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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. Okay, for those of you who appreciate Darth Scion for the chunk of man he is, I've added a fanfic to my original post.

    Where the f*ck do you get this sh!t?!! Someone needs to put a fanfic disclaimer in the title of this thread. <shuddders> You've just up and ruined Darth Sion's badassedness. :)

  2. Using IRC exclusively.

    Well, yeah, I use that too....it's just that some people don't have it. There's a channel on Quakenet that Alexia, bl00dy w1zard, luigi, Your Execution etc. have been using for awhile called sw-kotor should still be there as it's been being watched over by L bot. Check it out if you like.



  3. I really doubt that KotOR II will need any advertising at all to sell in huge quantities. I live in the US, watch a significant amount of TV (though mostly educational, and Nicktoons for the nostalgia value) and didn't see any ads. I just happened to come across it while browsing Lucasarts about the new Jedi Knight game. :huh:


    Now Beyond Good & Evil OTOH was a sin for Ubi not to advertise it. <curses Ubi Veep and all his descendants> :angry:

  4. They'd have some sort of explanation. I would argue that it's not a given the PC will be able to understand any language imaginable. In the first one, the guardian machine for the first star forge on Dantooine spoke in several languages you didn't know, not to mention the Sand People needed HK for you to speak with them.

    I suspect that you would have been able to understand the Sand People had they not needed to put in SOME plot device as to why you had to purchase HK. Not to mention that if you were able to speak to them directly, there would have been no one to warn you not to ask a question that would have made them hostile... :lol:



  5. 1) The experience system will function the same.


    2) There were plenty of dark-side-only equipables in KOTOR1... you just have to find them :huh:


    3) New combat animations you can see in the screenshots that have been released. As far as the old force powers animations, we might spruce them up a bit, but we don't have the time to completely redo all of them.


    4) :ph34r:

    Yes, but they were all lame with the exclusion of Revan's robes. <_<



    PC: w00t! I'm a badass Darksider, and all I get is some ubersh!t earmuffs, and lizard leather gloves.





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