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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. Why do you guys always nitpick to find something wrong with the movie. With the atitude some of yu people ave about episode 3 BEFORE it comes out how are you going to enjoy it when yu see it when you've already decided it won't meet your expectations?

    My expectations are at rock bottom. It won't be difficult for Episode III to meet them...and if Lucas pulls off a miracle and exceeds them, I'll be the first to give him kuddos for it.


    But I've been let down twice. It won't happen again.

    That's basically my take on it. I was all hyped about Episode I, it came out on my birthday for Chrissakes, I saw it at the first showing.....and was let down terribly. I approached Episode II with more caution what with my experience with the first one, but was still rather excited as I am, and always have been a SW fanboi. I was let down again. This time, I'm expecting a piece of crap, though if I do get something good it will be a welcome change, and I will be the first to say it's nice to know that Lucas can do something right these days. Then I will go back to berating his changes to the OT in the DVD releases, and demand the original theatrical releases. :angry:

  2. But she might be a better fighter than he is, even if they're both Jedi. Maybe she'll throw herself forward and use the momentum to flip past him.

    That only works if you have a hit zone the size of a Whill. All he'd have to do is hold his saber near her middle as she flips and WHAMMO! She's got that whole Darth Maul look going on. :lol:

  3. I remember this one Sith party I went to over a weekend in '96. I can't even begin to describe the depths of the insanity, craziness and debauchery that happened. Mostly because I don't remember much of it. Pass me another Tarisian ale.

    <Slides Chu another round> You're okay, for a schlummie. :D

  4. I think it's obvious from KotOR1:


    Sith parties  B)

    Damn, how could I have forgotten.


    Paraphrased for your viewing pleasure:



    Sith d00d: This Tarisian Ale's the sh!t.


    Sith Chick: Careful mang, that stuff'll knock you out cold with less'n a couple rounds.


    Sith d00d: Aw, you should learn to let go, live a little, ya know?



  5. Its a time waster and it beats having Christians screaming at me to repent.

    Sounds like you've accomplished much in your 30 years.



    It's kinda like in Howard Stern's private parts, when the people that didn't like Howard Stern were the ones that listened to him the most.

    Quick though, everyone start telling him to repent and calling him a God-Forsaken Heathen and stuff, and maybe he'll leave. <_<

  6. They're greedy and like stealing candy from babies.


    Or, at least, that's how it was shown in KotOR.

    I often wondered how stable morale was on the Leviathan after that incident with Darth Bandon killing two troopers and a droid for no apparent reason. Even if you join the Sith for selfish motives, I would think at that point many officers on deck would be wondering if maybe they chose the wrong side. :huh:

    Nah, he was just tickling them with that thar lightnin'. :)

  7. I agree with pretty much everything in this thread regarding not "adding" anything to what's already been said about the Force and Force usage in Eps. IV - VI. Anything that robs an inherently mystical energy of that mysticism is bad, in my humble opinion. Don't believe me? Watch "Highlander 2".




    Anyway, The Force is bad enough as is. Instead of inflating it with escalating factors, let's just use what's already there. There is plenty to go around!

    The old TV series was pimpin' though. :D I still make regular Duncan McCloud refrences when talking about swordplay. B)

  8. Servant of Eru:

    "I still like you."

    The feeling is mutual.


    Weiser Cain:

    "Hmmm, would you still like her if she didn't look like that brom painting?"

    Or, if I looked like this brom painting?



    "Its clear the sexual tension with Maria and Revan they are trying to hide with this flame war."

    You've uncovered the heart of this matter. Much like the bond between Alexia and yourself, the torrid passion between us cannot be denied.

    I think I like you more as that painting... But that's probably just me.....

    Hell no, the messed up baby doll head is sexy in a Japanese mutation fetish kind of way. :)

  9. Nightcleaver







    That makes exactly six people.



    What days are good, for those who haven't said yet?

    Anytime really, so long as I know ahead of time. Will I need to buy some sort of book for the rules or are they available online somewheres? :rolleyes:

  10. The REAL problem was that the mini-games were too tough for those not used to twitch games and WAAAYYYY too easy for those who have played twitch games their whole lives (such as yours truly.)


    I've never, not once, lost one of those space shoot-outs. Not even the first time I played when it caught me off-guard. I don't say this as bragging, as I think I'm the rule rather than the exception for anyone who has ever played a first person shooter. It was so laughably easy that I didn't look forward to it.


    As such, I'm happy to hear their solution; you don't have to play the mini-games, but they're there if you want to play them. And hopefully now that everyone who plays them is someone who wants to play them, they can make things a bit more interesting by increasing the difficulty.

    <nods head sincerely>

  11. obsidian should release it before christmas, cause that December the 25th is a great day for sales.

    December 25th is a horrible day for sales.


    Now December 24, 23, 22, 21.... (and even 26) are good!

    December 26th is quite possibly THE MOST heavily shopped on day of the year, at least for those who know what's what. December 26th, all the sales prices are cut because it's the official 'end' of the holiday rush, hence you get what you would have paid twice as much for before Christmas. My grandmother had a sort of ritual where the day after Christmas, she'd hit the stores and start buying next years Christmas presents at low, low prices. That's dedication to family for ya. :rolleyes:

  12. Gee, what a Lucasian viewpoint. "Screw the hardcore fans who supported me all these years, they don't make up enough of a market prescence to take their opinions into account; it'll still sell just fine."


    Well, you can't really fault him. He's created a trilogy so famous that it's name alone will sell pretty much anything. Why should he care what a couple of fans think. He's rich and famous enough to not care.

    Still a rather terrible outlook man. I hope that should I ever create something so worthy of note, I don't forget the people who made me what I am. :rolleyes:




    And just for the record, I was introduced to SW in recent years, I'm only seventeen after all. Just barely old enough to remember the OT though, and I mean the REAL OT, not this Special Edition Bullsh!t that's being forced on us by the mighty Lucas. :angry:

  13. I dont mind the prequels that mutch but i do GREATLY prefer the original trilogy.



    OT rocks.

    You won't after GL f*cks with them in the DVD release. :angry:

    Lol, why is that?

    You wouldn't understand Mr. Mouthpiece....let's just say the Greedo shooting tragedy will be increased tenfold from what I've seen so far. :lol:

    What can I say, its George Lucas. ;)


    Either way, the SW OT DVDs has already setted records with the most pre-orders at many stores and is expected to sell a ton. So obviously the Greedo situation or any other situation for that matter....really doesn't seem to be a concern.

    Gee, what a Lucasian viewpoint. "Screw the hardcore fans who supported me all these years, they don't make up enough of a market prescence to take their opinions into account; it'll still sell just fine." ;)

  14. I liked his explanation for the 'missing sock' phenomenon. Damned cats. B)


    FK: (For your reference)"The laws of physics do not apply to dryers--socks can and do simply cease to exist. However, conservation theories would imply that with each sock that vanishes one should be appearing somewhere? If you have cats, you know that place is under the bed or behind the dresser (or wherever they hang out when you aren't home). Then again, the theory of an ever-expanding universe could be supported by the loss of mass due to sock vanishings (if it happens in large enough quantities, what appears to be a localized phenomenon on earth could be a widespread problem on a planet of evolved millipede people--imagine the number of socks THEY are losing per year). Over billions of years, that's a lot of socks (especially if they make their socks out of heavy materials). Has anyone ever tried to dry one sock at a time to see if it vanishes?")


    Yeah, sometimes I have one of THOSE days. And our cats still steal our socks when given the chance.

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