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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. They should get Leonard Nimoy, Judd Nelson, Lionel Stander, and someone that sounds like Orson Welles and Robert Stack.

    Well, seeing as Lionel Stander has been dead for ten years, unless Lucasarts has a necromancer on staff, there might be a problem there.



    As far as an Orson Welles sound-a-like, I'll again use this opportunity to put forward Maurice LaMarche (The Brain). He was Welles's voice in 'Ed Wood' and everyone has to admit that The Brain is obviously Orson Welles in mouse-form.

    I love the Brain. :unsure:



    I think we should get Christine Cavanaugh (sp?) in here. (Chuckie Finster, Oblina, Dexter, etc. ) I always am amazed at the numerous voices she can do. :p

  2. Since the theatrical release of the trilogy won't be on DVD (Lucas shudders at the quality of the special effects in the late '70s) entire generations may see Star Wars for the first time as the Special Editions.


    Doesn't that scare you?

    Most disturbing indeed.......... I fear the force won't be as strong with that generation.




    <cries> It's just not right, not right I say.


    Muppets practically MADE Star Wars, but Bob Damned Lucas with his CGI fetish had to ditch them. :(


    @Tyrell: You would like the changes he's made.....Lucas wouldn't want his mouthpiece to speak bad of him now....would he? <_<

  3. I guess I just suggest maybe there should be some sort of penalty since I don't think even the best Jedi would still be so untouchable while engaged in combat with someone else as someone tries to stab him in the back.

    Duncan McCloud of the Clan McCloud was able to do it on Highlander via the mirror image in his blade. :(

  4. And there should be a part where your party members take you to a bar, get you drunk and then take you to a tattoo parlor and get nerfherder writen on your back.

    I always thought a tattoo on your genitals would make for a more appealing drinking story... :(

  5. mebbe u know this. mebbe u don't. so here it goes:


    Try this very soon, before "someone" forces Google to

    fix its site:


    1) Go to google


    2) Type in "weapons of mass destruction" (DON\'T hit return)


    3) Hit the "I\'m feeling lucky" (szczesliwy traf)button, NOT the

    "Google search"


    4) Read the "error message" carefully.

    Someone at Google has a sense of humour. And will probably be fired soon.

    Nah, it's been like that for a long, long time. :(

  6. I'm going to back out of this while I still have my honour, and the Wiggster and mkreku as forum buddies; as this seems to have degenerated into an international pissing match.



    I would like to shove off with a couple points though. Even if the US is the strongest military power in the world as of now, does it make it right to attack countries that we have outgunned and 'bomb them into the stoneage'? Also....how much longer do you think we're going to continue to be top dog with our economy slipping, and China's growing....I certainly don't want other countries to take on our current attitudes towards others towards us when they gain the upper hand....do you? :(


    The last thing I'd like the point out, is there are always at least two sides to any story; more often than not multiple sides to one. Only the winners of any given war write the history books.....though a more factual picture of the war may linger on in the loser's camp....



  7. Chemix says:

    I think someone spiked the punch

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Nah, it's out of a carton.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Minute Made.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    That's some hardcore s***.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    L8r fundie.

    Chemix says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    What that's the best you can come up with in retaliation to fundie?

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Man, you REALLY ARE a fundie.

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    are u griffman

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Who's Griffman?

    Chemix says:

    someone who acts a heck of alot like u

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Is it JGriff...or actually Griffman?

    Chemix says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    I have been known to go by JGriff here and there.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Nope, not me.

    Chemix says:

    the resemblence is scary

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    fundamental christian yes

    Chemix says:

    willing to take this bull from u for excessive amounts of time

    Chemix says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Oh well.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    It's been fun fundie boy.

    Chemix says:

    When I wrote the storyline, I had 3 things in mind, what was possible at the time being, what would be fun to play, and what was going to be a DIRECT sequel

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:


    Chemix says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    I'm off the team/suspended according to you remember?

    Chemix says:

    when me and MG wrote it

    Chemix says:

    I said u were suspended from the forums

    Chemix says:

    not temp off the team

    Chemix says:

    ur going to have to get back to work

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Yeah.....big diff.

    Chemix says:

    *cracks whip*

    Chemix says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Nah, I'd rather have my life back and cease to be the laughing stock of the KotOR community.

    Chemix says:

    The obsidian **** ascosiation

    Chemix says:

    u mean

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    And get a degree from Digipen like any aspirng game dev really should.

    Chemix says:

    ur life back

    Chemix says:

    u had ur life

    Chemix says:

    and never have more than 5 minutes THOUGHT to the project

    Chemix says:

    have given*

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:


    Chemix says:

    besides long tedious complaints

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    You think all the ideas I threw out took less than five minutes to develop.

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    they certainly sounded so

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    See, this is exactly why this team sucked.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:


    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    this is why u suck

    Chemix says:

    plain and simple

    Chemix says:

    ur rude

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    and think everyone lower than ur self

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    I KNOW that you an Nailyboy are below myself.

    Chemix says:

    most of the post I see from u support the OAA

    Chemix says:

    no one can be below the bottom

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Yes, because their doubts are very valid at this point.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    The bottom eh?

    Chemix says:

    doubt and hope

    Chemix says:

    which would I rather beleive in

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    which do I doubt

    Chemix says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Why do you even try to prove your point to me when I'm already off the team?

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    And I'm a total **** IYO?

    Chemix says:

    in mosts opinion rather, u treat the team like s*** and expect praise, I atleast care about the community and don't go around saying, ur mod sucks, ur mod sucks, ur mod sucks, ur an impossible **** to modders, unlike u who goes around with no real modding experience

    Chemix says:

    I don't like people insulting a team who does hard work

    Chemix says:

    and I don't appreciate team members which do no work and could care less

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Wait, I expect praise?

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Damn, could've fooled me.

    Chemix says:

    yes u do

    Chemix says:

    u expect to be praised for ur complaints

    Chemix says:

    or atleast thats how u act

    Chemix says:

    or rather what u demand

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Just like you expect praise for your chicken s*** mod eh?

    Chemix says:

    I expect suppor

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    and less flames and insults

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    I don't demand high praise like u no

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    High praise huh?

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Geez, could've fooled me.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Peace out fundie.

    Chemix says:

    u'd get along well with Grifman

    Chemix says:

    JGriff/ Grifman

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Yeah, and I was Sithchick too.

    Chemix says:

    naaah, u were after the old forums if I recall

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Sarcasm fundie, sarcasm.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    And no, I wasn't.

    Chemix says:

    mabey u were sithbitch then

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Yeah, I'm glad I could inspire paranoia in you fundie.

    Chemix says:

    oh, I don't need paranoia

    Chemix says:

    I know microsoft is trying to take over the world

    Chemix says:

    and that little green men have visited us on countless ocasions

    Chemix says:

    and if u don't believe those, I beleive that animals can talk too

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Man, you're beyond fundie, you crazy.

    Chemix says:

    if u think thats crazy then here this, U ARE BILL BORGY GATES, AND I AM NAPOLEON

    Chemix says:

    I conquered the world

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    I was also Alexander the great

    Chemix says:

    and the king of troy

    Chemix says:

    If u can't see this sarcasm, u need a brain

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Yeah, but I'm about to post a transcript of this entire conversation on Obsidian so they can all see you for the idiot you are.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Have a nice day Fundie.

    Chemix says:

    don't forget to include ur bitching too

    Chemix says:

    people often do

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Don't worry, I am.

    Chemix says:

    anyways, what do u plan to do now that ur off the team

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Sit on my ass, eat my heart's content, drink a gallon of Juice a day.

    Chemix says:

    I've had enought of this ur this, ur that, enter sarcasm, convo, so lets switch to a more positive subject

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    I like this.

    Chemix says:

    because I'm rather tired, not to mention sick of mindless cursing

    Chemix says:

    now let me

    Chemix says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    Bitch! You haven't even begun to see cursing.

    Chemix says:

    knew that would be the first sentance u would say

    Chemix says:

    don't u have a positive outlook

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    My postive outlook was beaten into submission after years of trying to hold an intelligent conversation with dimwits like you.

    Chemix says:

    is this an attempt to add negative chatter to this conversation

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:


    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    You'd KNOW if I was being negative.

    Tweaker|R.I.P. Tech TV says:

    This is positive.

    Chemix says:


    Chemix says:

    what intelligent conversations were these that u were trying to invoke

    Chemix says:

    u want people to beleive ur conspiracy theories or something

  8. I'll never forget the game where I got stuck behind a gizka upon entering the Ebon Hawk and absolutely could not move. I had to go back to my auto-save. *sigh*

    The gizka just wanted some luvin' pet the gizka. :(




    As for Carth twitching and shaking like a retard....I always thought he was a retard from the get go. :o

  9. And yet just about everyone here has no doubt that Deus Ex was one of the best games of all times...as an FPS with RPG elements, almost exclusively a 'twitch' game as far as 90% of the game actually goes. <_<


    And yet, you point out yourself that it was, quote, an "FPS with RPG elements", not an RPG.

    True, but I do distinctly recall people saying it was "Disputedly the best RPG of all time." <shrugs>


    Just trying to point out that an RPG doesn't neccessarily have to be devoid of all 'twitch' gaming elements. :unsure:

  10. Hi


    I saw the new screens on IGN. They're nice, but the faces are too resemble each other, and i'm afraid they're not too charasteristic as before. Are the partymember's faces final? Or are you still working on it? Anyway, the screenshots are very impressive, and the game looks like to be as great fun as the one before.


    (Sorry if I was ununderstandable but i'm just learning the language :p )

    Damn, you speak better English than some Americans I know. What a sad, sad little country we are. :)

  11. Says who? Why can't I be a Force-sensitive Rodian who thinks he's a human? He might even have had the surgery :p

    The new SRS....Species Reassignment Surgery. :ph34r:




    I'd personally like to be a mutt Alien human hybrid like the mechanic featured in the Han Solo Trilogy. Mottled brown skin.....no ears, slitted nose, weird ass eyes. But that's just me. :)

  12. Think of it this way...who would win if Batman and Superman got into a fight?


    If it was totally spontaneous and Batman had no time to prepare, Superman would probably pwn him. But unfortunately for Superman, Batman is ALWAYS prepared. He'd just bust out some Kryptonite powered assault armor or some sh!t and the Man of Steel would be toast. Brains, intelligence, and stealth will always pwn superpowers....or in this case, Force Wielders. B)

  13. mini games are not RPG elements
    Why can't they be?


    Likely because most 'mini games' are elements which rely upon a player's skill instead of a character's skill. Success in a mini game is mostly achieved by you, not the character; and a given rule about RPGs is that success in them should be achieved by a character's possibilities and skills, not 'twitch skills'.

    And yet just about everyone here has no doubt that Deus Ex was one of the best games of all times...as an FPS with RPG elements, almost exclusively a 'twitch' game as far as 90% of the game actually goes. <_<




    I think that Beyond Good & Evil (Man, I mention that game alot, maybe because it was just SO AWESOME! :) ) did one of the most excellent jobs with Mini Games EVER even though it was an adventure game and not an RPG. The Hovercraft races were as good as any of the N64 'Cart Racing' titles of old, and were completely optional...though they did give you a butt load of credits, and four pearls, which means that if you wanted to get EVERY pearl in the game, you had to at least beat each of them.


    The Pallet game in the Akuda Bar was absolutely addictive. I think that game would rock as a real life air hockey style game personally.


    The Looters Caverns were like Hovercraft Obstacle Course Races. Just awesome. :D

  14. The march into Russia occured after the march west.  The allied forces (British and French) were beaten fairly easily.  Hitler then got c***y and tried to take over everything at once.  He had troops in Africa for crying out loud.  Even with only a small amount of troops in Western Europe, he had quite a hold.


    There were these woods outside Paris (Bellau Wood - spelling?) where the Germans were deeply entrenched for years.  There was heavy fog, low visibility and far too many german machine guns.  Even the US army got tooled there.  It wasn't until a smaller US Marine force got into those woods that the Germans were repelled and France was reclaimed for the Allies.


    Stalin pulled back into Russia and baited Hitler in.  Stalin did build his Eastern block in countries that people didn't seem to care too much about, but that was the tail end of the war.  He was bold in staking a claim in half of Germany.  But he also built a buffer to protect Russia in those countries.  I doubt the world would have idly sat by and let Russia take a hold all the way in Western Europe with countries like France.


    I think the fact that's glazed over in US history books in the death toll.  We always hear about the 6 million Jews, but we rarely hear about the 20 some odd million Russian deaths, 3 million Poles, etc.


    Most conflicts that the United States started have had relatively small death tolls in comparison to the millions killed by Germany in the twentieth century.


    And let's see.  How many wars did the United States start?


    Vietnam.  Started by the French.  The US bailed them out.


    Korea, started by the Koreans.  We bailed them out, and then we were stupid and pushed too far North.  Korea was an exorcise in stupidity on many levels.


    Afghanistan - started by the Afghani and Russian people.  We helped out.


    Iraq in '91.  - Started by Iraq invading Kuwait.  The UN asked the US to step in.


    There have been small military deployments (Grenada, etc) all the time.  But I wouldn't call any of those wars.  So you may be hard pressed to find an actual WAR that the US started.

    It's amazing how facts vary depending on which country you're from. Since I'm from Sweden and Sweden is neutral, I always assume that the news that reach us are somewhat unbiased. And let me tell you, they're entirely different from the way you seem to view the world.


    The actual second world war was fought on the east front, but numerous movies, documentaries, pure propaganda films have depicted the entire war as being dependant on the US. This was not the case. As you stated yourself, a lot of russian soldiers perished in the war, but a lot of germans were also killed. The elite troops and the newest equipment were spent on the russian front. The soldiers who were entrenched on the western front were often young end unexperienced, mostly because the germans weren't expecting any big offensives from that direction, at least not until late into the war.


    You claim the US hands out a lot of money to countries around the world. I don't know much about that, but I do know that the US trained the talibans in Afghanistan (with American funds and weapons) to stop the russian invasion. The Iran/Iraq conflict was made possible with American weapons. The Israel/Palestine conflict was started by American interests. How about Latin America? (I hope you can "read between the lines" in this document.)


    Did you know Fidel Castro has survived 25-30 assassination attempts, all by the US? Have you heard of President Allende? Do you think the US protects democracy? Read this or this and see if it might change your mind a little. (I know it won't, but still.. It's difficult to change something you've been indoctrined with your entire life).


    Do the US, being a huge country with a war machine that cost billions of dollars, have the right to invade any country they want for whichever reason they want? Do you believe in weapons of mass destruction? I bet you do, but the swedish UN Secretary (and weapons inspector) spent several months in cooperation with the Iraqi government and he filed a report (prior to the war) that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. President Bush called Hans Blix a liar (not in those words) and decided to attack Iraq anyhow. Did you know that Iraq has been under a trade blockade since 1991? I saw Fox News declaring american soldiers as heroes and supermen as they used their high tech weapons to murder Iraqi soldiers. The truth is the Iraqi people don't have medicine, new technology or any sort of military power. Cuba has been under a similar blockade since forever (1950?).


    If you still believe Bush's words (which I am sure you do) about America being "the lighthouse of democracy in the world", I suggest you take the time to read this site. It's a great source of facts about democratic incidents around the world. If you think envy is the cause of the widespread US resentment around the world, then this is a good page to read.


    It is quite fascinating for me to read the choice of words you use when describing the US involvement in several conflicts. "bailed them out".. I hope you someday will realize how much unnecessary violence the US uses for "bailing" us smaller nations out. Most of these conflicts could probably have been solved diplomatically, although that is only speculation since it's already history.

    You know he does have a point. Not ALL Americans believe all the stuff we're spoonfed by the gov'ment. For instance, I'm constantly demeaning the gov'ment pointing out most of the things you've depicted in your short little article there....to the detriment of my dad, who is extremely pro Bush, and would never believe that the gov'ment would do anything to harm anyone. :unsure:





    ;) ;) ;)




    Though even my dad does admit that Bush has been planning his invasion of Iraq since before he was elected so he'd be able to show up his daddy. :(


    Has anyone else heard of the recent captured civvies in Arabia by the 'terrorists' saying they're going to treat them the same as we recently treated our civilian 'prisoners of war'. I could've predicted that. I'm becoming more and more of the opinion that these 'terrorists' are much like we were when we rebelled against the British Empire. :(

  15. *punches eru then draws lightsaber, holds it in a menacing manor* The mod has started. There will be new areas, but they will not be released till they are completed and ingame. I meant the screen shot/info release yesterday.

    That's 'manner' Chemix. And YOU'RE doing the storyline?!! Sheesh. :unsure:

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