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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. But it's not theory.


    It's fact.  And I have a mashed potato sculpture to prove it!

    How'd you know about my book?



    "Crackpots and Their Mashed Potato Sculptures"





    Seriously though, I eat up conspiracy theories, but even this one's a little far fetched for me to swallow. :unsure:

  2. Lightsaber whip? There would be a lot of other cool things. A lightsaber net-gun to cut them into tiny little pieces. A lightsaber sweater with cortosis on the inside! No blaster shots could touch you and it'd look all fuzzy from the glow! Maybe even a lightsaber toupee

    Man, that's just wrong. :rolleyes:



    I think we need to make the distinction here between a 'lightsaber' whip, and an energy whip. I could se a metallic whip encased in an energy field like the bowcaster bolts, that could be cool, though I wouldn't like it to cut though stuff...that would eliminate any cracking if it just perforated most materials....and what fun is a whip when you can't crack it? ;)



    But yeah, I could fancy disarming a mighty Jedi simply by yanking thier saber right of their hands why my fancy modern day bullwhip. B)

  3. we still play 2 times a month with some guys who live in the bay area and sacramento valley. only bad thing is that Gromnir likes to play games and yet we always get stuck being the dm.


    HA! Good Fun!


    p.s. oh, and we hate d&d, but these guys is d&d players for the most part. ack.

    d00d! You live in Northern Cali?!! So do I!!! That is lik s0 kewl!11!!!!1!





    As for this topic....I didn't know any PnP gamers still existed. I've always wanted to give it a try...but even what little group of friends I have are not that 'geeky'. :rolleyes:

  4. Games from Europe are really difficult to track down here, especially CRPGs.



    Blame Mr. Freedom Fries up in the presidential suite. He don't like them frogs and nazis. <_<



    Funny how he forgets that this pathetic country wouldn't even exist if the French hadn't bailed our asses out of the fire during the Revolutionary war. :rolleyes:

  5. *back hand slaps eru*


    We are not releasing any maps. Just some info and some new screen shots, I've done at least a dozen reskins, helped design a storyline, and have helped support general team issues. Not to mention some before hand modeling work which no pics will be released of till it's completed. I'm not trying to sound like someone demanding praise, I'm not trying to sound like someone who's a big pompus jerk who only cares about getting tons of attension and glorification. I'm just sick of doubt and being insulted by people who know nothing about the work being done. It gets rather anoying when people say u haven't done crap when u have done so much. I was going to release the data/screenshots earlier today but had to leave for a bit. I'll put them up shortly. Anyways, I don't wish for a flame war or anything of the sort. We hope to include a load of features which we will try to implement. Is that wrong to u people, to dream, to try and turn big ideas into big realities?

    You do a good job of coming off that way though. ;)




  6. I think chiggers are mites... yeah? I could be wrong.


    I don't mind spiders that are on the ground, but I hate the big orange orchard spiders. I walked into one of those on the way to the bus stop when I was younger and it was on my face!! AUGH!


    But I too had a pet tarantula. I liked it. But I hate black widows. We just bought a house that happened to be infested with black widows. YUCK. But I think they are gone now thanks to the exterminator! :rolleyes:

    What's annoying about them Black Widders though, is that they're almost impossible to kill on your own, other than smashing them with your shoe. Spray them with Raid, or set off a bug bomb, and they just close off their ventricles, go into a catatonic state, curled up playing dead....then crawl off once the poison's dississipated. :ph34r:

  7. I can see a Dec release for the X-Box witha Feb release for the PC.

    Damn Billy Gates paying off Devs. :angry:


    Anywho, needless to say, I'd rather see them take the route Ubisoft has taken on their last holiday round up of games (XIII, Beyond Good & Evil, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time), and release it a couple months later than the originally projected release date, playable out of the box, no patching required, so those of us who are still slaves to dialup don't have to get our game, then wait a few hours of a gigantic patch to download...as the seem to get bigger and bigger every time. :rolleyes:

  8. "good points about the lightsabers"


    Sry to get off topic but I thought of something that would improve the game a little bit. When I was storing items into the storage bins on the ebon hawk, I found it very annoying to choose only one item at a time. After storing one item, you had to go back and do the same thing again and again. They need to make it where you can select as many items as you want at one visit , so you just have use the bin one time.

    It's already been confirmed by one of the devs or other that you're going to be able to add as many items as you want in one go this time around....to lazy to dig up the exact quote though.

  9. Chiggers=fleas? :huh: Damn southerners. :p



    Unfortunately, we have all kinds of poisonous spideys 'round here. Yellow Recluses, Black Widders, Wolf Spiders (Big ass tarantula looking things). Gotta love the Sierra Nevada mountains. :p Still, wouldn't trade them for the city by a longshot. :)


    <EDIT> We also got's ticks of every variety, especially the little red deer ticks that carry lyme disease. <_<

  10. we strive to do more for the community than just 1 simple area, we already have more than 1 simple area, buts thats just plain crap to u people, what do u care? it's not a brand new giant area with everything u want. So who could care less. We haven't gotten brand new areas in game yet, no. Have we worked our butts off, yes. Do we plan to, yes. Now dang it u inappreciatetive little doubters, just shut the heck up for petes sake. U have delayed the release of new data with ur constant whining.  If u have nothing better to do than flame, then do it elsewheres, this is not "rants and raves"

    I don't understand how "whining" by posters on an Obsidian message board is delaying the release of something you guys are working on. You don't HAVE to be on here while working on this mod.


    The problem is you guys are promising SO much, and have shown so little. And another problem is you are each saying different things about how far along you are.


    You want to be appreciated for, what all we know, amounts to nothing? That's not how it works. What kind of backlash do you think Obsidian would get if they came on here every day saying "damn you people, respect our work. praise us. stop telling us that such and such feature will suck", even though the game isn't ready yet?

    Here here! <applauds> Tell it to him brotha! Preach the good word!



    <remembers he's on the team in question.....crawls back into his hole>

  11. I was just sitting here thinking about what a bummer it would be if the majority of PC RPGs over the next couple of years DID in fact come from Europe, and us Yankees would have to wait longer for our games because of it....but then I realized that the games that already come out of Europe (Ubisoft's lineup comes to mind.) are released at the same time here and in Europe....so us having to wait longer for our gaming titles is only wishful thinking on the part of our European friends. The only reason the launch dates are delayed for so long in Europe is because of the several different languages all the games have to support....which is really no problem since English is one of those languages. :lol:

  12. I have a colony of some type of spider or other living in my room...they're constantly running across my desk late at night.....I'm too lazy to clean my room and find the source of them though... ^_^

  13. The KoTOR Thermal Detonator....


    PC: *toss*




    PC and Surrounding People: Ooooh, pretty.


    *fighting recommences*

    Fo' real. In the movies a thermal detonator was treated like a pocket nuke...in KotOR it's just a sparkler. I mean, the fire grenades Bendak Starkiller uses hurt you more. :rolleyes:

  14. Anyhoo....


    I can definitely agree with making double lightsaber or lightstaff usage a mastery feat, I was surprised when it wasn't, to tell you the truth. I think it was because you had waited so long to be a Jedi in the first place... :rolleyes:

    No, it was becuase the first game was made by the Bioweenies, for the **** fans. I pray to all the powers that may be that the former Black Islanders can get it right this time around. <_<

  15. While it was cool that we "built" our own lightsaber in KOTOR, it was pretty much "look at my guy move his hands and voila....a lightsaber."


    I know this is a minor thing and if it didn't make it in I probably wouldn't care, but make it a bit more involved. Also....depending on how you could integrate it into the story, perhaps let you create your own double-bladed saber or an additional secondary saber. Sure...I could always just use one I found...but it just seems cooler using the one you created.


    Perhaps, expanding on things a bit further, have the lightsaber you create a unique lightsaber, that is perhaps easier to modify (since you know the ins and outs of it). Little things like different hilts or stuff (although this is relatively minor).



    Depending on what Jedi Class you are, allow some sort of uniqueness to it, perhaps even based on a character's intelligence (the neglected stat) or repair skill. This may make more sense with the prestige classes; maybe even make a limitation of a really good prestige class that you can only use a lightsaber you have created (but have the ability to modify better with your special abilities gained by your prestige class).



    Like I said....not a big deal, but when I heard about the fact that I could create my own lightsaber, I was a little let down by it in KOTOR....maybe even just a little minigame :)

    Ooh, yes, it can be like the overlooked Monster Garage game. Tighten some bolts here, cut some siding there, add a new power source there. Wait, now I remember why the only people who bought that name were named 'Zeke', 'Jedediah', or 'Billy-Bob' and lived in or near the Mississippi Basin...IT SUCKED! :rolleyes:

  16. You girly boy weenie man.  Google for 'tubgirl' or 'goatse' and we'll see who throws up.  ;)

    Ugh, those are so bad. I heard they've finally been deleted, though. Thank god.


    Anyway, a very unpleasant surprise was noticing that my bones were sticking out of my arm when I stood up, after I'd fallen of my bike in a tunnel.


    And an unpleasant surprise was the rusty nail that I stood on that went right through my foot.


    And EnderWiggen, Rotten.com is not worse than Goatse.cx or Tubgirl. I don't know about the other one's, because I haven't seen them, but Rotten isn't one of them. Not in my opinion, anyway. Maybe I just prefer roadkill humans that were struck by lightning over a girl in a bathtub with a tube sticking out of her arse while whatever's coming out of it is landing in her open-mouthed face.

    Nah, they're still there, and the Goatse guy got a new site. www.goatse.de IIRC. Ogrish is another fun one. Anyone else here an Albino Black Sheep forum member? The people over there seem to have a sort of morbid fascination with all the sites listed. I've always said that the banner at the top should say "ABS forums, bringing degenerates together since '98." :)



    Oh, and Ender, I've seen consumptionjunction.com, that's where alot of the tubgirl pictures are hosted huh? <_<



    If only my parents knew the sh!t I see online, my computer would be in coldstorage indefinitely. :(

  17. JT Griffith: Land-Mine Badger


    J Griffith: Land-Mine Salamander


    Jim Griffith: Land-Mine Beaver


    James Griffith: Land-Mine c0ckroach (Had to 1337 it up because the word c-o-c-k is censored. )


    JT Griff: Felonius Otter


    J Griff: Felonius Jellyfish


    Jim Griff: Felonius Panda


    James Griff: Felonius Scorpion


    Thomas Griffith: Land-Mine Ladybug


    Tom Griffith: Land-Mine c0ckroach (Had to 1337 it up because the word c-o-c-k is censored. )


    Tomas Griffith: Land-Mine Hare


    Thomas Griff: Felonius Bumblebee


    Tom Griff: Felonius Scorpion


    Tomas Griff: Felonius Bass


    James-Thomas Griffith: Land-Mine Cricket


    James Thomas-Griffith: Liquid Cricket


    Jim-Tom Griffith: Land-Mine Raccoon


    Jim Tom-Griffith: Grenade Raccoon





    I'm too tired to try anymore combos.

  18. Robots weilding sabers too?? gah... Whatever floats your boat...

    Actually, it has been on my personal wish list that somewhere in the EU materials they'd have a story about a robot that attained self sentience rather like Giskard or R. Daneel Olivaw from Asimov's books; and thus gained an affinity to the force.....it would ruin that concept if we made all Robots wielding sabers though. :(

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