Shryke has an attack of .5
Shryke has a defense of 2
Shryke is a 'Innocent Suckup' type card.
Once per turn, for an infinite number of turns, Shryke can compliment someone on their artwork, or flatter the ladies, every time he successfully flatters the ladies (successfully meaning no one points it out or flames him after the fact) he earns a 'Shryke is an OK guy' token
For 3 'Shryke is an OK guy' tokens, when attacked Shryke has a 50% chance invoke "Oh no you didn't just say that about him." at which point the tribunal of fangirls descends upon the attacker, doing 50 points damage and boosting Shryke's ego, giving him a 'I'm the man, man' token.
For 10 'I'm the man, man' tokens, Shryke can invoke 'I don't think you are a very nice person' on an opposing card of the player's choice, this attack instakills the other player, with backup support from the fangirls, but in the resulting flamewar, 3 turns later, Shryke is also killed.