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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. I didn't judge you. And the 'others' I did judge are exactly that. I've known a lot of people who wouldn't stand up for a damn thing. And they joined the military because 'perks' and not being well off. One of them even died for it. I give him the benefit of the doubt that he was brave in action in his final hour. But he died because he wanted quick $.


    Something I am not fond or proud of seeing.


    I value your opinion, but it doesn't change mine.. I like to hear it, but my opinion is still: I think this is stupid. And the military preying off people's insecurities by offering breast implants as incentive is bull**** IMO. Yes other people have different values. But I am allowed to have mine.

    Cosmo, I thought you were under/right at eighteen. Have you ever even paid taxes? :blink:



    Basically, when it comes down to it, the only 'cost' for said surgeries, is that of the silicone implants, sutures, guaze, bandages, etc. The surgeons are getting paid either way, they might as well be doing something. I'd much rather see them doing surgery on civilians that actually NEEDED a surger for whatever reason, but I suppose that wouldn't really do all that much for the Army now would it? :(

  2. I'm going to have to read this comic now.

    There's better ones too. Wait til you get to the nine part series with Fuzzy's mom. :D



    And just so we're all clear, trigger happy sociopathic teddy bears make for QUALITY HUMOR!!!





  3. I saw this and thought it might tickle your funnybone considering your old sig line.






    Please everyone, feel free to post more webcomics that you like here so this isn't deleted as spam and I don't get in trouble. :p



    JT, reminding everyone we needed a webcomic thread anyway. ;)

  4. HELL NO!!! Leave the hoods in a perpetual state of upness if you have to, but if I don't get a hood, there will be blood. Damn Billy Gates Box, it's killing innovation in PC games. :angry:

  5. If there's one thing I like about Sweden, it's the chicks.


    I can do it again if you want


    How many of them have you said that line to? How many of them knew you were lying?

    Now even your comebacks are beginning to look like you came in eighth place. Sad.

    Aww, c'mon mkreku, even you yourself said that this thread was a joke as the whole list is FUBAR. Don't stoop to his level now. ;)



    I will say though, that the Sierra Nevada mountains is one of the most beautiful places on earth though. And that while South Cali may have earthquakes, one up here is extremely rare as we're all sitting on Bedrock. :p No natural disasters to speak of w00t! :D

  6. My ancsestors were some of the Cherokee people that were screwed over by that whole treaty sh!t. About a hundred years ago my great grandfather and his family decided that it was best to pretend, and 'learn' to be white, rather than face all the reacism against 'halfbreeds' which was luckily (or unluckily?) possible considering they already some European blood, and the Cherokee were a fairly light skinned race already, though my family still has a reddish tint to their skin. It's sad really. The Native Americans welcomed the white people, for the most part took on the attitude that there was plenty of land for everyone, and the Europeans give them their smallpox ridden blankets, to which they had no immunities for, got them addicted to booze, etc.


    <wishes people could just get along>



    JT :p

  7. My favorite book of all time is Dracula (Brahm Stoker). My favorite series/trilogy of all time is C.S. Lewis' space trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength), which I'd recommend reading even if you aren't religous. My favorite author of all time is Isaac Asimov. My favorite book by Isaac Asimov is The Positronic Man (The Bicentennial Man in later releases), which is also a movie, but it was my favorite of his works before the movie. B)

  8. For under $300.00 you can get a new case (nothing fancy), a mobo and proc combo and a new ps. And it will still outrun, outpace, out perform the $1000.00 beige boxes from HP, Sony, et-al.


    (example: Soyo - KT600 Dragon Plus - Socket A ATX Motherboard Bundle with AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Processor $139.99


    I have had great luck with the KT600 (Via Chipset) line of mobos from the various brands...Asus, Soyo, Chaintech)


    Some people here prefer NewEgg, but I've always gotten better prices and faster service from TigerDirect.

    <has had bad experience and less of a shopping selection from Tiger Direct, of course, that was on a notebook PC, not individual components>



    To each their own. I'd strongly advise a new case so you don't have to put up with all of Sony's crap, not to mention horrible cooling, but that's just me; and I've been known to go overkill when upgrading my precious computer. :blink:

  9. I don't want too much hassle. I just want some thing better than the stupid inte cardl so i can play SW Galaxies. I'm pisseed of, my computer is a year old it should have AGP but it don't and its PS sucks. CURSE YOU SONY!!!! I hate sony they don't even respond to e-mails!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


    Forgive me for being so angry, but its real frustrating

    :D <has good news>



    Is this what the inside of your computer looks like?





    Because if it does, I can't be sure without actually being there, but it looks like you should be able to install a new PS with little to no fuss. B) I got the picture from HERE. It's a review on that model, and it basically says what you've concluded. It's suited for Office work, not gaming. Next time you buy a prefabricated computer (which I shall never, ever do again, now that I know how to build my own), do a little research. All I had to do to find this, was type "Upgrading a <your model>" into google. It was the first hit. ;)


    Anywho, good luck. Manufacturer's often BS when they say whether or not something's upgradeable, because not only does it void the warranty, but if you're upgrading your PC, you'll eventually learn to BYO, which means you won't be buying from them anymore. It's good business for them to keep you in the dark. <_<

  10. I think i heard from somebody with my same model that sony said he couldn't change his PS. Mabye i should just get a 9200 pci from ATI bec. if i get a new motherboard I still Can't buy a better card cause o my PS. DARN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

    Unless it's a funny shaped one, or is welded in place or something weird, you can change it. Most companies say that whether or not you can, because it voids your warranty. But so does any other type of do-it-yourself upgrades, like installing a new MOBO. 185 Watts is extremely low for a PS, lowest I've ever heard of. <shudders> Unless you already have a PCI GFX card installed in it, or have a GFX card in it you can take out....I wouldn't do it. But that's just me. Even if it is a weird shaped PS, there are ways of mounting a PS on the outside of the case, or in the bottome of the case where there's some extra room. It'll take a little more doing (i.e. modding) and maybe a little work with a dremel, but it can be done. Don't lose hope yet Padawan. ;)


    <edit>Also, buying a new case would fix ALL your problems. Unless you got some funky proprietary drives, and even so, drives are cheap. Your processor is probably more expensive than anything else in the entire computer. Is there any way you can take a picture of your PC's innards for me to take a gander at? That would help, ALOT. ;) </edit>

  11. What is the best all round star wars forum? And please dont be biased.

    Not a f*cking clue. The Force.net's too strict for me, considering I'm not even allowed to say WTF, which I'm allowed to say on most so called 'family' oriented forums. ;)

  12. You need to know what processer and memory you have if you intend to transfer  them to a new motherboard.

    Pentium4 512MB of RAM. Will switching my motherboard result in a better power supply?

    Hell no! In fact, if you intend to purchase a GFX card to hook up to it as well, I'd at least buy a new PS that was 350 Watts or so. Your computer's liable to catch fire running a 185 watt PS with a new MOBO, new GFX card....etc. It sounds like you computer's proprietary (i.e. prebuilt Dell, Gateway, Compaq, etc.) So I'd definitely plan to install a bigger PS if you intend to install anything other than a MOBO. Even if you don't right now, it's a good investment, becaause if you're willing to rip your computer apart and hook up a new motherboard, you have all the tech expertise you need to do upgrades in the future. ;) I'm running on a 500 Watt modded Powmax, but that's because I have a bunch of fans, and a CC light in it as well as the drives, cards etc. Also, since it sounds like you're running on proprietary hardware, you might want to measure your case dimensions and make sure what you're buying will FIT inside your case. Even better would be to buy a new case, especially if you're installing a new GFX card, as cooling in most prebuilt cases is SH!T!!! <_<


    Not trying to be a downer, but if you intend to purchase a new MOBO which is the most expensive part in most computers besides the processor (mine was actually less than the MOBO though. :p ), you might as well save up a little more money, and buy yourself a new PS and Case and do the job right. ;)

  13. Man, if at all possible, you need to do something about The Force.net's swearing policy. I mean, I have to write WT* if I want to write WTF?!! WTF?


    WTF has long been a staple of message boards, for saying what you want to say, without being offensive. Just like RTFM among techies. It's no different than saying heck instead of hell, or dang/darn instead of damn. WTF man?!! Just....W....T.....F?




    <yes, I am really bored, and I have been up all night>

  14. I'd like to see the Hulk...spidey will be moving so fast.... :p  :p

    I'd like to see Spider face off against the Grey Hulk, or even Wolverine against the Grey Hulk.

    <puts on nerd helmet>


    Actually, Wolvie facing off against the Hulk would be more appropriate than Spidey, seeing as how Wolverine's first appearance EVAR was in an issue of The Incredible Hulk IIRC. B)

  15. Well, not to be the pessimist. But the moronic Kirsten Dunst (MJ), has stated that even if the movies do continue on after #3, he contract is up after the third movie, and she said she doesn't want to renew after that. Not to mention she also said that she doubted Toby MacGuire would want to continue. It was all in this NEWSBYTE. She even went so far as to suggest that her and Spidey's love child be a Spider Baby, and continues in his daddy's footsteps....and no, the idiocy doesn't stop there. She also suggests that SPIDERMAN GETS KILLED OFF.


    All things considered, I think Gabe's rage was well placed in this PENNY ARCADE STRIP, in response to that article. :)

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