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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. I don't know either ramza. I do know that the media like to portray an image of everyone first having sex when they're between 16-18, and anyone older than that being a freak if they're still a virgin. Which is quite frankly rubbish, I know loads of people who are in their 20s, 30s, even a few in their 40s who have never had a girlfriend (yes, these people are inevitably male, it's the sad way our society is structured), and they're the nicest people I've ever met. Not sure if that's what you meant, but anyway.

    It's true that the media tend to do this. Here, in France I have watched documentaries in which they presented virgin girls as a rare phenomenon... They showed a 32 year old woman and another one that was 27 years old... The latter was saying that she waited for the right time to do it, and the other was saying that she was afraid of men because they are so gullible ( :huh: ). Anyway, I couldn't understand that. "So what? What's wrong with it?" I told to myself... Everyone should be free to choose when they will lose their virginity and I really respect people who prefer the path of abstinence to the "slutty path"... I respect them even more if there are convictions or some kind of ideologies ebhind this abstinence.


    You say that those people who never had a girlfriend are inevitably male... Why do you say that? I know a lot of women (some of my mother's acquaintances) who never had a relationships in their lives.

    HooZA I'm respected! B)

  2. We've all got our guilty pleasures *cough* Buffy/Angel *cough* - and it's perfectly ok...right? Right? Tell me it's ok. PLEASE.

    I didn't like Buffy all that much, but I loved Angel. :huh: The last episode sucked though, they killed all but Aleria, Spike, and Angel off (Connor left). Well, except for Gunn, but Aleria stated that he'd last ten minutes in combat, and they were obviously going straight into combat against hordes of demons sooooooo. <_< It was quite touching when Aleria 'lied' to Wesley in his last moments. <sniffle>

  3. I nominate myself. As the pwner (whatever that is supposed to mean) I can overrule your rule. :p


    As for evidence, threads get off tracked and full of flames usually centered around me even when I'm not even really involved. WOWSERS! That's pwnage.


    The fact that the baord is about equally divided between which gender I am (not to mention those who think i'ma bot) is even more eviudence.


    The fact that this thread will basiclaly come down to flaming me is more proof. :lol:

    Erm....Volly, one of the rules was that you can't nominate yourself, but have no fear, I did it for you. :huh:

  4. Okay.


    Since there are alot of pissing contests here, I might as well post a scoreboard.


    If you think someone owned someone else on the board, you can nominate them here.

  5. I could argue that rugby and lacross are just as violent.


    I think the potential for really bad injuries is really bad in hockey. You're not just running full force. You're skating really fast when you smack into each other.

    Not to mention you're skating on more or less razorblades. I saw a hockey game once, it was very, very, very, bloody. I saw one guy try to stab another with his skate. B)

  6. Okay.


    Since there are alot of pissing contests here, I might as well post a scoreboard.


    If you think someone owned someone else on the board, you can nominate them here. It is helpful if you link to the thread/post in question. You can't nominate yourself. Any nomination that gets seconded will be awarded a point. I will edit this first post from time to time to keep a tally.


    Then everyone can see who is the master of all pissing contests.

    There will be fire if no one nominates me. Since I can't nominate myself though, I hereby nominate Vol, as she seems to pwn anyone she gets into a fight with. B)

  7. I know we've got a few Canucks here.


    Are they any hockey fans in the crowd?


    What did you make of the Stanley Cup finals? Is it just me or is everyone skipping a huge story here. One could argue that Calgary had the cup stolen from them in both games 4 and 6. Very questionable officiating decided the outcome of the series.


    In Game 4, the lone goal was scored when two questionable calls were made giving Tampa Bay and 5 on 3.


    In Game 6, Calgary scored what would be the game-winning goal in regulation. This was very clear on replay, and all the announcers seemed to agree upon it. Yet, the refs didn't even try to review the goal.


    This was a tight game of 1 point victories. 2 games were swung on bad/questionable calls.


    And is there even going to be hockey next year?

    Hockey=the most violent sport in the world=JT don't play it.

  8. Well, I've got to say that I'm sad to see Juhani get h4xxed, but I guess that she and her homosexual problems did warrant ueber OMG pwning of the highest degree.

    The REAL reason she was cut from the storyline is becuase Chemix is a Neoconservative Christian/Rampant Homophobic. Personally she was one of my favorite characters. Stupid closeminded Chemix. <_<

  9. heh, i also remember i was doing a project for school, making a rocket that was powered by hydrogen. anyway, i needed something for wings, so i decided, ill use a milk carton, plastic ones. anyway, it was winter, school kept getting cancelled, i was ok with it. i came back, we were all in class, and me and my friends were about to add the wings. i opened up the carton, and got read to cut it. as soon as i cut it, the smell of 2 month old milk, oh my god......

    You're still a girly boy weenie man.

    and your still a nazi :p

    Nazi....hm....no. Now go look up 'tubgirl' and 'goatse' and discover what 'ew' truly is. :p

  10. I agree. We still need revans padawan to have a name. Revans as in your PC's padawan. And for the intrest of romance sidequests the padawan will be female. You will have 3 possible romances for male and 3 possible romances for female.

    His name should be Quixote Richax, and he should be a shifty grey side Devaronian Counsular. :p

  11. heh, i also remember i was doing a project for school, making a rocket that was powered by hydrogen. anyway, i needed something for wings, so i decided, ill use a milk carton, plastic ones. anyway, it was winter, school kept getting cancelled, i was ok with it. i came back, we were all in class, and me and my friends were about to add the wings. i opened up the carton, and got read to cut it. as soon as i cut it, the smell of 2 month old milk, oh my god......

    You're still a girly boy weenie man.

  12. ah, the memories......


    maybe when i was on a forum (my brother got me banned from it!), and i saw some people flaming, i was scrolling down the page, laughing at em, then all of a sudden, some guy supersized a picture of a big fat sloppy naked guy at his computer eating a pizza! i almost threw up! :lol::(

    You girly boy weenie man. Google for 'tubgirl' or 'goatse' and we'll see who throws up. ;)

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