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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. Grade 9 and first semester grade 10. I think I currently hold the record at my school for most zeros on assignments while still passing the course. Out of the 15 or so assignments I had I think 12 zeros and I still passed the course with a 60+ mark.


    Second semester of grade 10 was much better, m y average back up in the 70's at 74.8. Ended up with my abysmal math mark (59%) bringing down my other marks. (92, 71 and 77 in Information Technologies, Cdn History and English respectively.) Twas the first time I had EVER had an English mark higher than a Math mark.



    Man, my school this year so totally rocks. I didn't even go to school more than half the time my first three years, because I hated the teachers, and I hated the students even more. I was always made fun of because I was smarter than everyone else, add in complications in my home environment, and I was one miserable teenager. Now, I'm in independent studies, and I only have one official hour of school a week where the teacher checks my progress. I'm on the path to graduate three months ahead of everyone else, even though I did almost nothing my first three years. Gotta love the California public education system. :)

  2. Heh, I do independant studies, so I started a week ago, but I only have one official hour of class a week. It is teh r0x0r. When I was still at a regular school, I went to school later than the public ones, had shorter days, and got out earlier. All because we didn't have all the teacher's vacation filler vacations they did. ;)

  3. In case no one's heard the news. New Line Cinema actually has a Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash movie in the works. Though more likely it would just be Freddy & Jason vs. Ash. ;)

  4. Monterey, California, United States of Kick Your Foreign Ass






    (Isn't that what Bush renamed us?)

    Nah, He renamed us "If you got oil, we invade" States of America.

    Hehe, thanks, hope I don't get sent to a camp for using the wrong new name. ;);)



    Nope, so long as you were in a free speech zone when you typed it you're okay. :o



    As for myself, I'm from Grass Valley, California, United States of Whatever the F*ck It Is, Terra, Sol, Milky Way, Universe.


    Sex: Male


    Age: 17


    I did however vote that I lived in South America because I felt bad for that option as it had no votes. :(


    Assuming Di hasn't voted, she just lives a stone's throw away from me.

  5. I'm staying out of this thread because it's liable to get ugly real fast if I post in depth, but I would like to say this: Weiser Cain, you a hateful, childish, idiot, spewing from your mouth whatever the government tells you.


    To everyone else, I think the better term for this school of thought, rather than 'drone', would be 'lemmings' or 'sheep'.

  6. 1. Does any humans survive at the end of the film ?




    2. Is the story protagonist a human or a predator ?

    -one of each


    3. Does the movie get to the human's personal stuff indepth for example long boring conversations about their third divorce or something other as lame ?

    -no, just passing references


    4. Does it have gore ? Do the humans get tortured ?

    -no, not at all, this was the biggest disappointment for me

    Hurray for blood splatters on walls and horrific screams since the camera turns away moments before anyone is actually killed![/sarcasm]


    5. Does the movie protect the rights of Aliens and Predator species ?

    -dunno what you mean by this


    6. How long does the movie last and how much of that is action ?

    -not sure

    Movie is about 100 minutes, 30 minutes of action.


    7. Does the movie get to personal feelings and deep emotions of Predators ?

    (I hope so, that's good way to add indepth to this kind of movie)

    -sort of, they just show that theyre honorable etc but if you eamn predator love affairs then no.


    8. How are Aliens ? Do they look cute ? Do they move fast like in Alien3 or drop from ceiling like in Aliens ?

    -just ok, nothing great


    9. Are there any new Alien or Predator species/variations ?

    -i dont know



    10. Is the movie great as purely scifi action title ?

    -its ok, but theres no gore and it wasnt creepy enough.


    Can someone tell me WTF the point of that post was? It doesn't even add to post count since this is WOT. Christ.

  7. Well, they do sorta show the Predalien.



















    At the end some other predators come to earth to take the wounded predator(the main predator of the movie) back and heal him.  The predators enter their ship and lay the wounded one on a table of some kind, check him over and then walk out of the room.  After a few seconds a chestburster pops out of the predator.  Then the movie ends.



    Okay, yeah, I just didn't want to spoil it, but y'all are way too educated in this for me to prevaricate.



    Yes, but I don't want to see a puny weakling chestburster soon to be predalien....I wanna see a fully fledged armed to the teeth pred alien come to maturity. It is easily the most dominant species in AvP2, I mean, I was able to take out three preds all gunning for me within seconds. One of them shot five f*cking spears that were all a DIRECT HIT and it didn't even phase me. I just hacked them to pieces, and dined on their flesh to replenish my health. The predalien f*cking rocks. Huge pounce distance, increased strength, small arms resistance, AND it can wallwalk. B) But the chestburster on the other hand... :lol:

  8. Eh, maybe after these cards are older, say, the price that a 9600XT is right now (around $150), and I already have a PCI Express board this would be a viable option....but right now, while it's new, it's certainly too much money, not to mention, any of those cards can run any game on the market. :)

  9. 9. Are there any new Alien or Predator species/variations ?

    New for the movies, yes. New for the book/graphic novels franchise, no. And nothing gets done with them.



    There are? What's left if they didn't show a predalien? We've had Runners, Drones, Queens (No Praetorians, but they're basically a queen minus the egg sack). Plus the quasi human queen with the human reproductive cycle plus the eggs, which gave birth to the human/alien baby in Alien Resurrection. I guess that there could have been new variations of the preds....but they're all basically the same, minus different weapon preferences, and body types. Kinda like oomans. I really, really wanted to see a predalien. It's really the only species that hasn't been done on the silver screen. Sounds like they did a setup for an appearance of one if they make a sequel though. Here's hoping. :unsure:

  10. ATI used to be a little player? Maybe in 3d accelator market, but definately not in the graphic card business as a whole... That is, when those two things were still somewhat separate.



    Erm...first of all, how old are you? Everyone used to buy Nvidia/3DFX instead of ATI, because they were so new to the market. Just like Intel vs. AMD. =)

  11. Well, while you might think PCI Express is a reasonable investment right now, for $500 you can get a non PCI Express GFX card that will knock the bloody socks off of all the PCI Express cards out right now.  Don't remember the exact name right now, but it's by 3D Labs, it's one of their Wildcat series, and it has 512 MB onboard DDR RAM.  I haven't actually seen a review on it yet, but it's fully Direct X 9.0 and Open GL compatible, and so long as it's coupled with a decent GPU, more onboard RAM means almost universally better performance.  That's what I'll be buying along with the above mentioned upgrade to keep my PC up to snuff until next year when BTX Form Factor comes out, and this year's tech prices have gone down.  :unsure:

    I would be very caeful when buying a wildcat card for games. Number one the cheapest I have seen it sold for is $700.00. Reason number two being there is a difference between a gaming card and a rendering card. From all the information I have gathered these cards are built specifically for rendering in CAD and for people doing Computer animation. Which means all the fun support for pixle shaders, anti ailising, and anisotropic filtering are non existant. Also more ram does not always equal faster, the arciteture of the card has a lot to do with it also. This is appearant in the new Maximum PC where the lower clock speed of the GeForce 6800 gt was offset by more pixel pipelines giving it an edge in the bench marks over the X800 pro. Most people also assume more GHZ=better performance.



    The new 512 MB model is fully OpenGL 2.0 and DirectX 9.0c compatible. I just haven't seen many reviews on it. They're trying to compete with the big names, only time will tell if they succeed. Of course, AMD and ATI used to be little players too, and look at the behemoths they've become. :(

  12. Eh, perhaps Dubya is smarter than he appears. Hell, I've said myself before that he could just be fooling all of us. But he certainly acts like an idiot for the most part (rather than do press releases, he went bass fishing with whatever the flock that guy's name is on the Outdoors Channel); and he seems to have many, many hidden agendas. Namely OIL. Truth is, we really don't need oil, as was proved by POTC's article about Hemp, but it we started using Hemp instead of Oil, all the corporations would be out of business. No more Chevron, Texaco, Shell, etc. They'd be f*cked. Of course, the Tobacco farmers could grow hemp instead of Tobacco, and that bird would be killed. <shrugs>


    Brings to mind one of my favorite political cartoons.


    Dubya: We have approximately 710 reasons for going to war with Iraq.


    Dubya's Advisor: Erm, sir... <flips sing over, revealing the word 'OIL'.>



    Dubya: Correction, we have approximately ONE reason for going to war with Iraq.





  13. There's actually a huge difference between the 9800 and the 9600. They're not based off of the same GPU, and the 9800 has much better hardware stats. 9600 is a middle range card while the 9800 used to be the high end card (before the X800). It's very easy to find this information on the internet, but I'll settle for a picture:




    Eldar: Feel free to post the final specs to see how much of an influence we've made :lol:



    Yes, but once you get to 60-70 FPS, your eyes really aren't going to notice a difference so long as it's not lagging anywhere. Plus, I was playing off the overclocking potential of the card I linked to, not what it does out of the box. :)

  14. I hate to perform necromancy on my own threads, but this is the final build and I was hoping that some of you folks might be willing to comment on what I hope to be my final build.


    1  RAIDMAX Blue Aluminum Gaming Case with 420W Power Supply, Model "668WUP" -RETAIL 

    Item# N82E16811156151 





    1 GIGABYTE "GA-8IK1100" i875P Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU -RETAIL 

    Item# N82E16813128183 





    1 ATI RADEON 9800 PRO Video Card, 256MB DDR, 256-bit, DVI/TV-Out, 8X AGP -RETAIL 

    Item# N82E16814102361 





    1 Intel Pentium 4/ 3.0E GHz 800MHz FSB, 1MB L2 Cache, Hyper Threading Technology - Retail


    Item# N82E16819116171 





    1 Geil Ultra Series Value Dual Channel 184 Pin 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-3200 w/ Blue Heatspreader - Retail

    Item# N82E16820144310 





    1 Microsoft Optical Wheel Mouse BLACK PS/2 /USB Version 1.1a -OEM 

    Item# N82E16826105143 






    Item# N82E16832133112 





    1 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack SP1a - OEM 

    Item# N82E16837102141 




    Okay, if you'll kindly bear with me:


    The question is first of all, the general opinion regarding the system.


    Second of all, I decided to go for the high end graphics card suggestion.  This is something along the lines of what mkreku mentioned.


    The real question is, should I stay with the 9800pro or spend $70 more to get the 9800xt.  One worry I have is that the 9800xt says that it supports OpenGL 1.5 while the 9800Pro says it supports OpenGL 2.0.  That seems a bit counter intuitive.  The speed on the board and memory are faster on the XT, but it didn't seem as if it would be a huge difference the other specs seemed pretty much the same.  What to do?  heh.  I'd like to make a purchase on the hardware and get it assembled before the new school  year begins.



    I'd go for THIS CARD if I were you instead. You really won't see much of a performance increase between the card you picked, and the one in the link; it will be negligible at best. Plus, look at not only the price difference, but the heatsinks on this mofo. It not only has the normal GPU heatsink and fan, but they've got all the ram decked out as well (usually you have to buy those suckers and install them yourself), which is awesome for overclocking. And yes, you can overclock an XT into what's called 'overdrive'. Also, the 9600 models are much better for overclocking because of the kind of heat sensors they have onboard.


    The only real reason the 9800 is more expensive, is because the people who don't know their sh!t see the bigger number and think it's better. But the 9600XT is be best bang for buck. ;)

  15. Damn, I saw some of the most awesome fantasy art at the fair earlier today.....I didn't make a purchase though, as I was with my family, and they were mostly nude.  :lol:


    Why was your family mostly nude?


    I can see why you wouldn't have been able to make a purchase though if your family were nude, no-one would have had any place to carry money, or a credit card. At least, not comfortably.

    Unless they're accustomed to that sort of thing.



    <glares at those who made fun of his grammar slip up>





    You bloody ****. :ph34r:



    I am still trying to determine if this is SPAM, but for now know that you have permanently scarred my partner :o;)






    I am still trying to determine if this is SPAM, but for now know that you have permanently scarred my partner :o;)


    Spam: Posting frequent, annoying, and/or nonsensical posts are not tolerated in these forums. Posting the same message to multiple forums (also known as cross-posting) is also not tolerated.


    Since I've only posted this once and it's not so much annoying as an attack on one's faith in humanity and all that's good in this world, I can only assume the last definition is the one you're thinking of.


    In my defense, I would argue this is not so much nonsensical as a concise philosophical argument for Nihilism.



    Agreed....nihilism looks mighty good right now. :(

  17. oh... yes... boobies.  without boobies, it is NOT fantasy roleplaying.  it must be a cold climate, too, so that the inclusion of bikini clad babes makes even more sense...





    Damn, I saw some of the most awesome fantasy art at the fair earlier today.....I didn't make a purchase though, as I was with my family, and they were mostly nude. :lol:

  18. Yes but some parts of it are just crazy, for example:


    Hijab theoreticians agree on one claim: a woman's hair emanates dangerous rays that could drive men wild with sexual lust and thus undermine social peace.


    Hair emitting socially dangerous sex rays? :lol::lol::lol:


    Riding bicycles or motorcycles would activate a woman's thighs and legs, thus arousing "uncontrollable lustful drives" in her.


    Riding bikes make women uncontrollably horny? :lol::lol::lol:


    These people are completely insane.



    Eh, yeah, that's pretty crazy. :lol: Maybe they meant phermones in the sweat? Not sure how that could transfer through a television though. :lol:


    As for the bikes....well, ever heard of dry humping. :p

  19. If they cannot provide that proof, then they would simply say so and leave it at that. That is not the case. Christians have a tendency to throw themselves into arguments that they can't win, because they think that the Bible is all the proof that they need. This is not the case. Take evolution for example. Christians challenge this notion all the time, and usually end up with a huge stack of evidence to which they can respond with nothing but Bible quotes. It is clear who has the stronger case. 



    You're absolutely right, and that's crap, because like I said, most people don't give a crap what the bible says; and also as I already said, just about the entire bible is subject to interpretation. I had a science teacher for two years in highschool who also realized this, and while I didn't agree with alot of religious beliefs he held; he had the creation vs. evolution debate arguments down pat, no bible quotes included. I learned everything about debating that particular subject that I know from him, and I'm pretty confident I can provide just as strong a case for creation, as any evolutionist can for evolution; without bringing the bible into it at all. I do tend to favor a long creation period, or a creation with time built in theory, but that's beside the point as you have to bring the bible in to nitpick that. Truth is though, there really isn't any definitive proof for creation, or evolution, short of inventing a time machine and going back in time to see how things really happened. :lol:



    1)  I've never been to a board specifically set up for religious discussions.  I will say, however, that I think most Christians who argue most strenuously for religion get bested.  This is, largely, because they argue from a position of weakness.  One should never demand that an opponent prove a negative.  The onus lies squarely upon the shoulders of any person making a claim to prove it, not the person questioning the claim.


    2)  Proof for the existence of God does not exist.  ...Or, at least, solid irrefutable proof of the existence of God does not exist.  If there were, argument over the matter would probably be long gone.  There is no need for faith in something that is inherently true and taken for granted.


    3)  Many Christians also tend to argue against what proof we do have.  For instance, I have a friend at school who has some heated arguments with our atheist friends.  She argues that the world is only 10,000 years old.  Now, maybe the world is only 10,000 old.  That might be true.  ...But quite unlikely unless all of science is based upon lies.


    4)  The age of the earth or the nature of evolution don't bear upon my belief in God.  I see the Lord as the sole creator of the universe.  In one sense, that might be galling to some folks.  In another sense, why should they care.  I could understand if I bullied people over it, but the way I see it, I look for something beyond but I interact on the earth according to my personal moral compass.  In other words, I interact on the earth in the same way everyone else does, religious or atheist.


    5)  As for religion being the basis for law...  Religion is the basis for law altogether.  Civil codes sprang from religion.  However, I prefer a system that find a common moral ground and sets a non-religious standard for law.  Most Christians benefit from the fact that the law in the United States is, in principle, secular.  We have enough problems as it is without a sectarian law system.


    6)  However, the basic tenets of the vast majority of religions serve as a pretty good template for law.  Don't kill, steal, cheat, etc. etc.  These aren't wild ideas.  The only thing missing from secular law is any litmus test based on religion.  Since I don't particularly relish the idea of being persecuted by another religion and balk at the idea of persecuting someone else based on his, I'll be perfectly happy with separating Church and state/law.



    1) Neither have I, but I have argued religion with many, many people. Truth is, I'm such a loose cannon, that they'd probably ban me whether I was supporting them for the most part or not. :lol:


    2) I totally agree. Just like proof for most scientific theories accepted more or less as fact do not exist. B)


    3) This is exactly why I'd probably be banned from a board for religious debate. I love to pick apart other Christian's arguments for creation/evolution, homosexuality etc.; whether I agree with their conclusion or not, I have fun picking up on the loopholes of whatever argument they're making, simply because I think they've come at whatever conclusion from improper means. Plus, it's just plain fun to screw with the fellow believer's, rather like Loki and his speech on the Walrus and the Carpenter. :lol:


    4) I agree, just like I agree with the fact that it doesn't matter whether Jesus had brothers and sisters or not. (I personally think he did, even the priest I knew wouldn't come out directly and say it, but he didnt' dismiss it. B) )


    5) Yes, and this has served us well up until now, but times are a changin'. :lol:


    6) And this point is where I primarily disagree with Bush. While most of the OT laws are pretty much no brainer's as to whether they're right or not (Don't kill, don't steal, don't go messing around when you're married, etc. ); things such as homosexuality are more of a shade of grey, and I don't think it's going to make much of a difference one way or the other.....I don't really agree with them teaching that homosexual relations are natural in Sex Ed., of course I don't agree with state mandated sexual education period. <shrugs>


    All in all, I think that they've served us well until now, but now that we have a more or less solid legal system, I think we need to seperate the law a bit more from religion, as I believe the founding father's intended.


    My $2.00

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