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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. It's not my fault Bioware had more success than Black Isle. I mean, we all KNOW that the Baldur's Gate games were better than Planescape or the Fallouts. And I personally think that the Devs have a whole lot more to do with a game than the publishers. Hence why Black Isle published the games, and said "Ooooh, look at us, we MADE Bioware what they are today....too bad that we f*cked up and made all these bad games, and now we have to pick up on what Bioware was too good for. (KotOR 2)

  2. http://www.mobygames.com/browse/games/k,2/j,771/?o=100a101


    some good.


    some bad.


    absent from list are the following:






    it is sad that black isle will be remembered by many crpg fans for the games it cancelled as much as for the games it developed.


    most of the obsidian developers was once employees of black isle.


    some good.


    some bad.


    HA! Good Fun!

    Like I said, some wannabe Bioware company. We ALL know that Bioware made the Baldur's gate series, not Black Isle. They just tried to steal some of Bioware's glory.

  3. Never go in with a Sicilian when Death is on the line!

    That and Irish women....both have some fiery tempers. :ph34r:


    It's not all that hard to get a nice comment from Alexia....you just have to know what to say. I go with keeping my mouth shut for the most part...other than to feed her ego....it seems to work rather well. :p

  4. What about the Battle of the Bulge and Imijima (sp?) My grandfather on my mom's side fought in the first one, not as bad as the second, but still ugly. My grandfather on my dad's side fought in the second. He was one of the first waves to hit after they dropped the bomb, wonder he didn't get cancer from the radiation. Not to mention he was one of the only members of his platoon that survived. My dad didn't even know that he fought there until he died and he saw his service records. It was so bad he never, ever talked about it. <_<


    Didn't sacrifice nothin' my ass. :angry:

  5. You could level up the characters as needed when you pull them out.


    I don't think I ever used T3 except when plot forced me to.

    If you had a character low in security, and were playing lightside (hence not doing the double cross thingy) he was useful for opening Uthar's door so you could complete Carth's messenger quest, not to mention get the neato Sith Mask. :(

  6. I know here in Omaha the big money is in programming COBOL and FORTRAN because very few people know those languages. They are antiquated, and horrid to program in. So pick your poison and spent 60 hours a week doing something you love, or 40 hours a week doing something you hate.


    And who is to say FORTRAN and COBOL programmers don't put in lengthy hours either.


    And there is a different making $70,000 a year in the Midwest, or a place like Edmonton (Bioware) than making $70,000 out in Irvine (Interplay, OE).

    Aye, $70,000 where I live is a salary to die for. :(

  7. Honestly, what about bankrupcy don't you guys understand? Interplay is screwed; if they dont even have the cash to keep their office doors open, then how do you expect them to be able to produce an entire game (FO Online), which could take years. Caen's desperate attempts to keep Interplay afloat may prove successful for a while, but it is ultimately just prolonging the inevitable. Interplay will probably be looking to sell off the FO liscence as well as others by the time they go under.

    I know that, and you know that, but Herve's investors sure don't seem to. :huh:

  8. I agree about Syberia, actually - haven't played Riven/Silent Hill 2 (long enough) to comment on these. Sounds like I should have a look at them sometime :). I don't really believe we have any artistic game at all per se yet - not as art is done elsewhere. I have yet to see a game that takes the Genre "Computergames" to it's boundaries or experiments with the stylistic options we have. At the moment the only trend that really exists is to try to make things more "realistic" or "blow things up spectacular". Naturally that is far from art per se.

    Beyond Good & Evil was like that, it was amazing. Stupid Ubi had to turn it into a guinea pig to test gaming community strength. :angry: F*cktard idiots. :angry:

  9. But yeah, also check out Full Sail, they are pretty good.

    I've heard that they're not as good as DigiPen if you're looking to be a game programmer :).

    Me too, and in my experience, in smaller class settings you learn a helluva lot more than larger ones. Which is why Digipen holds so much appeal to me. :)


    <edit> Washinton's also at least on the same COAST as me, alot closer to home, yet far enough away that I should be able to feel on my own. :) </edit>

  10. Hehehe, I plan on going to the local JC to brush up on my higher math a bit before trying to get into gaming school. I hope to get into Digipen, hence why I'm brushing up on math first, as I figure from what's been said, the aggressive math is the reason for the high drop out rate. :) But I'd rather be a sort of Jack of All trades than just limited to programming. Most of all, I want to work on the models, and art. Not the actual concept art sketches, but the stuff that comes after that. It looks fun. :)

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