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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. You wound me ender...

    Better develop thicker skin, ender is extremely polite compared to some of the guys around here.




    Aye, like me for example. :p



    As for the state of TechTV, one of my friends said that it shall return to normal June 28, but I think it may just be wishful/prophetic/utopian thinking. They cancelled Call for Help, one of their startup shows, and one of my favorites, one of the only media outlets I've ever seen that had the bawls to praise emulation. <sobs>


    They also cancelled (to my knowledge), Wired for Sex, Future Fighting Machines, multiple other fringe, yet excellent programs. What we're left with is X-Play, which I've always viewed, as that's an actually GOOD gaming show (Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb are QUALITY hosts!), The Screen Savers (Thank Gott they had the brains not to cancel THAT!), Tech Live, and Unscrewed, which while it may be funny, is really perverted, and has next to nothing to do with Technology. <_< I don't know what the hell they were thinking when they did this, I used to be able to watch it 24/7 with the exclusion of Robot Wars (Of course they had to keep that abominable Battle Bots clone! :lol: ), but now I'm just disgusted with most of it. Players?!! WTF?!! :angry:

  2. D was one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on.  Even in SoCal, the land of beautiful women, she was the one everyone stared at.  She was rich, intelligent, funny, and crazy about me.  She was also a great roleplayer, and a gamer-geek chick.  What was not to love?


    She also once attacked me with a corkscrew because she wanted to know what it would look like "in" me.  She was convinced she had this stalker who called her anytime I left the house to go to work.  She was scared to death.  She showed me notes (not in her handwriting) threatening her.  I called the police and the phone company.  There were no phone calls.


    Said stalker supposedly followed her around the state and the country for nearly 10 years.  D once drove her car into a wall to see what it would be like.  She was also 100% dependent on me emotionally.  She isolated herself from her family which meant the world to her.  She transferred schools, and focused her entire life on me.  I was very fortunate to have such a wonderful woman crazy about me, but it took on an unhealthy level.


    I loved her, and under certain circumstances would have gladly married her.  She wasn't healthy, and the relationship wasn't healthy.  I told her that I couldn't marry her until a few things changed.  She moved out, and never spoke to me again.

    After reading all that may I propose she was deeply traumetized as a child? :lol:


    I mean seriously, my mom was an incest victim and she wasn't as f***ed up in the head as all that sweet Jesus! :ph34r:


    Thank god you never married her, that's a codependent psychopath if I've never heard one described before!









    As to myself, I have so many psychological disorders diagnosed and undiagnosed I'll be lucky if I can ever find someone who'll put up with me.....I'm sure that she's out there somewhere.....only I have to wonder if it isn't someone like the above described 'D'. :p


    I do have a couple things going for me, namely, I'm a goody goody as far as social graces go, I have to say that I'm pretty sure I could perform well in bed, as I know more about sex through research than most of my well laid friends even though I'm still a virgin. I actually LIKE to go shopping, as well as pick out clothes, whether they're for myself or a female acquantaince, I could do it all day. I like chick flicks, though I draw the line at enjoying daytime soaps, though am willing to put up with them if I have to. I am loving, caring individual, and am a true romantic at heart. Best thing is though, I don't give a crap what the girl I fall in love with looks like, all I care about is personality and brains. If I can't communicate with a gal on an intellectual level, the relationship is doomed from the get go.

  3. Why would I want it?

    I can't really answer a question like "Why would I want it?" That is entirely up to you. You decide whether or not you want to download it when the time comes.

    To expand on this, should this reach completion, even though it is called a mod for legality's sake, it is really more of an entirely new game. If you've ever played Half Life, than think of the difference between the original game, and Counterstrike, and you should have a fairly good idea of why you would want it. It will basically add a buttload of gaming time and replayability onto the original KotOR....for free. :blink:

  4. dude,shouldnt all these kotor1 mod threads be in the off-topic section?

    Well Raven, Holowan is rather small as far as frequent posters go, so I thought I could get a better consensus of the active KotOR community by coming here.


    As far as these threads belonging in this section, if the mods so decide, they can move them, but since you aren't a mod, you can bitch all you want, but it ain't gonna do a thing. Especially since you bitch about everything in just about every one of your posts on here anyway. :)

  5. Eru,


    Out of curiosity, are you guys actually progressing yet? Last I read on here, even team members were having doubts because the lead guy seemed to be all over the place with ideas without really doing much.


    I *hope* this mod gets done, but I'm just curious whether it's any further along than it was a couple of weeks ago.

    Well, to put it frankly, I'm not sure. Now the leader is saying that the team member who said he had the model format cracked was either lying, ran into a snag in the real world (finals, family, etc.) or just doesnt' have enough help.


    I think there's alot of good intentions, and I think it will get done eventually, it's just a matter of when. :)

  6. Would I like the option? Of course I would. I've never been "against" being able to play non-Jedi classes. Most of my objections to what Hades_One posts is the fact that he makes playing as a Jedi seem wrong.


    Obviously I'd want as many different options as possible if it'll add replay value. Hell, I'd play as a crippled old cook if it made my playing experience varied.

    My sentiments exactly, the more replay, the better. Thank you for voicing your opinion. :)

  7. Some of the members of Base 16 Studios feel Mission wasn't useful enough in the first game, and that at nineteen years of age as she is in KotOR AE, she should undergo Jedi trainging. I won't go into the logistics of this other than reminding you that Anakin was much younger when he started and look how he turned out....but I just think it would kill off alot of her quirks and childlike quasi innocence that I liked about her in the first one if she was forced to follow Jedi teachings. I'd much rather pin her as a force adept or similar light force user, having an affinity to the force, but no training.



  8. We know it's not going to happen in KotOR 2, but how many people would like the ability to play as a Non Jedi PC in the KotOR AE mod, as well as having the option of wielding the force? I know Hades One, myself and a couple others would all welcome it, but whether you think you would use it or not, aren't more options/customizability always welcomed in any RPG?



  9. Adult content is a tricky business, and it only really works with the appropriate license and when you're willing for a game to risk getting an "M" ESRB rating. I think the original KotOR wasn't primarily aimed at kids. It touched upon serious issue but it didn't go too far. It fit very well with the Star Wars movies and genre.



    I heard Quentin Terantino's directing Episode III :unsure:

  10. I only have a Game CUbe. My roomie is thinking of getting an X-Box but that's his money to waste.

    No decent Star Fighter sims on the Cube?!! :o What about all three Rogue Squadron games? I heard the last one got some excellent ratings. I played the demo for the first one back when the Cube was brand new, and it was quite hard to distinguish the GFX from the movie, and you obviously aren't going to be fussing about interface like I would since you intend to play it on a console with a joypad anyway. ;)

  11. The preview says ending "trees" which I take to mean they can branch off.


    Might there be more than two endings? That in and of itself would be an improvement.


    However Akari's comments have me doubting the validity of this preview. The media have spouted BS about this game before and this preview has loads of new info not seen elsewhere.


    Who is the source?

    I do like what it sounds like that implies though. i.e. You have a 'light' tree and a 'dark' tree. Therefore if you decide to redeem yourself at the very end when you've been playing as a child of the dark the entire game, you have an ending that places you as a sort of outcast, the Jedi don't trust you because of your dark past, but the Sith won't accept you because you handed the galaxy back to the Jedi. Sounds cool to me. ;)

  12. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time



    Fall-from-Grace is an interesting example. I honestly think the romance was one sided, very little implied that she had interest in the nameless one. I found the Nameless One and the ghost of his ex to be quite touching, however.


    Anachronx has an interesting example of romantic interests as well.


    Fallout 2 had one of the worst 'romances' ever. My usual high charisma character is chatting with a girl and suddenly I'm making out with her. What?


    I actually can't think of that many games were romance is important. Anyone want to add to my list?


    Prince of Persia

    Planescape: Torment

    NeverWinter Nights

    Bulder's (sp?) Gate








    What titillation though?

    The romance in the latest PoP game pwnt. Though it wasn't an RPG so you don't have any choice in pursuing it, it was awesome. I love the ending. :p Cakolukia. :p



    JT B)

  13. Or more specifically his species is force resistant like the Hutts.

    Except for Motta the Hutt of course! :rolleyes:

    The mind trick is only supposed to work on the weak willed. I wouldn't expect a crime lord like Jabba to be weak willed.


    Watto's species might be immume to the mind trick because thier brains are very alien. Hutts may be alien enough to give them some resistance, but not enough for full immunity.

    I'd rather go with the "weakminded" theory( Wow, look mum, I'm a nerd :p ) Watto might have been a screwup in the technical department but he might have had some good bargainin skills and strong will to the point that simple "force persuasion" didn't work for him. If a whole race is force resistant wouldn't the jedi council know about it since it is an important deal for them to know?

    Yuuzhan Vong, they don't even show up in the force. They are cut off from the force, they believe because they used their powers for evil and became decadent and lazy or somesuch, so their gods took their ability to feel the force away. :lol:

  14. Nartwark,

    Mental masturbation is unnatural. Craftman would never engage in it.



    Not really. I expected this to happen. It's still about gayness, sort of.

    I have to disagree. IMHO, masturbation is completely normal, we are taught to frown on it due to the sexual repressiveness of our society. Ever noticed a little child who didn't know better play with themselves of their own accord? :lol:


    From what I've read, it appears Craftsman is a 'Christian'. 'Christians', are of the opinion that homosexuality in any form is a sin, and because it is a sin, those who are constantly engaging in it are damned to eternal torture in a fiery hell in the after life.


    I am also a Christian, but an objective one, who explores things more thoroughly than my comrades. I am of the opinion that yes, homosexuality is a 'sickness' but it is a sickness that is a NATURAL occurence of events that take place, usually in life before the individual's tweens. I am also of the opinion that the majority of Christianity's current stand has done a helluva lot of good, and has done nothing but isolate all homosexuals. :p They aren't gonna give a crap what our 'holy book' says unless they are a subscriber to it; hence it does no good to constantly shove it in their faces of how 'bad' a person they are, just gets them pissed off at us, and makes them refuse to see anything good in what we say.


    I think that rather than tell them to repent, a better solution would be to befriend any homosexuals we meet, treat them as equals, regardless of any prejudice we feel, and let them decide what's better. Like I said, even if the current stand was working, they aren't gonna give a sh!t either way.




    I have no problem with homosexuals and have many friends who are homosexuals. But Craftsman, whether or not you intend to, you getting all riled up and preachy just makes you look like an uptight prick with a stick up your @ss to everyone here. :rolleyes:






    P.S. I AM for homosexual relationships in KotOR 2 BTW, but I doubt it will ever happen due to Lucasarts apparent stand on them. The Juhani thing was pretty subtle, though I will give you the droid thing...sorta.

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