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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. Winter 2004 extends to 2005... seriously, I think that's a pretty stupid statement. I'm not saying that statement is technically wrong. It isn't.


    But this is a trailer for a game with the intended purpose to MARKET the game. The trailer is trying to PUBLICIZE the game so consumers will BUY the game. Really, would the consumer think the release date would be a FISCAL quarter? Shouldn't a logical date be clearly displayed to tell the user WHEN the game comes out? Must the consumer think in fiscal quarters for a release date? When's the last time you guys think in fiscal quarters to buy a game? That is just plain illogical.


    What you DO find at the end of the trailer, is that the Xbox and PC symbols are right next to each other. With the big yellow words "Winter 2004" plastered right next to it of course. Doesn't that imply something?



    GEE! That's what I thought. :)



    Well...I'm disappointed that I have to wait next year but it's only two months.  I think it's unfair to bash the developers, people at LA and the other countless of people who are putting in many hours of their TIME to make us a great game. People should appreciate the effort that goes into this.


    So, I would rather wait 2 extra months for a great game than a bug riddled one.



    Not if we've been lied to since E3. Not sure yet who made the trailer, so I can't really say whether or not Obsidian was in on it too; quite honestly, I doubt any of them would come forward anyway as there's no reason to screw themselves over more when the blame is currently on Lucasarts. After all, when someone ****sup, there's no better game to play than the BLAME GAME!!!

  2. Well, I've just found more or less difinitive proof that Lucasarts, and possibly Obsidian, though they probably had a nondisclosure agreement, have been stringing us along more or less since E3 when the KotOR trailer was released. 


    As someone said earlier, at the end of the trailer, 'Coming Winter 2004' is flashed briefly.  As stated here: 


    While the last official trailer for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ended with the words "Coming Winter 2004," there had been some doubt as to whether the game would arrive this year. "Winter 2004 extends to February 2005," a LucasArts rep told GameSpot several weeks ago.


    As is also mentioned above, they realized their ****up, and ammended and said that Winter 2004 extends to Feb. 2005 (Fiscal year). This makes not a bit of sense from any marketing standpoint, as a fiscal year means nothing to anyone outside of business/retail. C'mon Lucasarts....do you really think we're that stupid? <_<



    ^^^We've been lied to since E3 by Lucasarts.....and depending on who made the trailer Obsidian too. This really, really sucks.

  3. It's not so much that, as I hate to have it all spoiled for me unless I swear off the internet for several months (not likely to happen).  Damn my lack of willpower towards the internet.


    I also really hate being lied to.  And since they apparently knew since the trailer was released that the Billy Gates Box version was going to be released early; seeing as how I don't buy that they 'put the fiscal year' on the trailer, as that would make no since from a marketing standpoint, since anyone who doesn't work retail, or knows about retail knows nothing about the fiscal year.  Bull sh!t.  :angry:


    Just steer clear of the KotOR 2 forums/threads and you'll do fine. That's what I did about KotOR. Hah, if you'd have ever went shopping with a g/f as mine :) you would've learned this enormous patience I have. :lol:


    And that release date wasn't much of a lie. It was more of a mistake in estimation, I believe, and wasn't at all intentional. Why get all worked up about it? Everyone makes mistakes. Just take a deep breath, make a sigh, and find some other entertainment in the meantime. ;)



    Check my latest post in the other thread. Most specifically the one with the Gamespot news quote. Unless not only Lucasarts PR department are total imbeciles, but ALSO the guys at Obsidian who made the trailer for E3, they both knew about this since E3. They just strung us along for awhile longer. <_<

  4. So let's review our options:


    1) Wait and Wait and Wait...then check the calender....then

    Wait some more...then keep waiting...make a snow angel...

    then go back to waiting...follow this with multiple long periods

    of waiting...then wait...change positions...wait wait wait and wait...

    ummmm...then wait, and then prepare to wait some more, and finally,





    2) Buy an X-box.


    ^(I'm guessing most of you already have your checkbook out.)  :lol:



    No. 1 sounds like great fun to me. ;)


    Ditto. I have the money already. But a snowball has a better chance in hell than the odds of me buying an XBox after this powerplay between M$ and Lucasarts, and.....possibly, Obsidian.

  5. Well, I've just found more or less difinitive proof that Lucasarts, and possibly Obsidian, though they probably had a nondisclosure agreement, have been stringing us along more or less since E3 when the KotOR trailer was released.


    As someone said earlier, at the end of the trailer, 'Coming Winter 2004' is flashed briefly. As stated here:


    While the last official trailer for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ended with the words "Coming Winter 2004," there had been some doubt as to whether the game would arrive this year. "Winter 2004 extends to February 2005," a LucasArts rep told GameSpot several weeks ago.


    As is also mentioned above, they realized their ****up, and ammended and said that Winter 2004 extends to Feb. 2005 (Fiscal year). This makes not a bit of sense from any marketing standpoint, as a fiscal year means nothing to anyone outside of business/retail. C'mon Lucasarts....do you really think we're that stupid? <_<

  6. Because they have a ton of other games to tide them over this holiday season....while the PC pickings are rather slim?  I mean, the only games that Hades listed that I really want are Prince of Persia 3, Splinter Cell 3, and Pirates!.  The only one that's even remotely RPG like is Pirates! too.


    Umm, could you help me out? I kind of fail to see the point there.


    Are you trying to say that, because the KotOR 2's PC version isn't ready, the XPox owners must miss out on KotOR 2, as well? Am I right? If so, then I really feel sorry for the society that you grew up in...



    Correction: Are growing up in. I feel really sorry for it too.


    It's not so much that, as I hate to have it all spoiled for me unless I swear off the internet for several months (not likely to happen). Damn my lack of willpower towards the internet.


    I also really hate being lied to. And since they apparently knew since the trailer was released that the Billy Gates Box version was going to be released early; seeing as how I don't buy that they 'put the fiscal year' on the trailer, as that would make no since from a marketing standpoint, since anyone who doesn't work retail, or knows about retail knows nothing about the fiscal year. Bull sh!t. :angry:

  7. Damn, you know what would be freaking awesome is if they added all the things they said would take too much of the Billy Gates Box's memory to do originally just for the PC version.  Up/Down hood, more NPC models.  That would f*cking rock.  :D


    It would be good for LA too because as people did with KotOR, the Xbox folk would buy it on PC to get all the cool things.



    Yeah it would, but I have a sneaking suspicion Ghost of Anakin is right. :angry:

  8. Who said you had to miss out? The game was meant to come at the same time as PC. Fair and square. Like it was OFFICALLY and ORIGINALLY said. S


    :) Why do you have to be so stubborn?! :lol:


    Heh, the XPox version is ready for release, so why do you want the XPox owners to drown in their own drool for another two months just because the PC version isn't ready?



    Because they have a ton of other games to tide them over this holiday season....while the PC pickings are rather slim? I mean, the only games that Hades listed that I really want are Prince of Persia 3, Splinter Cell 3, and Pirates!. The only one that's even remotely RPG like is Pirates! too. I don't know what you die-hard RPG fans are going to do. Poor souls.

  9. It's not enough to check heraldry.  A lot of genealogy places will whip out a crest based on your last name and call it a day.  Sharing a common surname doesn't insure relation.  It's astounding how many people with Scottish blood will claim to be related to the Stuarts.  Of course, they never actually trace it back themselves and certify what they've been told, but that doesn't stop them from claiming it all the time.


    I am 15/16ths German (Bavarian/Donauschwaben), 1/16th English.  My ancestors were farmers, vinters, blacksmiths, and all-around regular peeps.



    Yeah, but I've got some posh relatives in bloody ol' England (Forgot about them last post) descended from the Bowlings (Apparently there's still a Bowling Mansion somewhere in England that is now a museum much like Hearst Castle in Central California. ) who have compiled a little book that has my ancestry traced way, way back. I'm even in it! :D

  10. "But it does mean that not only are you a disgrace to the genepool, but a digrace to your lineage as well.


    Have a nice day."


    LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thats hilarious!  Actually I probably would be.  I'm not really one who likes to sponsor war.  A lot of my heritage seemed to be warriors...



    Heh, my heritage is Peace Loving Tobacco addicts. Well....one for two ain't bad I guess. I'd probably be using tobacco if it wasn't for all the extra chemicals they put in it these days. ;)

  11. Well, at least the last half day or so of continually checking and posting on this forum hasn't been totally wasted. B)



    I think the most awesome message anyone could send, PC AND Billy Gates Box gamers could send, is if everyone started pulling their preorders, even if they do intend to go out and buy it as soon as it hits the shelves. Myself, I'd sure get a chuckle out of seeing it actually go 'Un-Gold'. ;)

  12. America's population is about 300 million taking into account mormonism, if each houshold has an xbox owner your looking at 50-60 million people who actually own and play an xbox.  I could be wrong, of course, but its only common sense.  The world's population is over 3b, yes, in fact its over 6 billion (before you tell ME to get MY facts straight) Around half of them probably own an xbox, again, I could be wrong, but the point was that u get the idea right? there are, in fact, other places in the world than America, and that America isn't even the world's largest country, therefore giving KOTOR2 early to a small percentage is unfair on the rest of us.


    Fine, but w're still talking billions, not just millions, and theres a big difference, especially considering my billions are a million millions, not the US thousand millions.  And, define, "below the poverty line".  My cousin is "below the poverty line", but he still has an xbox.



    You're assuming america is representative of the rest of the world...no way .5 of world has x-box. That's absurd. Also, not even 1/5 of AMERICA'S population has an x-box. I"d guess more like 1/100th of population of China has x-box (absolute conjecture, so if anyone could find stats...), if that. Really, the american assumption tends to be that the rest of the world is relatively rich like us...we don't understand that if you have an x-box, you're probably not poor.



    I don't expect you guys to read the entire thread like I did, most of you actually have a life, but you could at least read the last two pages before posting.


    North American Billy Gates Box Sales from the last two fiscal years:  16.3


    Billy Gates Box Sales everywhere else (Asia-Pacific, Europe) from the last two fiscal years:  8.6



    Not sure what the sales earlier than that were as they were harder to find; plus they didn't really sell much anywhere but the US anyway.  I'd say the majority of Billy Gates Box owners are Stateside.  <_<


    2003 fiscal year sales were taken from HERE


    2004 fiscal year sales were taken from HERE.



    <Edit> Oh, just so you know ASV, corporations operate on fiscal years so as not to end their estimations before the end of the winter season.  The end of a fiscal year is July.  ;)  </Edit>



    It's 8.6 million in the entire world excluding the US. Most of those were in Europe. That means that Asia has significantly less than 1/100. <_<


    So, whatever the facts and figures, LA have still pissed off the majority of their paying customers.


    Oh hell yes. No argument there. The majority of LA's customers throughout their history as a game dev has been PC gamers. Not to mention, as I stated earlier, I really highly doubt that there's more Billy Gates Box owners, than people who have a PC that meets the pathetic minimum requirements of KotOR. Especially in Asia, tech center of the world. Sheesh.

  13. My claim to fame is I'm a descendant of Pocahontas and the father of the modern tobacco industry, Thomas Rolfe.


    Just because you have some famous ancestors doesn't mean you're not a disgrace to your genepool. But it does mean that not only are you a disgrace to the genepool, but a digrace to your lineage as well.


    Have a nice day. <_<

  14. America's population is about 300 million taking into account mormonism, if each houshold has an xbox owner your looking at 50-60 million people who actually own and play an xbox.  I could be wrong, of course, but its only common sense.  The world's population is over 3b, yes, in fact its over 6 billion (before you tell ME to get MY facts straight) Around half of them probably own an xbox, again, I could be wrong, but the point was that u get the idea right? there are, in fact, other places in the world than America, and that America isn't even the world's largest country, therefore giving KOTOR2 early to a small percentage is unfair on the rest of us.


    Fine, but w're still talking billions, not just millions, and theres a big difference, especially considering my billions are a million millions, not the US thousand millions.  And, define, "below the poverty line".  My cousin is "below the poverty line", but he still has an xbox.



    You're assuming america is representative of the rest of the world...no way .5 of world has x-box. That's absurd. Also, not even 1/5 of AMERICA'S population has an x-box. I"d guess more like 1/100th of population of China has x-box (absolute conjecture, so if anyone could find stats...), if that. Really, the american assumption tends to be that the rest of the world is relatively rich like us...we don't understand that if you have an x-box, you're probably not poor.



    I don't expect you guys to read the entire thread like I did, most of you actually have a life, but you could at least read the last two pages before posting.


    North American Billy Gates Box Sales from the last two fiscal years:  16.3


    Billy Gates Box Sales everywhere else (Asia-Pacific, Europe) from the last two fiscal years:  8.6



    Not sure what the sales earlier than that were as they were harder to find; plus they didn't really sell much anywhere but the US anyway.  I'd say the majority of Billy Gates Box owners are Stateside.  <_<


    2003 fiscal year sales were taken from HERE


    2004 fiscal year sales were taken from HERE.



    <Edit> Oh, just so you know ASV, corporations operate on fiscal years so as not to end their estimations before the end of the winter season.  The end of a fiscal year is July.  ;)  </Edit>



    It's 8.6 million in the entire world excluding the US. Most of those were in Europe. That means that Asia has significantly less than 1/100. <_<

  15. And I bet all of them are able to play games too.  Like Dark was saying, there are way more people worldwide that have PC's that can play this game


    I agree.


    Although I think the difference may be that the XBox version sells for, what, close to $80 per game? PC versions can be had for $49.99.

    That sounds alot like the canadian prices, am I right? Because when I went to pre order TSL the $80 price tag was what I was told (after taxes of course), and the $49.99 is what I was also told for the PC version. Both prices are from my local EB games.



    Dude, you guys get raped. I can order about half my games (PC) online for $30 USD on the day of release. Wait a month or so, and I can get them for around $10. Sheesh.

  16. a million millions is 1,000,000,000,000 or in other words thats 1 trillion not 1 billion or 1,000,000,000. I have to ask where where did you learn that 1 trillion = 1 billion? in the first arguement you state that the world population is "6 billion" by your standard of measure that would equal 6 trillion? I know this has no relevance to the given topic but I just had to ask and by no means to I mean to offend or sounds like an arse I just had to ask because it was bugging me. As for below the poverty line that would consit of someone making less than I think $10,000.00 US  or $20,000.00 Euro/CAN if I am not misstaken though I could be wrong someone from the states might be able to give the proper info for the US.


    Now on topic: Good work on finding that info on the number of Xbox owners in both the world and US, Servant of Eru and Atomic Space Vixen. I came up with one thought as to why LA might have held back the PC version till Feb (saying they are going to release the international version at the same time), because they figured it would severly limit the ammount of loss they would incure do to P2P file transfer and ilegal coping. The way I figure it is they thought that if they released the PC version to the US and then had to wait till feb to release the internation version that most people who have the internet would just download it in order to avoid the wait. I know that alot of games now come with anti-copy protection built in but with the proper knowledge it can be easily usurped. Thus in their eyes it would make more sense to release the game on the Xbox and maybe risk loosing some sales rather than releasing the game on both platforms and risk loosing a greater number of sales from people either obtaining the game iligaly through pirating or purchase in the US and Canada.As far as I know there isn't a way to copy a Xbox game and make it work on another xbox or PC though once agian I could be wrong on that.



    This is total BS. As I stated earlier:


    A good way to figure out how many PC owners worldwide would be able to play this game would be to look up the statistics for the Nvidia/ATI graphics card owners that are the minimum sys requirements for KotOR.  ;)



    <Edit>  I just looked at my box, the minimum requirement are actually pretty low.  I can almost guarantee you that there's more PC owners worldwide with these specs than Billy Gates Box owners, but it's probably close.  For those who're curious: 


    System: 1 GHz CPU or equivalent

    RAM:128 MB RAM


    Video Memory: 32 MB VRAM

    Hard Drive Space: 4000 MB

    DirectX: DirectX v9.0 


    The fact of the matter is, Billy paid Lucasarts alot to break their word.  <_<  </Edit>



    And to the uninitiated, there is a way to play an X-Box game on a PC as well as pirate it. For playing it on a PC, just like all other consoles, it's called EMULATION, and they sell modchips by the dozens for X-Box, as well as having tons of websites where people can send their Boxes in to have them installed. I've said it before, and I'll say it again.....Billy has fat wads of cash, and can make almost anyone, do anything for him with the right amount. <_<

  17. A good way to figure out how many PC owners worldwide would be able to play this game would be to look up the statistics for the Nvidia/ATI graphics card owners that are the minimum sys requirements for KotOR. ;)



    <Edit> I just looked at my box, the minimum requirement are actually pretty low. I can almost guarantee you that there's more PC owners worldwide with these specs than Billy Gates Box owners, but it's probably close. For those who're curious:


    System: 1 GHz CPU or equivalent

    RAM:128 MB RAM


    Video Memory: 32 MB VRAM

    Hard Drive Space: 4000 MB

    DirectX: DirectX v9.0


    The fact of the matter is, Billy paid Lucasarts alot to break their word. <_< </Edit>

  18. North American Billy Gates Box Sales from the last two fiscal years: 16.3


    Billy Gates Box Sales everywhere else (Asia-Pacific, Europe) from the last two fiscal years: 8.6



    Not sure what the sales earlier than that were as they were harder to find; plus they didn't really sell much anywhere but the US anyway. I'd say the majority of Billy Gates Box owners are Stateside. <_<


    2003 fiscal year sales were taken from HERE.


    2004 fiscal year sales were taken from HERE.



    <Edit> Oh, just so you know ASV, corporations operate on fiscal years so as not to end their estimations before the end of the winter season. The end of a fiscal year is July. ;) </Edit>

  19. Damn, does anyone still have that trailer and can confirm this?  If so, they've been stringing us along longer than anyone even realized.  :angry: 


    I believe it's still on gamespot.com and even on the LucasArts page itself, unless they took it down after the release date was announced.



    I had a hard enough time finding a site that was hosting it that supported download resuming the first time. Would anyone that has a highspeed connection please volunteer? :(

  20. Hmmm....you seem to be overeager for the X-Box version to be held back by the PC version, like you want it to be...."your way."



    <sarcasm> What, you mean like they said they'd do in every interview since it was announced? Even in that one where they asked specifically if PC gamers would have to wait again; and they promised it would be released at the same date one every platform it was available on worldwide? <_< </sarcasm>



    If i remember the trailer they showed the xbox version of KOTOR 2.....and at the end of the trailer....it said winter 2004......maybe they meant xbox version to be released in 2004 since the start



    Damn, does anyone still have that trailer and can confirm this? If so, they've been stringing us along longer than anyone even realized. :angry:




    I've given up on the lawsuit, though I was actually insane enough to do it, had the funds ready to go, and all. But since I invisioned it as a team effort of KotOR community might, and I was really the only one who seemed interested in pursuing it.... :(

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