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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. I'm of the opinion that Hitler would in all probablility have won the war if he hadn't run all of his best scientists off (there were, for the most part JEWS!!! ). But don't be fooled, the Japanes had just as many nasty prison camps and did just as many nasty experiments on their prisoners. You just don't hear about it as much since they weren't as much of a 'problem' and they were more 'fair' with who they put in the gas chambers. :rolleyes:


    Hitler had some very, very advanced prototypes out, some that wouldn't look all that out of place with today's military aircraft. (I remember at least one that ran on a more primitive version of today's jet engines. ) But, they were never finished as he ran all of his scientists off to America and other allied countries. :blink:

  2. I mean, when I hear of the word "Lord", images of a fat and overgrown landowner sitting along side his chubby mistress dining in a medieval castle overlooking farmland, certainly not the image I see when I meet a menacing warrior of the force wielding a death stick.


    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords deserves a better name, a name that reflects the ferocity of the adversary, a name that makes the PC run away screaming like a little girl upon hearing it.


    I propose, instead of "Lords", we use Sith God Emperors of Unholy Doom.




    Sith Death Warrior That Will Gut You Like A Yavinese Tapeworm Lodged in Your Lower Colons.




    Sith Dysentery.


    Those names would be cool.


    "Lords" sounds much too non-inspiring and bland.

    You don't give up in your trolling attempts do you? :blink:

  3. I can't believe I didn't get flamed or called a sick f*cker even once for posting that picture. What is the world coming to when no one minds you posting pictures of chopped up puppy dog meat from Hanoi. :blink:

  4. I'm fully aware of how much oil this country has. I think most other people forget it, and constantly talk about how the US needs the mideast for oil. We choose to use foreign oil rather than risk polluting the environment by drilling for it in large quanities ourself. And I've been up and down the Californian coast, and to Texas. I've never once seen tar on the beach.


    Alaska had a pretty big oil spill, but I've never been up there. And to think Russia gave up on Alaska as a colony.

    You haven't been to Jalama beach then. Lots of tar patches on that beach. It was still a nice place to go...but now it's been taken over by windsurfers, because the name Jalama itself means windy beach....hence it's good for that sport. :lol:

  5. I was refering to ShinIchiro's post.  What the hell are you talking about?  What Galaxy Druid?




    Galaxy Droid


    1. Platform: Xbox

    2. Planet or Area: This glitch occurs after the Leviathan most of the time, although players have reported otherwise.

    3. Location: n/a


    4. Description: After playing through the game numerous times, I have run across this little glitch/debug mode(?) a couple of times. After multiple times of testing, and from the help of other players, I have basically determined the cause of the glitch, and a lot of information about it. I will list the effects of the galaxy droid, as well as ways for causing him to appear.


    Causing the glitch:


    There are multiple things reported to have caused the glitch, the most frequent reports will be posted here. By using these steps I have managed to cause the glitch to happen numerous times:


    a. Do not have Jolee in your party by the Leviathan.

    b. Pick Dantooine as your planet to travel to before being captured by the Leviathan.

    c. Have a damaged save game.


    You should save the game directly after you finish the fight with Malak, just incase you somehow pass the loading after the gunfight. Just by having these, after the gun fight on the Leviathan, your screen will turn black, but you will hear the sound of on board Ebon Hawk. After this occurs this is what you should do to enable the glitch:


    a. Wait approximately 5 minutes while the black screen is active.

    b. Use the directional pad, and move it left and right until you hear the sound you hear when your choosing through attacks.

    c. Press the start button and save the game in a new slot.

    d. Load the game, you will now find yourself in the conversation where they talk about you being Revan, after this you will find the Galaxy Droid in the area where you choose your planet destination.




    When you talk to the Galaxy Droid, he allows you to visit any of the planets and major places in the game. Some examples of interest are the Endar Spire, Taris, or Dantooine (all destroyed). This allows you to visit these areas with all of your equipment allowing for fun, yet glitchy replay value. The glitchy part is the triggers of the game seem to refresh themselves...like the woman on Dantooine who asks you about your jedi robes will repeatedly ask you the question as long as you are close to her. Overall I find it pretty fun to go to various areas of the game basically dominating things as a Jedi.


    5. Workaround: Its pretty simple, just make sure you don't do any of the things that cause it which were listed above.



    Anyway, since the Galaxy Droid is thought to be a sort of debug mode for the Billy Gates Box version, I would assume that it isn't in the PC version because it has the Debug Codes via the in-game 'console'. You can do everything the Galaxy Droid can do with warp codes, and much much more considering you can get weapons that aren't usually available in game, even one that NO ONE uses in game that I know of, that is as powerful as a maxxed out Saber-Staff (Massassi Battle Staff). Even better, non jedi can use this weapon since it falls under the same category as the quarterstaff on Taris. :lol:

  6. Yes, but there WAS no interaction between T3 and HK which made it pointless.


    IIRC there was a conversation between Hk and T3 if you used them both in their party but I never did so I can't confirm that. HK was funny(if not a tad bit scary) but anything he could do I had another party member that could do as well or better and the same with T3. Not to mention T3 was not as good in a fight as the other characters.

    Nope. At least for some odd reason the trigger point on Tattooine in Anchorhead sure didn't make it happen. I mean, those two had so much potential....HK could've asked T3 if he had any aspirations of overthrowing his meatbag overlords instead of being a subservient little twit.....but nothing. :lol:

  7. Carth and Mission as well as Mission and Zal had 2. As for anyone else I don't know.


    Carth and Mission have two about her being a kid/him being old and what not.


    Mission and Zal have one about his breath and one about his fur. Rather funny.

    Mission and Saalaadbar's were funny.


    Saalaadbar: Mission! How many times do I have to tell you, you don't trim a wookie, you don't brush a wookie, and you DON'T dress a wookie!


    Mission: Yeah, but c'mon you could start a whole new trend!



  8. The first book of Tales of the Jedi is called The Golden Age of the Sith.

    Are you nocturnal Michael? Just wondering since you seem to crawl out of your cubicle and post here at night, assuming you're in the same time zone as the rest of Obsidian. :o

  9. It really is f*cked what we they did to us back in the day. (1/8th Cherokee here)


    For instance, driving the Cherokee's across the country....taking them from their homes, and giving them the crappiest pieces of land, when they had paradise before that. You notice most the indian reservations are in desterts and swamps...that's not by accident.


    Not to mention taking indian children away from their parents and placing them in boarding schools where they were abused terribly by the white men. I remember seeing one story on a documentary where an indian father came in defense of his son, told them that it was better to teach them by example how to be good men, rather than the belt. They promptly shot them.


    In my experience, it's about 1% of indians that actually benefit from the tribal casinos. The rest get nothing.


    I shouldn't really be complaining though, because my ancestors managed to take the easy way out, what with Cherokee's being an extremely lightly complexioned indian race anyway, and them being half white anyway; and cut ties with their heritage. Perhaps the cowards way out, but it kept them together, and saved them from alot of ridicule in the long run. My grandfather still had stories of his father having trouble finding a job because he was a 'halfbreed'.


    Just for the record though, while I disagree with Affirmative Action for the most part, I could see it to a limited extent in the lower education system. It generally doesn't work for higher education though, in my experience....because it just sets the people who benefit from it up for failure for the most part, not being prepared for the classes, and even if they do cut them some slack, they're never going to be able to compete with people who've had full advantages from the beginning without some catching up first. Better to send them to a JC where they can catch up on whatever was left out of their education, than to set them up for failure in college, and later on in their carreer.

  10. Eru, you can die know if you wish or do you want help. Grrr... :(

    No I'm quite alive thank you. I can't wait for FOOL that'll probably top Brotherhood of Steel what with all the cool items and stuff that's bound to be in it. But Bioware will always be better than Black Isle, you guys just won't admit it.

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