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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. I'd say yes, as I'd love to have a kick ass version of swoop racing similar to the hovercraft races in Beyond Good & Evil....but I suspect that the Black Isle and **** fanboys will be in here to complain about 'twitch' games pretty soon...  ;)

    Beyond Good and Evil.


    A great example on how to mix genres. Stealth, racing, third person fighting/adventure, puzzles... Great stuff alround. The storyline was good too, and the music was great.


    Too bad it sold terribly.



    Yes, as of the first time I played it it climbed to the rank of my all time favorite game. If anything was hinted at in the first one though, and if Michel Ancel (Ubi's Shiggy Myamoto) has his way, than I expect there will be a sequel. The bad sales were only because of dismal advertising (like two spreads in a couple gaming magazines consisted of 'advertising') and the fact that Ubi released three games that should have all went gold at the same time (XIII, PoP: Sands of Time, BG&E). Anyone who's played it should see that it's something special, from the way they've paid sooooo much attention to every single detail in the game, to the way they pull off a cartoony looking, yet intellectual game, to the way the choreography and voice acting was done, not to mention that this game manages to pull off philosophical and religious implications like the Matrix Trilogy, without becoming boring. I think my favorite moment has to be racing across the rooftops running away from General Kehck, right when the slo-mo kicks in and it looks like all is lost, and then.....well, you know what happens. :lol:


    There is an official petition for a sequel located HERE for everyone who hasn't already done so, sign it, and for those that haven't already bought it, you need to go do so, if you have a fairly high end system, I suggest you buy it on PC, if you have a lower end system, I suggest X-Box, though it's on ALL platforms. The forums for Beyond Good & Evil's Off Topic/General Discussion section is also located HERE, and a review from my most trusted gaming media outlet (Gamespot) is located HERE. Not that you really need one, as every single farcking review I've seen has been in the 8-9 ranges, or the equivalent of whatever scoring sytem the reviewer's are using. ;)

  2. yea, too bad i cant go back and change it. Ask if the one of the mod.'s can?



    I havent had the chance to read all of the older books, but...i have read most all of the Jedi Apprentice Books. They are fairly good because you get to hear the story from obi's point of view about the adventures of him and qui-gon. even tho i think the books is aimed toward lower level readers, it is still pretty good. My favorite out of the series is The Captive Temple.

    Yeah, you WOULD think that huh Leroy? ;)

  3. George tackled the whole "Luke knew he kissed his sister all along" bit that he meant to do in the original ...due in the next release...

    You can't be serious; great GL let's just turn it into an incest raunch fest while we're at it. Oh well, at least it'll make Leroy and his inbred family happy. ;)



    P.S. Leroy=Metallic Falcon



  4. It would be good in KOTOR 2 did still come out Feb 2005. In May 2005 EP3 will be coming out and everyone will be so pumped to see it. So before it comes out, people can get some Star Wars taste before the movie. This game being KOTOR 2. So in the end, KOTOR 2 could benefit from EP3 in many ways. Or vice-versa, EP3 could benefit from KOTOR 2 cause would get people into the SW mood and ready for EP3.


    Thats just my thought on the situation.


    Thats why I believe Republic Commando was delayed. Because it is heavily related to EP3 and maybe GL wants to use it as some of the marketing plan.

    I really, really hate you and your optimism towards Episode III. More than likely it's going to suck just like the other two. It's probably best to flee it like the plague......but I'm still probably going to see it anyway. :lol: I refuse to buy the Special Special Edition DVDs though, no matter what.....it's not worth it to pay for the OT to be raped by Lucas. :angry:

  5. <cue Hades_One's ideal KotOR ending>


    Mission: So what are we gonna do today Revan, take down Malak perhaps?


    Revan: Nah Mission, I'm just gonna sit here with my bottle of Tarisian Ale, the rest of the galaxy can go to hell for all I care.


    Mission: But what if he comes after us and we're unprepared?


    Revan: He wouldn't bother, he's too busy taking over the galaxy.


    <Door Bursts open Sith Troopers march in>


    <Mission gets shot by blaster, does a death scream>




    <Sith Trooper shoots Revan, Revan dies>






  6. Journey with me, archaeologists of the Obsidian Era, back to the moment of this board's creation, back to a time when all sorts of single-celled organisms and rudimentary crustaceans were squirming, crawling, and slurping out of the primordial ooze that marked the infancy of this board. Visceris Obstinatous (or Hades_One, as the species is more commonly known) was at the vanguard of this primitive, fundamental migration.


    An evolutionary anomaly, Visceris Obstinatous comprises both the bottom and the top tier of its evolutionary chain. While other organisms occupying such a peculair state in evolution are either simple enough to subsist off of veritably any environment (such as Darthus Genericus, commonly known as Darth Nobody, an organism capable of only the lowest functions of life, such as tedious repetition, lacking even the most basic of grammatical and indeed, logical, skills) or have gone extinct long ago (An example being the ill-fated Adrius Impersonous, simply referred to as Atek, whose exquisitely poor chameleon-like camouflage abilities left itself open to extinction via natural predators and a harsh environment), Visceris Obstinatous is neither simple, nor extinct. Indeed, the species has flourished virulently in any of the environs it has occupied, not to mention the fact that it is capable of the very highest functions of life, such as pontification and proselytization.


    The sheer tenacity, the sheer adaptability of the species is astounding. Visceris Obstinatous, an evolutionary marvel, was instilled at the very instant of its formation with a survival ability that c***roaches no doubt envy. Its armor of simple-minded resolutivity, thicker and sturdier than any nigh conceivable, is not so much armor at all but the fundamental composition of its being. Peirce it, rend it, slash it, shred it -- it matters not; armor is but a protective husk, unable to sustain "fatal" injuries. Viceris Obstinatous has the, indeed, otherworldly component of being nothing but a husk, through and through, unable to be destroyed, nay, or even wounded! Break it into a billion pieces, break the very atoms of each piece into a billion pieces themselves and it will endure: less organized perhaps, but completely and totally ready to resume its tritely horrifying routine of attack and defense once more.

    Off topic: You know you really should submit that to the guy who does the Flame Warriors charicatures. :lol:




    On topic: I think my JEDI will probably dual wield both short saber either the Mantle of the Force, silver (if'n it's not a rumor), or black (if they actually decide to include it). She will probably be wearing anything similar to Revan's robes, or some uber-sh!t armor like Bandon was wearing if they'll just let me use force powers in certain armors like the baddies; and will focus mostly on Strength, Charisma, Stealth, and Wisdom. She will also focus almost exclusively on Aura (it sounds quite posibly worth it), Dominate Mind, Crush, and Force Storm, and possibly Death Field depending on how much of a tank she turns out to be. As far as skills go, Awareness, Persuade, Stealth, and either Repair, Computer Use or Security. That or I'll just debug and hex like I did the first one after normal play throughs got boring, and just completely max everything out. ;)

  7. A glowing halo and customizable lightside jedi robes that you can draw designs for. It could work if they let you draw your tatoos.

    If they do that, I'm getting me some KKKer robes with a smiley face and 'Have a Nice Day' on the back of them. 10 points for whoever can recall the movie reference. ;)

    Blazing Saddles, was it not?

    Yes, yes it was. Mel Brooks at his finest. :lol:

  8. Yeah, I'd definitely go as far as to say that it's almost ready now, should Lucasarts want it released ASAP, it could probably be released early-mid fall. But they want to either release it just prior to Episode III to build they hype, or they want to release it during the holiday season so everyone buys it for Christmas, only time will tell really. <_<

  9. I could quote your last post and break it down. It would give me a headache.


    Let's start with the basics. Spellmar says:


    exstrapolations = extrapolations

    whatching = watching

    relogious = religious

    beleives = beliefs

    inquiritive = inquisitive

    nebolous = nebulous

    colloqualism = colloquialism

    whichout = without

    fullfillmen = fulfillment

    pshyche = psyche

    scrypt = script

    deliver = delivery

    laught = laugh

    corrisponds = corresponds

    beleives = beliefs


    That's not using a spellcheck. I picked those words out by hand looking at your last message. That's just spelling. You might come back saying they were typos, but some of these were repeatedly mispelled such as "choises" and "beleives". Punctuaction and grammer also be damned in such nuggets as:

    And then you wonder why American educational system are the laughting stock of the western world...

    If you can't see the joke here, I'm not pointing it out.



    And for the record, while American public schools vary, many of the finest colleges in the world are found on American soil.

    :p Irony. :p

  10. I read the whole X-Wing series and enjoyed it.


    Corran had a spin-off hardcover book called I, Jedi that was pretty sad however.

    I got that lying on my bookshelf unread, handme down from one of the staff who I befriended during my stay in the home for wayward boys. :p

  11. I liked the X-Wing series with Corran Horn, though I only read the first four books because they were all I could find in the used book store, but they were kick ass. It was the first time my young brain was introduced the the Gand, as his wingman was one, you know they can survive in the vaccuum of space? Kick-ass. Don't know how the last (four?) books were though. <_<

  12. A glowing halo and customizable lightside jedi robes that you can draw designs for. It could work if they let you draw your tatoos.

    If they do that, I'm getting me some KKKer robes with a smiley face and 'Have a Nice Day' on the back of them. 10 points for whoever can recall the movie reference. :p

  13. If the world were an alternate universe....


    Alabama would be the big business area of the world


    The Swiss Army would be the most powerful force on the planet


    Star Wars would involve Stars in a War for oxygen


    This would be hot:






    omg, i just love that pic. i gotta find the site where i got it :)

    Why you dissin' my sister man?



    I am so dead if she sees that, thank Gott even she isn't that ugly even with the giant scar going down her cheek. :-X

  14. Lucas does mention his commercial success a lot. And before Episode 2, he did an interview with Time, I believe. He mentioned that he secludes himself on his Ranch, and just ignores the media. He had no clue that the fan community hated Jar Jar until the media junket for Episode 2 when interviewers asked him about. He then responded that fans didn't like Ewoks, but that Return of the Jedi did fine at the Box Office.

    That's fux0red on so many levels I don't even know where to start.....I hate George Lucas, he's killing Star Wars. :)

  15. Hades has said time and time again that he doesn't way to play Galaxies. He wants to play a Star Wars CRPG with Fallout style character creation that doesn't force him to play a Jedi.


    Too bad that game doesn't exist. He could make that game with Fallout toolsets, he could play something else, or he could sit here and bitch.


    Which one did you think he chose?

    :( :( :lol: :lol: :lol:

  16. Maybe I'll someday get around to reading the series.


    I'm not crazy about the idea of the Vong as a villian. I think constantly raising the scale of galactic badness is not the way to go. How do you top each new threat? I think villians like Thrawn were a much better way to go with EU books because it provides a unique and new storyline rather than trying to create a bigger and badder threat.


    Look at books like the Courtship of Princess Leia. The Nightsisters weren't all-powerful, and Warlord Zsinj didn't threaten to blow up the whole galaxy. The book had a smaller scale of threat, but had a good story. It introduced interesting and new concepts, and good characters.


    I wished Bantam had kept the license, and continued to pursue stories like that. That's just me.

    The Nightsisters were back in the glory days of old, when Lucas was still handpicking the authors. As was said earlier on, since then it went to hell. :(

  17. I've never heard advantages/disadvantages of the GC.

    Advantages of the Gamecube:

    It has a handle...which is pretty much it...


    Disadvantages of the Gamecube:

    Too much to list...


    Waits for nerdy fanboys to start flaming him...ah, what a life I lead...

    Well, besides the handle, I would say it is definitely the most mobile system, I mean, you can fit the Cube in a minivan alot better than a PS2 or a Billy Gates Box.


    I won't start flaming, but I will say that you can't play LoZ: The Wind Waker, or the new Metroid games on any of the other systems. They sure messed up when they made it like they did though. :( If they keep making all this bad decisions, I see them going the way of Sega. :(

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