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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've been having a lot of stomach issues, so my doctor ran a bunch of tests. Turns out I have bacteria in my stomach, si he is treating that, but I am also allergic to wheat and nuts. So my life is over. I can't give up beer and peanut butter.
  2. What is the sense of urgency? Everyone has been frozen for 70 years, a couple more weeks while I explore are not going to make a big difference. That is why the Bethesda storylines always bothered me. They do seem urgent. But a floating colony that has already been missing for 70 years is pretty relaxed.
  3. Sales aren't necessarily king anymore, anyways. Fortnite built an empire on a f2p model. My guess is Microsoft is much more interested in concurrent users and hours logged at this point than traditional sales, hence them offering it on the gamepass for a buck.
  4. I've got to assume some people just skip through the dialogue and terminals to read, because nothing about this game seems short to me. There is a ton to do and explore.
  5. The timing of this has coincided well with me spending all my time on the Xbox Gamepass for PC Windows 10 thingee. They really need to get a better name for their platform. But yeah, I'm sure I'll be unhappy once I go back to Steam on the regular.
  6. What the heck happened to Rand Paul?
  7. There does seem to be this strange disconnect between the world we live in today and the baby boomer generation. My mother-in-law, who we support financially and allow to live with us, has this weird pride about terribly wasteful stuff. For example, on Sundays she wants to go to church with her friends and then go out for coffee afterwards. They all drive separate cars to the church, then drive separate cars to coffee. The crazy thing is she really doesn't have a car. She lost hers due to financial mistakes years ago, and she doesn't have the money to get another. We have a family car that we let her use regularly because she helps transport the kids. But every Sunday we are like "Hey, we are using the family car to do family stuff." We also have a very old truck with 300k miles on it, so she always asks to use that, but the thing is on the last leg. Every weekend I'm like, "Can you carpool?" and she acts like it is a huge problem. I don't get it. My friends and I carpool everywhere we can if we are going to the same place. What the heck? To make it even more ridiculous, both the church and the coffee shop are within a mile of our house. Flat with nice sidewalks. But baby boomers are not the healthiest generation, so that's too much to expect.
  8. Egypt was built with squares, duh.
  9. I think you are misinterpreting the stuff about the Captain and Ellie.
  10. Yes, heaven forbid video games push a pro-gun agenda. Also Obsidian has quite a bit of religious representation in their games. They may change the names, but the tenets tend to be right in line with real world philosophies. Mormonism is heavily represented in Fallout: New Vegas. Pro-life versus pro-choice would probably be a tough one, since life is so cheap in all of these games as a rule of thumb. But it wouldn't surprise me to see a parallel there. In short, these games are incredibly political, and you tend to have a lot of choice in how you follow up on those political strands. If you don't want to hear about someone's relationship status, you can tell them to get lost.
  11. The Phoenix Point developer basically outlined how many sales they could afford to lose because of their deal with Epic and still turn the same profit, and it was pretty substantial.
  12. It's pretty standard with every new game release. It will calm back down it about 6-8 weeks.
  13. Welcome back Alan. We collect social reputation points around here now, so things are much more civil.
  14. I have no idea how anyone who isn't in the 1 percent doesn't see our health care system as completely broken. We are all one health crisis away from destitution, regardless of whether we have insurance. https://arizona.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/death-or-debt-national-estimates-of-financial-toxicity-in-persons https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/managing-care/track-care-costs/financial-toxicity-hp-pdq https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/03/25/cancer-treatment-costs-imperil-patients/#2c5e98512b6f This all gets worse every year while we bicker about socialism.
  15. The captain was gay? Kind of a weird thing to get hung up on. You can literally tell people you aren't interested in their personal lives in the game, so maybe do that.
  16. Both of those are hot garbage compared to the masterpiece of Dolomite.
  17. Good job majestic. Now the rest of you SOB's need to go watch Dolemite!
  18. I knew you were a bleeding heart environmentalist, GD!
  19. In theory I like the idea that private property cannot be taken, but in practice I do get a lot of benefit from public works projects. Seems to me there is a lot of wiggle room in there to do right by the owner and still benefit the public. However it will always be an egregious misuse of power when the government acts in the interests of a private business over the citizens, and both parties should be held accountable.
  20. Charles Koch is. I mean it seems to be his idea to take my house. He is setting it all in motion and using his money to make it happen. His motivation is probably to turn a profit, regardless of how it affects me and my property, because that is how a business functions. Now the government is supposed to serve both of us equally. That is a naive expectation, of course, but we have recourse as voters, limited as it may be. I have less recourse against Koch. I can boycott him, I suppose. I don't know, I think we should just agree the billionaires and the politicians are just two different colors of the same turd.
  21. I don't believe your DMV fees and gas taxes cover as much of those costs as you might think...https://usa.streetsblog.org/2013/01/23/drivers-cover-just-51-percent-of-u-s-road-spending/ But really I don't think it is just about who is paying for what. If we have a decent mass transit system, then we have less congested car traffic, which makes it soooooo much easier for you to be an individual and drive your car around. It also makes it easier to breathe. edit: Also, this is primarily a need for urban centers.
  22. Uh...what? I mean, how many seats do you have in your car? If you really want to be an individual, ride a bike. Also no one said anything about taking away your choice, but the idea that we need to throw a bunch of money at the infrastructure of individuals in cars instead of mass transit sounds flawed on a number of levels.
  23. Ideally the whole car culture needs to change. We all just kind of accept that cars are everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I'm part of the problem with my commute. I've got 3 cars and an RV in my household. But I've started to realize how much of my life is being wasted sitting in these dang cars, and it usually isn't a pleasant drive. I read an interesting interview from the CEO of one of those electric scooter companies that are popping up all over cities. He made a good point about how people complain that these little scooters are taking up sidewalk space and being left lying on the ground, and he's like, there are massive cars everywhere! We just accept them as part of the landscape. A small green scooter is not the problem.
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