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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. I believe it's only Aztec-like.  There's also the potential inference that the Aztecs had a relationship with the Predators and so built their temples in that image. Aztecs had some very bloody rites, after all. It's just a use of the theory that aliens helped or influenced ancient earth civilisations.



    Supposedly, from what I've read about the movie, is once upon a time, Antarctica was a green paradise, and the Aztecs, Egyptians, and Cambodians, all of which built pyramid like temples/tombs in real life, all had a common link, and worshipped the preds as gods way back when. They helped them build this temple, and in return the preds were somewhat nice to them. The temple isn't really a temple, but a prison/breeding center for the preds to farm the Aliens. (This is taken more or less directly out of the AvP2 game. B) )


    The reason it has the tag line, 'Whoever wins, we lose.' Is because in all modern times, the preds have hunted the oomans, and the aliens have used them as incubators. But seeing as how the preds value honor above all else (as stated earlier, similar to the Mandalorians of SW), I could actually see the preds sparing the oomans if they helped them fend off the aliens....which is what it sounds like happened.


    As I said, I'm rather disappointed that the predalien didn't make an appearance, but it sounds like they intend to make a sequel with one, since the main Pred character got impregnated. <shrugs>



    I really wouldn't take much stock in the reviews, as this isn't really the type of movie that gets good reviews. They slaugtered Freddy vs. Jason, but most of the fans from what I hear loved it. B)

  2. Eh, I can speak, and understand a smattering of Spanish.


    I can read, and pronounce most of the European languages thanks to Choir...but I don't really understand anything.


    I've found that Arabic writing is the most beatiful of any of the written languages I've seen. Very much like the Tokein Elvish writing...but that wasn't real. ;)

  3. There's a book by Roger Zelazny that sports a character, this priest who isn't sure about his beliefs.  Listening to him say the Lord's prayer was funny.  Your post reminded me of that character, Servant.


    Fear of looking stupid is what keeps a lot of academics from professing faith.  On the other hand, a lot of the ones who do can be pretty agressive about it.  It's kind of funny.


    I also had a psych professor a long time ago who had a phrase on his office door.


    It said, "I'm sorry if my karma ran over your dogma." 


    EDIT:  I simply have to exile myself from my own religion thread.  I'm just too preachy about the whole thing.



    Please don't, I rather like discussing religion, and I enjoy your insight. I've come from a Western Baptist background (my dad's an ex-baptist minister), but I also had a stint at a Catholic boarding school.


    It's not that I'm afraid of looking stupid, it's that I don't want to be a hypocrite, or dissuade anyone else from converting via my own actions. One of the large reasons I stopped going to church was because I got tired of the hordes of hypocrites, and people who wanted to enforce God's will as stated in the Bible on the masses when the masses really don't give a #@$& what the Bible says, nor should they as they don't believe in it, and religion is a matter of faith, not fact.


    I cuss, frequently, when in company that isn't offended by it, or online. I don't think there's anything wrong with it really, so long as it's not in a derogatory fashion. Word's meanings are constantly evolving, in 50-100 years, I doubt the F word will be considered nearly as crude as it is now, if at all so. If a word doesn't bother you, or the people around you, and doesn't carry any racial or sexual prejudices with it; there's really no reason not to use it in my mind. But most Christians would disagree.


    I also don't give a crap whether gays and lesbians are allowed to marry or not. As stated in the above, they for the most part don't believe in the bible, so there's no reason for them to take any stock in what it says. I'm also not even sure what GOD thinks of the matter anymore, as I've recently heard some interesting translations as to what the word that we translated homosexual meant in the original text; it wouldn't be the first time organized religion reworked something for their own agenda. Bush's whole constitutional ammendment on Gay marriage is bunk from the beginning...unless we want to take back the separation of church and state, as gay marriage is at it's heart a RELIGIOUS issue.


    I don't go out of my way to preach to people, like you Eldar, if it comes up, I state my views, if someone expresses interest; I don't hold any information.


    There's more than one way to take Jesus last words in Matthew. You can take them to mean that you're supposed to go somewhere and preach just for the sake of preaching, or, like me; you can take it to mean that you're supposed to lead by example as you go, spreading the word to anyone who expresses interest.


    Just about the whole Bible is subject to interpretation, there's no getting around that. All the different factions of Christianity attest to that. ;)

  4. It's apparently out now. I really, really hope it's good, I hear that the last pred, and the last human (plot character) end up conciously working together, which seems rather unusual considering the Preds usually HUNT the humans, but considering the Aliens are the Preds worst enemies, and that the Preds seem to consider honor important above all else (that's why they hunt, rather like the Mandalorians really); if a human managed to save their ass, I could see them sparing them in the end. Anyway, I really, really hope it's good. A little disappointed as it sounds like they skimped and didn't show a predalien, even though they hinted that the last pred was implanted, which is a pretty good bet that it's a lead in for a sequel. Ah well, so long as it's a good movie, I'll be happy. :)

  5. Eh, I'm a Christian but I prefer to say I'm an agnostic because I'm not the model Christian, nor do I do or believe much of what people say that the Bible says (even though I believe otherwise); so I'd rather say I'm an agnostic than come off as a hypocrite. <shrugs>

  6. Loki would own.  For a moment, forget about the fact that he spent the last eternity with a snake dripping poison over his head.  He is a master trickster, and if fighting came around, he could convince some other god to act as a bodyguard (Thor is out of the question, but Ares could make a fine sub).


    Well, all of the gods would probably split into five hundred factions and duke it out to the death, right?  Well, Loki could just stay on the sidelines and goad them on.


    "Zeus, did you here that Thor called your robe a dress?"


    "Hey Hera!  Zeus is getting it on with Odin in the back room!  I think he's cheating on you again!"


    "Hey Giants!  Look at that!  Hercules is dead!  No more invincible hero to save the Gods this time!  Go get em!"


    And so on until everyone is almost dead, and Loki gets Aphrodite (sp?).  He wouldn't even have to lift a finger, and if any thunderbolts come his way he could just get Ares or some other stupid god to jump in the way.  B)



    Exactly, this is exactly what I thought. B)



    Oh, FYI, Loki's Sleipnir's mother.

  7. Your counting taks?  Like 90% or more of what I see of JNs posts are personal attacks... 


      Information/opinion about what our president does is constructive even if it is negative.  Constructive towards knowledge gain.  Personal attacks like JN does, however are not.  They're just anger/spite thrown into a post.  And I don't happen to be in the powerseat of the world.  So if JN doesn't like my views he doesnt have to put up with them affecting the whole world in millions of ways....


      You have had ample oppourtunity to debate my view on Bush.  This thread however is not an attack on Bush.  Just an assembly of how I felt.


    fionavar if you see this go ahead and close the thread.... lol.

    calling bush an idiot is NOT constructive, no matter how you spin it. it is an ad-hominem attack, precisely what you complain about with JN*. that's hypocrisy, PoTC. you "inject" your slams into nearly every post you make, regardless of the topic. it gets old and people get tired of it, kinda like you getting tired of JN*'s comments, right? i never equated his negativity with yours, either, and neither did i justify what he said. you've substituted a straw-man here. using his behavior to justify yours doesn't cut it.





    Well, while it may not be constructive, it is TRUE. I mean, you just have to look at his various fuckups during his speeches to see that. He screwed up the infamous 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me quote.' I'm paraphrasing here, as I'm not going to go digging for it, but it was something like: "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice....you can't fool me again." Not to mention his latest blunder/freudian slip: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." While I can understand some people writing his inability to pronounce multisyllabic words off as stuttering, which many very intelligent people struggle with, these blunders cannot be explained way so easily. :lol:



    It doesn't matter who's president, people would still be trying to kill Americans.  You could argue that there would be less people trying to do this.... but that's it.



    I agree with this, the only way to stop terrorists from seeing the US as a target, is to quit supporting corrupt regimes in exchange for our precious oil and other amenities. This is the real reason why Americans are seen as evil, not because we're 'better' than everyone else.

  8. C'mon guys, I'm the ONLY one who picked Loki? Guy's a cunning little bastard, even if he is weak;, he was always the puppet master in Norse Mythology. He probably instigated the whole thing, laid low until there was one god left, and then stabbed whoever it was in the back, inheriting the earth.

  9. <snip>


    I miss Angel the most, because that last season was dark and humorous at the same time. A lot of great episodes, I can't think of many other series that could get away with turning the main character into a muppet  ;)



    That episode was freaking awesome. Creepy too, what with the demonic puppets sticking their hands in living humans backs and using them for puppets. :ph34r:


    I freaking hated the way they ended it. They basically killed everyone except Fred/what's her name demon, Angel, and Spike. Gunn was alive at the last camera shot as they were going into battle, but the Fred Demon told him that he wouldn't survive ten minutes in combat, and that battle was obviously going to last more then ten minutes.

  10. I like the beaches in laguna (farther north than san diego) but they seem dirtier than when I was in high school alsol



    Eh, that seems to happen anywhere people go, especially places they frequent for long periods of time over the years. I mean, we even left our garbage on the Moon for Chrissakes, all that was up there before us was dust and the occassional space rock. We are a messy polluting bunch us humans. :rolleyes:

  11. "Don't suggest to me that people purchase illegal narcotics in Southern California. I can't process such notions."


    LMFAO!  I preffer Northen Cali.  But it really is a shame to see beaches just trashed...



    You guys are both wrong, Central California is where it's at.


    I remember Jalama before all the wind surfers took over, beautiful. :)

  12. "Wait, they even have a seperate power cord like a PC? Christ, it's even more of a PC wannabe than I knew. " well all the other videogames have a separate power chord.



    Shaddup, you're making my Billy Gates Box bashing look less credible. :)


    Besides, I don't own any of the other consoles, I'm still remembering the N64 days. When consoles were consoles, and PCs were PCs. :D None of this Frankenstein halfbreed shit. :angry:

  13. I called microsoft and the tech guy thinks it might just be the power cord, so they are sending me a new one to see if that's the problem. He said the cord is designed to burnout during a power surge saving the xbox from damage. I hope that's the problem.



    Wait, they even have a seperate power cord like a PC? Christ, it's even more of a PC wannabe than I knew. ;)

  14. Anime is indeed atrocious. Revolutionary Girl Utena and Spirited Away stand as exceptions.* Feel free to worship them.



    *list may be updated at some point in the future, but I'm not hopeful


    Oh, please. Cowboy Bebop? Trigun? ****ing Trigun! Princess Mononoke's pretty cool, too. Mainly because of A****aka's stone arrows decapitating people. I mean, I can get behind the theoretical idea of an arrow being shot with such force that it severs limbs and even heads. But a clean ****ing cut? Man, I can't decide whether that's silly or just awesome.




    Edit: Also, Ashitaka. Heh. Dem word filters can be tricksy.



    It always seemed to work for the Predators with their Spear Gun. B)

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