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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That's a shame, it's my favorite game since Jagged Alliance 2.
  2. Congrats on your healthy bowel movements. I am not sure what the acronym ISP means in relation to a fibrous diet, but it is probably best left as a mystery.
  3. Keeping track of the pluses, minuses, and factoring the amount of decks quickly all while dealing with the incredible distractions a Vegas casino floor throws at you requires tremendous focus. Doing that well enough to get banned from a major casino is impressive. Considering he isn't a professional mathematician, even more so.
  4. So WoD is trying to take away people's guns. That is a bit unexpected. We need tremendous attention and reform on how we handle mental health care in this country. I say it every time these events happen.
  5. Trying to finish season 1 of Mr. Robot. It's a pretty bleak show. Everyone is either super depressed or super repulsive (or both!) It started out ok, but I'm not sure if I want to stick with it. I'm on episode 7.
  6. Ah, but that psychology class did make it easier to understand all us weirdos on this forum. I do support the more well rounded undergraduate education for a couple reasons. I think it creates a good balance and exposes a young student to different disciplines. The idea that you fully know what you want to spend the rest of your life doing at 18-20 is a bit strange to me, I think it is good to have some possible avenues out if one field doesn't work out. Also where do you draw the line when cutting off superfluous classes? Most degrees require some sort of constitutional history class or the like, that may not be much help in engineering but it is kind of nice for citizenship. I think the humanities would probably die out if they stopped making students take them as undergraduates as well. Just like I mourn the loss of shop classes in primary school, I would hate to see humanities disappear from universities. Plus there is an out for students that don't want to waste the money on those classes. You can fulfill those requirements at community colleges. And I'm not sure about community colleges dying out, in my area we have a ton and they are all thriving, and offer a few outstanding programs that compete with traditional colleges at a fraction of the cost.
  7. I love the time limits. It puts you into a position where you sometimes have to choose between taking real risks or failing an objective. I would never lose any troops if it weren't for that sense of urgency.
  8. When I need credits, I typically look at decent community college programs that meet my needs. I also keep my eye out for any professional growth programs offered by my employer, or grant programs offered in my field. There are a ton of them in education, I'm not sure how common they are in other fields. Sometimes I even get paid for these along with the credits. Are you a part of any professional associations? Looks like IEEE has a bunch of options, not sure how legitimate they are: https://www.ieee.org/education_careers/index.html
  9. Keyrock, my mother-in-law runs a trucking company, so I can ask her some details about it if you need. She hauls sand and gravel locally, so her drivers are done by the end of the day. My father-in-law has also driven truck for 40 years, so he's got a bunch of details, and he did long haul for a couple summers. I know one key is to get your exercise in when you make pit stops. Many truck stops are getting better at offering good options for driver health.
  10. We've got episode 10 up for listening. You might expect more professionalism now that we are in double digits. I did break a mic stand and manage to super glue it back together, so hopefully that fits the bill.
  11. Happy almost birthday. I still prefer bottles as well, and the craft market is still fairly dominated by glass. But if you drink out of a can, you need to pour that beer into a cup, you are probably picking up on the aluminum rim if not. Heck, I won't even drink out of the bottle, you lose a bunch of the aroma when you do that.
  12. I'm a big proponent of trade schools, and I want our public schools to get back to offering auto shop and other practical classes to the students. I do tend to agree with Gromnir though, College is less about what you are learning and more about showing the ability to commit and complete goals. But people need to be realistic about why they are going to school and what it will amount to. We don't all get to be CEO's. Spending $150k on a liberal arts degree is dumb unless you are already rich and just looking for something to do. There are so many different avenues for getting through college, and I think choosing the one that works for you is an important part of the process. Just my quick two cents, it's a pretty massive subject.
  13. I haven't, but I think they were featured in this Netflix beer documentary called Crafting a Nation. As for bottles, I used to be like you, with a heavy can bias. But times are a changin'
  14. I also wrote up an article about the trip to 21st Amendment brewery: https://historyofhops.com/21st-amendment-brewery-tour
  15. I assume it is getting attention because of the video, which is widely available. As for the folks trying to make the BLM connection, well there are a lot racists out there. For example, Orogun's statement is clearly a racist statement that has no point other than being inflammatory. It completely ignores all the legitimate problems we have with police brutality and racial tensions in an attempt to disparage a large group that feels disenfranchised and targeted. The statement only serves to widen the gap, and seems to have no purpose other than creating an us versus them ideology.
  16. The problem would be a lot less of a problem if we just had reasonable prices for medical care instead of $8,000 ambulance rides.
  17. I always thought it was more like "bad behavior is being rewarded so we are going to misbehave until people decide to right this wrong". I mean SJW have been getting their way with their whining, is it really so surprising that others have followed their example? So do you feel that with Trump winning the election, those others will set aside their misbehavior and become champions of moderation and reason?
  18. No surprise, all these alt-right folks are just as sensitive as the SJW types they claim to be against. "I hate the way these people act, so I'm going to act just like them!"
  19. Watched The Accountant with the wife, it was excellent. Favorite moment was his awkward wave to the farmer couple after he saved them. Ben Affleck nailed the performance, but don't forget this is a guy who has gotten thrown out of casinos in real life for counting cards. This was in his wheelhouse.
  20. I enjoy it when I scroll down for a Steam review and I find one of you guys at the top of my list as the reviewer. That's typically my best source of information.
  21. I've got Episode 9 up, we talk about our recent trip to 21st Amendment and the positives of canned beer.
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