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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. this stupid thread has been going on far too long.


    we ALL know that these guys aren't going to get s*** together- they're just spamming away. from al that i've read here, this is one of the most ambitious TCs i've heard of.


    bigbrotheriswatching is completely right in what he says. none of you "modders" make the impression that you know what you are talking about. if you really want to be taken seriously, then how about presenting ONE (yes, just a single, tiny one) location to the public, so that we don't go "sheesh. what a bull"

    Hey, hey, hey, don't shoot the messenger, I never CLAIMED to know anything about modding. :)

  2. Yodarn/Keyanues or however/whoever it's going to be, senses a distant force connection in mission. Before the jedi concil had the focus on u. U were the dark lord revan of the sith who had someone regained his power, mission was some street urchin from taris. Bastila was also focussed on u, Jolee probaly would let u figure it out rather than saying anything. Juhani doesn't exist in KOTOR AE so that point is null. This follows the LS storyline, so mission is not dead and u aren't ruler of the galaxy.... yet anyways. I decided to make mission a jedi for a few reasons, first off because hardly anyone makes use of non jedi characters so I made her more useful, I wanted to see more players with a Light Saber, as they are the only realy effective combat weapon. Most of the time u'll be facing off againts large large groups of dark jedi u'll need some back up, she plays a part as a jedi knight in another planned main quest, but we might not add that till later. The point wasn't having a female twilek jedi. The point was making the mission character more usefull and allowing for a deeper plot. She becomes the players aprentice if u are LS. If u play DS, u don't have to worry, she's already dead before she becomes a jedi. Not sure on this, but it might be done as, a thing where u can reject the offer of aprenticeship and she'll be put in the academy on couriscant. There everybody happy? u can have her around as a useful jedi in the latter half of the game or send her away, that leaves a spot for a new party member.

    No, I'm still not happy. She's farcking nineteen years old Chemix, not to mention this is munchkin gaming exhibit A. <_<

  3. Bah, BioWare just used the ancient race that predated the Republic and created the hyperdrives before they all died from a rebellion or something.


    They are not "cool", they have a backstory because its the only race they give some back story ... they could not mess around with established races since LA is not WotC.


    I take any of the other less anoying to my eyes races that this one, I am NOT joking about looking at then for extended time given me a headache ... the less I seen of then the better.

    Well there you have it! That what makes the Rakata so cool, they go back before the republic and is really smart! :)


    You make it seem like it isn't nothing as it was just something that Bioware came up with to just come up with. Well if that is the story then I guess you can say the same about everything else KOTOR, Bioware just came up with the Star Maps/Star Forge to just have something to create a story around. Bioware just came up with Revan/Malak to just have villians to be in a story (And yet people label these two as some of the top Sith of all time), Bioware just came up with with the Ebon Hawk just to have a means of transportation, Bioware just came up with having the Republic vs the Sith to just have an protagonist vs antagonist storyline, Bioware just came up with your party members....so that you'll have some party members. I can go on and on and on and on forever man! :)


    Yes Bioware just came up out of the blue about the Rakata and making them have all these ablities but they also came up with other aspects of the story. Its called story development things to enhance/progress the story and make it deeper and give you a better insight on the SW Universe as a whole.


    The Rakata is a unique race, simple as that. :)


    Oh and No! The Rakata isn't the only race that Bioware gave a backstory to. Juhani's race the Cathar had a backstory as she explained it.


    And even if the Rakata WAS the only race in KOTOR to have a backstory, that doesn't take away from their uniqueness. They are still cool and unique cause they story dates back to when time was created.

    GAH! Bad Gr4mm4r attack. "is really smart"?!! How did you get a job writing reviews for "the biggest SW fan site on the web". :huh:

  4. I'm interested in getting into computer science, namely the gaming aspect of it. While I don't have much programming experience yet, what I've dabbled in has been enjoyable enough. I'm also good at real world art, and am starting to dabble with some 3D art editors. :huh: I also consider myself a rather good amateurish writer, which is why working for a gaming company that does lots of RPGs like Obsidian holds so much appeal. I love to create stories, and sting ideas together and make a flowing tapestry of words. What would be my best advised course of action for learning skills I could use in the gaming industry? This Digipen school sounds intriguing but a 75% dropout rate?!! :lol: I do want to do more art/story based jobs should I succeed as a game dev, but that doesn't mean I want to skimp on coding either. :)


    Thank you for whatever help I may recieve,



  5. since it's set 4000 years before the movies, maybe, just maybe, double bladed light sabres were popular / common back then.


    and in the 4000 year period that follows, they generally just all started using one sabre.


    i'm all for "universe integrity" as much as the next guy, but 4000 years is a long time :lol:

    Yes but just thinking it through logically, that the only weight of the weapon is the hilt, that you have not one, but two blades to make sure you don't cut your own ass with....means that it really SHOULD be infinitely harder to wield a Saber Staff effectively than a normal saber. Same thing goes for dual sabers, but to a lesser extent IMHO since they're not on opposite ends of the same hilt.


    My $0.02 worth,



  6. Just a guess, but I think that might be Telos, and that city-ish thing is the place the Telossions(?) built to send the survivors too whose homes were destroyed.


    Meh. Just a guess.

    Nah, Snigs is right...it's Duro man. At least, assuming that Duro was polluted to the extent that they couldn't live on it 4000+ years earlier than in THIS BOOK.

  7. ... And Britney is still an Airhead.

    she has a head?

    Yeah, but i think what he was referring to is her having a guy's other head....IN HER MOUTH! <_<



    I was here before it was announced officially...I was curious about Obsidian, but I hadn't ever played any Black Isle games. :)


    ...look up Volourn's dress lately???...  :lol:



    ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...



    I rather liked that view....according to the stalker at least. :huh:

  8. And I agree, the aztek analogy was a good one for...the one.

    Man, that analogy is so wrong is so many ways. Do you see the Rak playing a friendly game of ball between tribes, where the losers are beheaded, their decapitated heads wrapped in bandages and used for the ball next time around...do you see the bloody Rak making living sacrifices to the sun, ripping the still beating heart of the chosen victim out, and draining it of blood before their eyes?!! Pfft! I think not! <_< The Aztecs were much cooler, and more blood thirsty. B)

  9. Just a quick question.  If you had the option in a DS plot, would you want to have all Dark Lords in your party? Or would you want maybe one or two dark jedi and the rest be mercenaries like maybe an ancestor of Boba Fett or something.  Maybe a Mandalorian mercenary and HK-47. If you wanted an all Dark Lord crew, who would you want in it? If you had a few dark jedi and some mercs then who would they be? Need suggestions because we don't have a storyline for the DS plot and you will have the option of going DS very very early in the game as to be able to play as a Dark Lord throughout the game and so it will also add replayability.  Ideas forparty members anyone? :(

    Skepticisism aside, please do NOT have "ancestors" of famous or known Star Wars characters show up in your game. I don't want to see Han Solo's great, great, great (to whatever exponent) grandfather in there, called Ran Solo. I don't want to see Jebediah Skywalker. I don't want to see Dodo Fett.


    Make all new characters. It saves you having to worry about people being upset if you didn't capture what THEY believe these "ancestors" would be like. It also doesn't screw up any continuity issues.

    s***, there goes Yodarn. :lol:

  10. Maybe it is just me but I believe that the Rakata was the coolest alien race in KOTOR and probably out of the whole SW universe. Rodians or over-used, Twileks are overused, please no Selkath....


    I don't know how or why but I believe it would be great to have a Rakata as one of your party members that you can possibly pick up. I just liked the Rakata especially their African sounding voice, they did sound like Africans. I think that is really cool.


    They are really smart (Reminds me of the Acient Aztecs), they have a deep history, and advanced in technology. Oh...and they have a cool voice :lol:. The Elders, the One, it doesn't matter what type it is. Just as long as it is a Rakata.


    What about you guys?

    Just kill me now would you? <_<

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