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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. Show us your boobs, we might get happier  B)

    This is really pathetic. Where are you? What is this? Nightclub?

    I agree.....though I will also agree that Alexia's are bigger and she is much easier on the eyes overall than Bastila OR Atris.


    Though that might have to do with the whole "The girl next door is a whole lot better than the barbie on the floor saying" :rolleyes:




  2. Do you think it is possible that she was just .... kidding?








    "I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire

    Considering how aggressive she had been up until that message, I figured this one was just as aggressive.


    And proper "netiquette" would have someone putting smileys around that comment to indicate that she was in fact kidding.



    It's one thing to defend someone's right to say something, but I think a veil has been pulled over your eyes. For the most part I have just been reading this thread, and from what I can tell, she came busting in saying how much she hates men.


    You mention that people get reactionary when they are defensive and defend her based on that, when everyone else "ganging up" on her was a defensive reaction to the stereotype she put forth.

    Hm, perhaps it was her GREETING that had her automatically on the defensive when she entered this thread. :rolleyes:



    I can vouch for Alexia that she's a pleasant enough person to be around when you aren't constantly attacking her. I also commend Darth Gandalf and nightcleaver for looking past her apparent views on men and thinking about what could have formed them. ;)

  3. 2. More "usable" stuff: Let's say I'd love to jump into a laser turret whan I see a band of enemy soldiers

    That's an awesome suggestion, but seeing as how the CRPGers apparently have no hand eye coordination, and they complained about the extremely simple Ebon Hawk turret minigame, I think we'd get complaints of 'twitch' elements. :rolleyes:

    Funny that, i always thought it was their dislike of 'twitch gaming' in a CRPG itself, and not a lack of hand eye coordination. But what do i know, eh?

    I guess that may be the case, but their complaints of not being able to complete the Ebon Hawk turret game suggest otherwise. ;)

  4. 2. More "usable" stuff: Let's say I'd love to jump into a laser turret whan I see a band of enemy soldiers

    That's an awesome suggestion, but seeing as how the CRPGers apparently have no hand eye coordination, and they complained about the extremely simple Ebon Hawk turret minigame, I think we'd get complaints of 'twitch' elements. :lol:

  5. There is no physical display of love from Juhani while playing as a female PC I know that for sure. She does say she is fond of you playing as both a male and female on the light side but the exact meaning of that is up for interpretation. IMHO I think Bioware intended this to be a praise of your PC's ability to gain her trust as she was not too trusting a character when you first get her aboard the ship.


    I was never able to get the option so I have no way to say if it's real or not. But on GameFAQ a while back someone posted a way to get more then that from her. It wasn't a physical show of emotions but she stated she had strong feelings for you. You ended up with some entry about having to wait till the situation with Malak was over to find out what would happen.(Sort of like Bas) Had screens taken with a camera posted up. Looked real enough but who knows.

    Yup, I got that too. Talk to Juhani after you've smacked Bastila on the temple roof but before you use the computer to turn off the distortion field and you've been friendly enough with her throughout the game (I turned Carth down, not sure if you must do that).

    I think this only appears if you're female. When you meet her in the grove, if you're female, she'll say something like "I think I truly loved Quatra" and I'm quite sure you won't get that if you're male.

    So she does seem to have a lesbian streak, if you feel a need to label feelings.

    Well, there was her and Belaya.........


  6. Then you'd probably like Eddie Izzard and Kevin Smith as well.

    And Mel Brooks, The Zucker Brothers, South Park, Monty Python, and the farside comic strip.

    Not to mention Sinfest, I've found that to be a sort of 'more adult' Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. There's a huge archive too. Took me days (and nights) to get through! :D

  7. Doesn't change the fact she's somewhat accurate.... ;)

    No, she is not.


    What is happeing here is the good old fashioned "male talk", this is how guys act and talk when around other guys and if women dont understand ... well its the same with us and "women talk".


    There is no sexism here, none is talking about women as if they are inferior, lesser or any of that kind of adjectives, at least not serious about it.


    Alexia on the other hand is sexist, she considers males to be inferior (perhaps why is a lesbian, I dont like to talk about sexual preferences and choices but a traumatic sexual experiance can lead to some choices being made) and so she pretty much insulted us becase she means it.

    She's my friend...she doesn't really abuse me either....unless of course I try to pry into her personal life...but that's understandable. ;)

  8. Are you saying you don't like to kiss females.

    not their asses. logic and population states that 2/3 women are overweight (i think those were the numbers, but as i remember their not in good favor)

    Better than 3/3 of men being overweight, and for your information im a size 8 so i am very nicely formed.

    I can vouch for this....I've seen the dum dum dum....NIGHTIE PIC!!! ;)

  9. I am not trolling, I am defending woman kind. And in my experience men are sexist.

    That's because most men are weak & pathetic beings who have little control over their base passions.

    Target accepted.



    you need us men to give you the painless beef injection so you can have children so when you get your welfare check in the mail, it gets an extra $500. so dont you sit here and say 'oooooo guys are pathetic"

    I find it hilarious that you think I am a woman.....

    Don't worry, it happens to me enough....between online and the phone. <_<

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