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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. ok, heres my view, yet again....


    'goths' just want attention. they usually come from a bad home, or they want to blend in with somebody from a bad home. they stay inside all day leaving the paleness, and they wear all black because it makes their skin appear to be more pale (no, really it does).


    they usually dont be successful in life, most likely drop out, end up working at a gas station or Big Boy. yeah, Big Boy is a big goth cult, remember?


    and if theyre not working they end up getting that welfare check in the mail because they wanted attention as a child, so they always acted depressed, dressed like a freak, and didnt do their school/home work.


    hmm, time for me to get flamed

    Raven, how does it feel to be wrong in your point of view? Because you're not...


    Waits to get flamed along with Raven...

    Nah, for once I just have to agree with Revan.....once upon a time it might have been a jab at taking down social conformity, but now it's just the new trend. :)

  2. I know twi'lek is a foreign (and nonexistent) language, but most of it was about as convincing as Keanu Reeve's performances in anything post-Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (okay, and maybe Matrix...and the sequel to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure). Take us back to the days of "te wanna wanga" and "ne jabba no badda."

    Actually, I have heard an unsubstantiated rumor that most, if not all of the languages in the OT were obscure dialects mostly from Africa; someone feel free to disprove this as I've been wondering if it was true or not for awhile. :)

  3. Then don't play it. I think it's kinda fun... But can you fix the way the computer cheats? I'll stay or hit 20, and without fail they'll ALWAYS get EXACTLY the right cards to get them on 20. Now THAT is unfair.

    The computer doesn't cheat. I swear. :)


    In-code, it's treated exactly like the player is. It gets its 4 cards randomly from a pre-selected sidedeck of 10 cards just like you do. It draws its cards at the start of its turn from the same deck that you do. It never looks at your cards.


    It's just following a pretty effective algorithm for winning the game. If you're not convinced, one of these days I can document exactly how it decides if it is going to hit or stay, and then you can see if it ever violates those rules or not. I promise it won't.



    I can verify this from a non-programmer's standpoint. I can kick the computers ass about 90% of the time without using force reload. I loved Pazaak, but that's probably because I love Blackjack, and that's what Pazaak is, minus one for the number goal, and add on the modifier side deck cards. :)

  4. I was wondering if there was any way you guys could make the animations for the characters in the dialogues sped up as if you pressed fast forward on a VCR when you skip through them real fast. I think it could really make this game stand apart from the crowd, not to mention amuse me in the process. :D

  5. I really didn't want to get into this debate, but 'meh'.  Anyway, not being materialistic is all very well and good, commendable even, but what does being pale and wearing dark clothes have anything to do with it?  I am not particularly materialistic.  I have no desire to be rich, and I don't consider myself 'goth'.  I think the problem is that they're a lot of people out there who think they're goth simply because they're pale and wear dark clothes.  You think goth is not being materialistic. 


    What we have is a contradiction in terms. 


    Unfortunately, from what I see, these actions aren't having the desired results.  People don't take goths seriously, because people judge by appearances.  Its sad, but its also human nature.  If you want to be taken more seriously, don't be materialistic, but at the same time, dress modestly but neatly. 


    My $0.02

    Yeah, I kinda realized there weren't any obvious connections bar being different. I'm writing a sf story about a guy who rages against materialism and society in a near future, and I'm so into his character right now. I guess the being different overlapped.


    About appearance. If you look like everyone else, how will you stick in people's minds? If I was goth, the whole point of it would be to make people realize that things are more than they appear. I'm not saying that you must go goth to stand out though. Just like.. wear what you feel comfortable in (and I doubt chains, spikes and straight-jackets are comfy), regardless how it looks.


    I think it was Nietzsche who said that an action is neither good nor bad, it is the motive for doing the action that can be classified as good/bad (according to the societys morale). In the same way, the reason for turning goth decides whether you're a sucker for attention or you feel an actual need for black leather and makeup (sexual tensions?). With that in mind, I think it is a bad idea to label a goth idiot without knowing the reason for it.


    Take guys who like rap music. Why do they insist on wearing baggypants, 10 pounds of gold and a silly cap?

    I see a direct parallell towards Synth music (electric 80's and it's more recent incarnations) since all synth fans (here at least) dress just like goths. Black clothes, leather, wierd hair styles. And that's just because they like the music and want to identify with others who like the very same sounds. Heck, I dress in black when I hang at synth parties, but no way I'd label myself goth.

    I find it would be more effective to take on my best friend from highschool's approach if you really want to fight materialism. Guy wore some of the rattiest, weirdest clothes, many from the thriftstore, even though his parents lived in Granite Bay, and could easily afford 'designer' brands. He was also IMO a true genius. Last I knew he was teaching himself physics, and always was reading some math book or other. Also, in case anyone takes ratty clothes as identifying with the punk movement, this was not the case, as they simply were not the right type of 'ratty' clothes. Most individual person I ever knew, and that's saying something as I'm rather a misfit myself. B)

  6. What was I thinking? It's obvious you're a mature individual who can handle the responsibilites of being a father. Silly me.

    Whoa, that's a little harsh. For instance, there are those of us who realize that we aren't financially or emotionally prepared (yet) for the responsibilities that go along with being a father. Which is why I'm abstinent. <_<



    Damn me and my stupid rationality. :)

  7. Other then that I only idea I could come up with would be mood changing lightsabers. If you preform a darkside act or say something along the lines or being a darksider it would glow red, or a lightside act or sayin something along the sides or the lightside blue. Green of course if like one of the NPC out shines you in some way and you come off as jealous. I'm pretty sure I had other ideas but for some reason I forgot them and it was the only thing that came to mind. :D

    This idea's not all that bad, but instead of making it like a mood ring, how about make it more of an allignment saber by combining this with the idea's Mr. Skin Mask came up with in the initial post.


    For instance, If your allignment is towards the Light side, it's white as snow, and gets more and more brilliant, along with an increased chance of blinding your opponents the higher towards the Light you are. But if your allignment is towards the darkside, it gets blacker and blacker, and depending on whether or not you fight any Jedi in the game (not Dark Jedi, Jedi) then it would start pulsating around the edges with force lightning, and would have a bonus of shocking your opponent. If you don't fight any Jedi, than it can always just be based on how 'bad' you are. <_<




    P.S. There's some awesome mods on that site Victus, is it yours?

  8. Too.....erm....purple. Perhaps a darker shade of purple, and a lighter colored text for the links? I dunno about everyone else, but it was rather bright and hurt my eyes a wee bit....perhaps it's this cave I've been living in..... :)

  9. I've only got the initial Star Map on Dantooine, and I've already got everyone's sidequest except for Carth and Juhani initiated. I really do need to take Carth out and level him up sometime. ;) I put him in the Sith Armor so I don't have to see his pretty boy face and he looks sorta cool, but UGH! that voice! :angry:

  10. I took a political allignment test once, it said I was a Libertarian, leaning towards the left; but for the most part Libertarian. I was satisfied with that assessment, I always have been of the opinion that the people should be the ones controlling the government, not vice versa. I also would rather have less taxes, and the people paying for more government services directly. B)

  11. Hades have a point.


    First we start as a force user and even if that does not mean we are stuclk playing as a Jedi there is things that really dont fit reguarding quests.


    One of those things is focus, if the game starts to gear towards one type of quests its focus will be that type of quests, turing the game into bounty hunting shifts the focus of the game.


    As for smuggling thing it really does not work for the game engine since it simply turns then into "fed ex" quests.

    Not neccessarily. Are all of you forgetting Kyle Katarn and Jan? They were contract Bounty Hunters for the Republic for a time. Also, who's to say the smuggling missions have to be simple fed ex missions. I could see being ambushed by pirates in deep space, being set up by your employer and having your contact turn out to be a CorSec Enforcer, having to fight your way out of a bad situation.....There's numerous ways a smuggling mission could be spiced up and different from the routine Fed Ex mission depending on the creativity of the Devs......I really need to get into the gaming industry so I can put some of these ideas to good use. B)

  12. What about yuthura, can she be turned back to the light side. I have tried to get her to talk about her past and she doesnt seem to respond. Do I need to kill the master at the end and then let her live. I usually kill both of them  :o

    That's exactly what you need to do. Basically, you find out about her past, and befriend her in the academy where she's in the role of your instructor. (If you get the dialogue where say [i'm paraphrasing] "See you later friend" and she says "I like the sound of that, I haven't called anyone that in awhile") then you have successfully set it up to where if you don't kill here, and you don't simply release her, but instead question her motives after she stops attacking you, then you should be able to redeem her.


    Also, for any of the party member quests, I haven't read the entire thread due to lazy syndrome, but it doesn't matter what planet you're on in order to trigger the quests. So long as you've talked to them enough, all you need do is take them off the ship and walk around a bit in the trigger area for the party member quests on whatever planet you're on at the time (the immediate area of the docking bay).


    Good luck Snowman, stay frosty. :lol:


    P.S. If you do manage to redeem Yuthura, and Dantooine hasn't been blasted yet, than if you go back to Dantooine after finishing up on Korriban, you can see not only her but Kel Algwin (sp?) the other Sith in doubt at the Academy that you have an opportunity to redeem.


    Also of note, even if you are playing an uber LS character, it is of my opinion that the Genohardan assassination missions are still worth completing, as there should be plenty more opportunities to get your pure Light rating. One more thing worth mentioning is that if you kill off BOTH of the initiation contracts (the ones located on Manaan and Dantooine (?) then you will get an additional piece of Genohardan gear, an extra Vibrosword I believe, which is well worth it as it's damned near as powerful as a maxxed out Saber, and looks cooler for a DS character to boot depending on if you want the completely black look. ;) The poison attribute of it is handy as well when facing off against particularly difficult opponents, as it weakens them at the beginning of the battle. :)



  13. In kotor i was all excited about the scoundrel class do to the fact i thought you would get to be a smugler for a potion of the game. Now i know on korriban you could do two smugling missions but they were short and i wanted more. I was also disapionted by the bounty hunting jobs on manaan (geonoharadan or something).

    I think they should have elaborated on that or at least have collectable bounties on all of the planets. Iknow these are things that dont really matter and wont get put in because they probly wouldnt want to take time away from the main game but i just thought I'd post my opinion.


    im sorry i posted this in the wrong place im new and this is my first post

    You've been hitting a wee bit too much of that pixie rock haven't you? :lol:




    j/k That's a pretty good idea, but due to OE's flat refusal of most of our ideas, I doubt it will be incorporated....perhaps in KotOR 3? ;)

  14. Just inject midoclorians into his oil supply.

    Man, whatever happened to the Force resembling Eastern mysticism...must everything have a scientific explanation.....the premise of Star Wars is fantasy in a SciFi setting...Bob Damn you George Lucas!!! :angry:

  15. Don't worry they will have them in Obsidians High School RPG.

    Seriously? Are they planning a High School RPG? That actually might be pretty cool.

    Yeah, you can choose to claim your mantle as Imperialist Dictator of the In Crowd, or lead the AV Club Resistance. :rolleyes:

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