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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. It seems that there are quite a few pesimists out there. You guys are making it seem as if Interplay is jealously hoarding the FO liscence, and that to buy it would cost an arm, a leg, and a pint of virgin blood. Look at this article that came out a couple months ago on gamespot.com




    Notice that Herve Caen, Interplay's CEO states that Interplay will probably try and have an outside company work on it. Because several of the origional developers are working for Obsidian now, it would not surprise me if they were one of Interplays top choices.

    Erm....you better check the RPG and General Gaming section, specifically Herve Needs Therapy/Herve's cunning plan (Same thread topic, started by different people). It sounds like what he plans on making is FOOL (Fallout Online) a MMORPG based in the Fallout Universe. F*cktard he is, burned he needs to be. :)

  2. Be interesting as a quest to find out what the time is only to learn you were born 1000 years ago, as you should have died at least 900 years ago. Interesting...

    Unless you're a whill/frogling/whatever the flock Yoda, Yaddle, and Vandar are. :D

  3. I'll go 75%.


    She has a 100% chance of surviving if you go Dark Side, and a 50% chance of surviving if you go Light Side. So I pick the median between the two.

    Basically if you're going for anything but Greysider, she's alive. (Uber Lightsider would redeem her, Darksider would take her on as an apprentice. )


    Though she might have been later killed by Revan if she tried to overthrow him in the intermittent five years. I think even if she is dead though, she'll be coming back as a force ghost. :)



    Close please, Craftsman, you're starting to get on my nerves a lil what with all the multiple posts of interviews that have already been posted multiple times. I do like his theory about the sock phenomenon though. :(

  5. Guns that size can be implemented well (the S.M.A.R.T. Gun from Aliens that the Marines used comes to mind) but usually to be effective, this is all theoretical of course, they would have to have some sort of harness to make them manageable, pivoting and rotating handle, auto targeting system etc. If you look at how the implemented that gun in AvP 2, you will have a perfect example of cool larger than life gun. I suppose Candyman, assuming that his robotic arm wouldn't rip off of the rest of his body while trying to support that gargantuan (honestly, 90 lbs, try several hundred), it could be effective, but without some sort of pivoting and rotating handle, I don't see how he's supposed to manuever that thing without pivoting his entire torso. I could probably be effective at long ranges though.


    My $0.02

  6. The reason why CDs are still used is because so many people still have them. With pcs you arn't forced into one hardware configuration, which is both a blessing and a curse. The publisher also wants to reach the most people it possibly can with the game (increased sales) and people with CD and/or DVD drives can play the CD version. While I'd like for them to release a DVD version for the pc, they'll only do it if they think there's money in it for them.

    None of the obsolete bastards who still have a 16x CD-ROM in their PC are gonna change up though until SOMEONE decides to release all the games in DVD format. Someone has to take the leap sooner or later. :unsure:

  7. Well, Mission was the least frequently used of the characters, or so I thought. (Actually, I used T3-M4 even less...)

    I used Mission ALOT. Properly leveled, her Demolition, Computer Use, and Security skills can be rather handy. Plus who doesn't like a busty underage Twi'lek in their party. :huh:

  8. I would like to see non-jedi force users in the party, perhaps Sith trained (Dursil, Selketh) or a Force Adept type.


    A Gammorian with a big axe would be fun. I was very disappointed that I didn't get to run around with a big axe in the first game.

    You can, you just have to use the console cheats. :lol:


    Misc. War Weapons:

    g_w_waraxe001 - Gamorrean BattleAxe

    g_w_warblade001 - Wookie Warblade



  9. "I knew it I'm surrounded by ****!" :D







    in. He notices green bars guarding the self- destruct button.


    SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD Is that you Mila?


    LONE STARR reacts. He points the Schwartz ring

    at a can of Spaceballs-the Shaving Cream. It starts to move towards


    The SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD reacts. He turns around to LONE STARR who


    the can.


    SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD Who are you? What are you

    doing with that?


    LONE STARR This.


    LONE STARR sprays shaving cream in the eyes of

    the SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD. The SELF-DESTRUCT GUARD screams and opens


    mouth. LONE STARR sprays the cream down his mouth. The SELF-DESTRUCT


    falls down unconscious.


    LONE STARR Sweat dreams.


    LONE STARR takes the card off the SELF-DESTRUCT

    GUARD'S belt. He inserts it into a panel and moves a switch to pull


    the green bars. The green bars disappear. LONE STARR walks up to the




    LONE STARR begins to press the button.


    HELMET (mask down) Not so fast, Lone Starr. (walks



    LONE STARR Helmet. So, at last we meet for the

    first time for the last time. (thinks about what he said) Yeah.


    HELMET Before you die, there is something you

    should know about us, Lone Starr.


    LONE STARR What?


    HELMET I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's

    former room-mate.


    LONE STARR What's that make us?


    HELMET Absolutely nothing. Which is what you are

    about to become. Prepare to die.


    HELMET puts his Schwartz ring on. He puts his

    hands next to his crouch. A green light beam similar to a light


    LONE STARR does the same.


    HELMET You have the ring, and I see your Schwartz

    is as big as mine.


    Both look at their beams.


    HELMET Now let's see how well you handle it.


    HELMET walks over to LONE STARR and starts to

    fight with him. They swipe at each other with their beams. HELMET


    back a little too far and knocks off the sound manager from the

    stage crew.

    He screams and falls off a ledge. LONE STARR and HELMET stop



    HELMET Ummm, he did it.


    LONE STARR What?


    LONE STARR swipes at HELMET. HELMET blocks it.

    They start fighting again. They swipe at each other until their

    beams become



    HELMET s***. I hate it when I get my Schwartz

    twisted. Okay, maybe if my put leg up on yours we can split apart.


    HELMET puts his foot on LONE STARR'S leg.


    HELMET Good, yeah. On three; one, two, three,



    HELMET and LONE STARR pull away from each other.

    Their beams disappear. HELMET looks up and recreates his beam. He


    it at LONE STARR. LONE STARR does the same and points his at HELMET.


    move in closer. Their beams touch ends. They are trying to cause the


    to lose their beam. HELMET loses his beam. LONE STARR swipes at


    helmet. It doesn't make a mark. He tries again, same. He tries

    again, same.

    HELMET lifts his mask up and laughs at him. LONE STARR'S beam


    He punches HELMET'S face. HELMET'S mask falls down. He recreates his


    and charges at LONE STARR. LONE STARR holds him back with his hand.


    swipes at him several times. LONE STARR lets go of HELMET. HELMET


    into a locker with his helmet.


    HELMET So, Lone Starr, Yogurt has taught you well.

    If there is one thing I despise, it is a fair fight. But if I must


    I must. May the best man win. Put 'er there. (offers to shake his



    LONE STARR goes to shake his hand. HELMET takes

    the ring off LONE STARR'S hand.


    HELMET The ring. I can't believe you fell for

    the oldest trick in the book. What a goof. What's with you man? Come


    You know what? No, here let me give it back to you. (offers the ring



    LONE STARR goes up to get the ring back. HELMET

    throws it in a grate. The ring goes in the grate. LONE STARR tries

    to catch

    it and falls to the grate.


    HELMET Oh, look. You fell for that, too. I can't

    believe it man.


    LONE STARR gets up and runs to a corner.


    HELMET So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will

    always triumph, because good is dumb.


    HELMET fires a green beam at LONE STARR. LONE

    STARR dodges. HELMET tries again. LONE STARR dodges. HELMET tries


    LONE STARR dodges. LONE STARR backs into another corner.


    HELMET Very impressive, Lone Starr. Too bad this

    isn't the Wide World of Sports.


    YOGURT'S VOICE Use the Schwartz, Lone Starr. Use

    the Schwartz.


    LONE STARR I can't. I lost the ring.


    YOGURT'S VOICE(O.S.) Forget the ring. The ring

    is pumpkin. I found it in a Cracker Jack box. The Schwartz is in

    you, Lone

    Starr. It's in you.


    LONE STARR All right. I'll try.


    HELMET Say goodbye to your two best friends, and

    I don't mean your pals in the Winnebago.


    LONE STARR points his fist at a mirror on a shelf.

    It starts to move towards him. HELMET fires another green beam at

    his crouch.

    LONE STARR catches the mirror, and cover his crouch. The beam


    off the mirror to HELMET. It hits HELMET'S crouch. HELMET falls back


    the self-destruct button and activates it.


    SHIP'S VOICE Thank you for pressing the self-destruct

    button. This ship will self-destruct in three minutes.


    LONE STARR runs out of the room.





    I love that movie. :p The entire transcript can be found HERE

  10. What about a Devaronian (male not female, males have horns and look like some sort of demon, females are more like a feline species with fur all over). I was so disappointed when in not ONE of the bars was a shifty Devaronian over in the corner, cheating at Pazaak.


    It would be awesome to have a Devaronian as a party member, scoundrel of course. And just their face what with the devil horns and razor sharp teeth would be intimidating enough in combat to make many opponents back down I imagine. :D

  11. ... I don't think anyone cares that much, and I think they honestly see the look as similar to batman.


    No, I don't know what it is, but I'm sure if you developed the costume more it might fade away. It's not THAT much like Batman, just a vague description of how we see it.


    About the hair.... I dunno. Maybe make the beads darker??


    It really doesn't matter, as long as it sets the right mood. I'm sure, if you want a really dramatic dark-side change or something, grown out hair that's really wild and ragged would fit. Maybe lots of sticky-up dreadlocks or something.


    The batman thing.... does it have to do with the high heels(or high heeled boots, whatever)?? I dunno.

    Actually, I think it's more the chest plate, though the high heeled boots complement the Batgirl look rather nicely. :p

  12. What exactly is Carth's Messenger quest. I have done most of the sidequests but not Carth's or Juhani's (both of which I am trying to do now).


    I have been revealed to be Revan now though, so I don't know if I may be too far along in the game.

    Talk to Carth as much as you can as unbearable as it is, you'll know you've triggered it when you get off the ship with Carth and a guy approaches you (in the normal messenger quest trigger area, the spaceport of whatever planet you're on) and tells you that Carth's son is alive and training in the Sith Academy on Korriban. When you go to Korriban and gain entrance into the Academy, he should be in the same row of rooms as you are. You have to gain Dustil's trust by choosing the right convo options (obviously the more friendly ones, don't wanna gut him if you wanna gut Carth), steal a datapad from Uthar's room to show him how 'evil' the Sith are....and that's that. :p


    But as said earlier, you can only have the final showdown and gutting of Carth if you're playing through with a female PC. :)

  13. I'll probably be a Guardian my first time through, and I'll try to play it like the first one.


    I started out trying to be a nice guy, but once I became a Jedi there were times I found the Dark Side tempting. The farther I was along the Dark Side path, the more frequently I chose to be evil. Sometimes the evil acts were just getting money from people, because I needed the money to help me in my quest to find the Star Forge....but the Dark Side is very seductive, and my character fell. The big change happened in Korriban. I did Tatooine and Kashyyyk first, and came out a relative lightsider. But after Korriban I was definitely starting to get more and more pale :p


    It was neat because I learned after Korriban that I was Revan, so then I embraced it. I became all the way evil about half-way through Manaan, and embraced my true status as the Dark Lord. Made Zalbaar kill Mission, hunted for Carth for a bit (is he hiding anywhere...never did find him), then said screw Carth, I have bigger fish to fry...like he's getting off that planet anyways.



    The second time I play through will be all the way goody-goody, most likely as a Consular.


    The third time will be as one evil dude....probably still a Guardian though....don't care much for the Sentinel....although the Prestige Classes may change things.

    If you play as a female Darksider, complete Carth's 'messenger' quest, and don't kill Dustil, than he shows back up on the Ster Forge, after you defeat Malak, and you can gut that snivelling meatbag like he deserves. :D

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