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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. If this is anything like Subnautica, I will be thrilled. I've enjoyed a bunch of the survival building games, so I'm looking forward to it. Kid-friendly Conan Exiles? Do you guys really only play pure RPG's?
  2. With Win 10 being offered for free, and it being way better than 8 and comparable stability-wise to 7, it seems odd that people haven't upgraded.
  3. Clearly this is a sequel to the bedroom level in South Park.
  4. I have been playing a ton of Battle Brothers and it is brilliant. I don't know how I missed this originally, but now that it has been fleshed out with 3 DLC's, I imagine it is even better than it was at release. It is kind of a mix of Jagged Alliance and Mount & Blade. You have this medieval mercenary company to manage, and you go around taking jobs. But it is brutally hard, so you will definitely lose mercs along the way. Sometimes they don't die, they just get grievously injured. I have one guy who swings an axehammer like nobody's business, but he has lost an eye and has a weak heart from all the battles we have fought. He sits in reserve now, I don't have the heart to let him go, but whenever he does need to step in and fight, he somehow manages to pull off a couple kills and get hurt himself. He has 30+ kills in about 35 battles.
  5. Yep, weather has been nice in Cali. I've biked to work the last two days.
  6. A doctor friend of mine posted this: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-us-can-slash-health-care-costs-75-with-2-fundamental-changes-and-without-medicare-for-all-2019-08-15?mod=mw_share_facebook&fbclid=IwAR1pQ2VvtfuGYzsCXZlZ8iRslIvFqFfcPZ-oLslXk53utrWvLucPyi7vGHs While she expressed some reservations about fixed prices for complex medical procedures, she thinks it would be a huge step in the right direction. I like it. I don't care how we fix our broken health care system in this country, I'm just tired of it getting worse every year. We need change.
  7. I'm sure some developers are working on PS5 titles, but I still feel like we are getting a lot of releases now. Death Stranding, for example. I have little interest. My PS4 gathers dust most of the time. I don't even buy blu-rays anymore.
  8. Arnold is back doing movies, so I don't think 60 is the cap anymore.
  9. I am completely rethinking my cast iron skillet defense plan after that info bomb, @majestic.
  10. I am at this Sports Clips place so my son can get a haircut. I am sitting in the waiting area and two stylists have already asked me if I need a cut. I have no hair.
  11. Outer Worlds also kind of reminds me of a Rick and Morty episode.
  12. Just finished The Outer Worlds. This is my favorite Obsidian game to date. It is very much a Firefly type setting, and I loved it. The characters were all fantastic and nuanced in a way we rarely get in video games. The ending wrapped up very nicely, with my story being complete, but plenty of room for more mysteries to solve in future games.
  13. I had my first 10k race today. It was small local event and I finished 3rd overall with a time of 42:40. My wife won for the women, so she has a nice trophy for the mantle.
  14. It is ok to take a step back and try to explain yourself better though. We all have moments when we aren't getting our points across clearly, particularly with the lack of tone on a message board. You've been here talking with us for awhile now and not everything needs to be an argument. I really was hoping you would clarify your stance on demonizing people.
  15. Pretty sure a few of us missed your point. You demonize democrats to point out how both sides demonize each other? So you are saying you don't believe democrats are evil and want to enslave people? It is hard to track your tone.
  16. True. I have no idea how people decide to vote anymore. I mean, after Trump basically shrugged off grabbing women in the crotch, I can't predict anything.
  17. I'll stick to my bicycle. Same speed and less poop. Plus I look better in spandex than western wear.
  18. I don't really get how it isn't a AAA title. I mean, I understamd the economics of AAA titles, but I am not sure what it is missing that a bigger budget would provide.
  19. I love my car, but I am really starting to re-think the car culture we have in this world. I mean, it's really only been about a century that we've created this massive car infrastructure. How long would it take to change that? https://fortune.com/2016/03/13/cars-parked-95-percent-of-time/
  20. This seems like a feature. I mean, choice and consequence, right? You made decisions that ruined your reputation, and that makes life more difficult. Bit too close to real life, maybe.
  21. It also seems like box office is becoming less of an indicator of success in Hollywood.
  22. I do get this. It is easy to lose connection to a game when it takes more than a month to get through. You start to lose track of the quests you were on, the gameplay of a levelled up character, etc. It can even be difficult to read thick books when you have kids and a day job. But it is a lot easier to sit down for 15 minutes and read a chapter or two than sit down and game for 15 minutes.
  23. This whistleblower stuff is insane. I don't understand anyone who would support releasing their name. What possible benefit does that have other than to intimidate and discourage the entire idea of coming forward with evidence?
  24. I think so. I am on antibiotics and something called Omeprazole for a bit.
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