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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'v also been playing Madden 17, but then I realized I cannot move the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas, and I have lost interest.
  2. Yes, I'm sure you and Trump are better versed on this stuff than the judges.
  3. Elder Scrolls Online has kind of turned into this massive world with a number of well done game systems. It is basically Daggerfall restored. I am pretty impressed, it was a solid mmo and now it is an immersive sandbox to play in.
  4. 2 weeks into his term and Federal judges are telling him he is acting unconstitutionally. Jesus.
  5. This may be a long 4 years. If we get a Nixonian type disgrace, which doesn't seem too unlikely, do you think he steps down? Sorry, that was a dumb question.
  6. Mutant Football League released stretch goals. I'm hoping they get to that full season mode!
  7. Compared to the wasteland that is the rest of the internet, I'd call this place a virtual oasis of respectful dialogue. Compared to deep fried cheesecake a milkshake is pretty healthy but I still wouldn't call it a healthy option. Unless we're talking about alternative diets. Now I want a milkshake. You're right, this place is trouble.
  8. Compared to the wasteland that is the rest of the internet, I'd call this place a virtual oasis of respectful dialogue.
  9. CNN is in a weird place right now. I'd agree. A few months ago I would have completely disagreed, I would have reversed that percentage. But they've basically become fully hostile towards Trump. It seems to be a completely antagonistic relationship. I'm hoping they can reverse course. I'm also hoping Trump can do the same. This isn't a win for the American people.
  10. So like every other media outlet then. There is going to be a liberal slant for most mainstream media, because what kind of people go to school for journalism degrees other than idealistic liberals? That being said, self-awareness and opposing viewpoints are keys here. You tend to get that with major news outlets, but Brietbart and HuffPost are just echo chambers of self-righteousness. They make MSNBC and Fox News look impartial.
  11. No, I'm always happy when you turn back up. I'd use a more sarcastic smiley if it wasn't true. Breitbart may not always be wrong or fake, but they typically take a story and then spin it to fit their narrative. Then their loyal readers eat it up and act like that is the only way form of truth (even when they are making huge assumptions and leaps of logic.) You posted a poll and let it speak for yourself. It is refreshing. PLEASE DON"T LEAVE.
  12. I don't know, Trump seems to have incited the disdain of a good deal more of the typically moderate or apolitical crowd than any of our recent Presidents. Sure, the typical liberal is going to froth at the mouth just like they did with Bush, but that is to be expected. Just like the hardcore conservatives are going to blame the media for all of their woes. But the divide seems much sharper right now with very few people landing in the middle.
  13. Sweet, Boo is here. Someone with a contrary opinion that doesnt just regurgitate Breitbart.
  14. My staff room has been fairly insufferable lately with the Betsy Davos appointment. It's the end of times! Nobody seems to like my solution, which is maybe we shouldn't even have the Federal government so involved in public education? I just eat my lunch, keep my head down, and occasionally tell people to listen to my podcast.
  15. Got a sweet Desert Retreat in ESO. Glad they finally added Homesteads, it gives the game some needed personality. Crafting furniture is a bit of a hassle. I can make myself a bunch of amazing magical weapons and armor, but a basic chair requires hard to find crafting materials and a blueprint.
  16. I agree with the general view we need more women in government and making decisions Lets be honest, men have been in charge for thousands of years. We have seen progress and we have seen decline yet the countries in the world that are the most benighted and dysfunctional also have no interests in equality or human rights and womens rights are normally absent So yes lets get more women into government and management. This doesn't mean we get ride of men but its needs to be more balanced I agree with you, except for one thing. The balance. I say **** balance, lets get the ones who have earned the spot. Period. The end. Sounds good, although I am a bit worried because most of the women I know work way harder than me.
  17. This kind of seems like a tone-deaf response to a women's empowerment movement. Do you want her to be like "Women are moving towards equality, but we need to make sure we line up exactly with the men and don't surpass them!" Like any group that has been dealing with subjugation and discrimination for centuries, you can expect a fair bit of grandstanding in order to bring attention to their cause. Heck, Trump won an election grandstanding about the poor neglected white men of this country.
  18. Yeah, I've told him that a few times. Gotta remember that Volo is working with a monochromatic justice system.
  19. They are replacing all 4 tires, it is a 2010 Ford Fusion. I probably am getting fleeced. The surgery went well, she was pretty miserable for a few days but today she is moving around, and wants to go back to work tomorrow. Her gall bladder was calcified a bit, so it was good they got it out. We'll know more after the post-op appt. in a few days, but so far so good. We had a crazy issue with the hospital though. They wanted her to give a $1500 deposit for the surgery. We have insurance, and regardless the hospital cannot make you pay in order to receive treatment, it isn't elective surgery. We ended up calling our insurance company, and the lady on the phone was like "Oh hell no, let me talk to them." She yelled at them for a bit, it was pretty entertaining but weird. Medical care is a mess right now.
  20. I'm probably not explaining it well, but I think they replace the entire control arm. That's like $200 and they are charging me $200 in labor. The tires and alignment are $560. That's expensive, and I know I can get a better price elsewhere. But this is a good shop and I know they will look out for me if anything goes wrong, so the peace of mind might be worth it. I've been struggling with this car for a couple years, it seems to get out of alignment easy and has had tire issues for awhile. I'm hoping this will give me a few years off from that.
  21. All the Falcons had to do was not lose 23 yards on their last drive. They were in perfect position for a field goal. Crazy.
  22. Took my car in for an oil change, it may cost me $1200. Bleh. I knew I needed to replace a control arm bushing, and expected that might cost $400. But they also want to replace the tires. They are at 1/32 thread life. I could go somewhere else for cheaper tires, although the warranty is better here and they cover the alignment for the first year if it gets out of whack, which has been a major problem with this particular car.
  23. That one was apparently a bunch of lies also. Yeah, but it was a good story. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story. To be fair, it may not fit the story of Anheuser-Busch, but it certainly fits the story of many Germans that came over to America in the 19th Century. We had 4,000 breweries running by 1870.
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