was really only enjoyable because the actors seemed like they were having a ton of fun.
  21. Would you be happy with Taco Bell as a menu item at your school? Or rather lets say it was the standard meal on Friday for the kids It really depends on what they are offering. Taco Bell still has some absolute disasters on their menu. They'd probably fail because of the sodium. The Fresco menu would probably work in schools. The best thing we serve at my school is a bowl from a small taco chain with beans, rice, and chicken.
  22. Today I drew a perfect circle. I didn't notice until the students behind me gasped and then asked how I did that. It was somewhat glorious. Although I do worry that we have a finite amount of moments where we do something exceptional, and I just wasted one drawing a circle on the whiteboard. I felt better about it when my last class of the day split into two groups, one arguing that it wasn't perfect and the others bowing in reverence to the perfect circle. Teaching is never dull.
  23. Does anyone else prefer the Lord of Flies version of these trolls? Oby seems to be appealing to the lowest common denominator by just throwing up a bunch of pictures with a little text. It makes me miss the essays of LoF, for sure.
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