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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. I have started a petition on the LA website and i feel that Obsidian is just as much at fault as they are.

    PC should not have to wait 2 extra months to play a game that will become available for xbox gamers at christmas, now i am a xbox gamer but i will not buy the game until it is released for pc if it will make a point get through.

    the main point though is that they lied, and should be accountable to give us an explanation i think?



    I'm talking to my forum buddy lawyers and seeing if I actual have legal grounds to sue.




    Whoa man! I'm pissed off too, but I think a big flaw of our country is how easily we sue. Don't go that far! It's their decision ultimately...even if it loses fans, support, and costs us.



    That it is, but this lawsuit will hopefully not just be me, but the international gaming community. It's not just me they pissed off but everyone. It's their decision to lie, and stir up hype with false advertisment, it's the entire community's decision to hold them to their word. :angry:

  2. I have started a petition on the LA website and i feel that Obsidian is just as much at fault as they are.

    PC should not have to wait 2 extra months to play a game that will become available for xbox gamers at christmas, now i am a xbox gamer but i will not buy the game until it is released for pc if it will make a point get through.

    the main point though is that they lied, and should be accountable to give us an explanation i think?



    Good man, good man. I'm talking to my forum buddy lawyers and seeing if I actual have legal grounds to sue. Count me in for signing your petition, even if I don't start a lawsuit, I'll still be sending in a letter to LA. Bastards.

  3. I am actively pursuing whether or not I can bring down the wrath of the US legal system on Lucasarts for false advertising, I already have a sizeable sum of money to start things off with ($2500) but I may have to request donations should things actually pan out. Stay tuned for details. :(

  4. Well, I'll be waiting for $10- internet bargain bin prices. That'll be a 2-4 weeks extra wait after the PC release date, but it'll by my own little way of telling LA I'm royally pissed off. I really do hope that this doesn't affect Bio Jr., as Bog only knows why, I still like them.....but that's my intended course of action as of now. :angry:


    Also, anyone who would like to send torrents of letters to me, I'll do my best to send a compilation of them to Lucasarts.


    PM me for my address, as it's probably not wise to post it in the open forum.

  5. My favorite soda of all time was Surge (Mountain Dewey soda, more orangey citrus taste to it, twice the caffiene), made by Coke, but shortly after it's inception it was cancelled. Damn shame too, it would have made the perfect gaming energy drink. :angry:

  6. arguing that we are evolving is pretty easy to do.  many characteristics of humans have changed over the course of recorded history (some due to better health conditions and some due to selection...).


    HOWEVER, this "step" in evolution as you defined it is pretty thin scientifically.  actually, it's even worse than that.  pseudo-science covers this possibility quite nicely.


    btw, servant, the term "aboriginal" is similar to saying "african" or "european"... i.e. the phrase "they are of aboriginal descent" is correct.  just a nit...





    I had always heard the plural form of Aboriginal as Aborigine/s but I can't find proof to back it up, so I'll chalk that up to disinformation and note that your nit is duly noted. ;)

  7. :: Breaks out of character ::


    This is totally freaking insane. This is not only pseudo science, this is demographic propaganda nested in circular logic.


    If you willingly accept these "theories" that there's a unified "force" inside us (ooh, force, wtf does that mean?) that somehow, connected with a little chromatology, giving rise to "evolving chromo..." okay just stop right here:


    MORE CHROMOSOMES EQUALS EVOLUTION? WTF? Go back and take high school biology. The success of evolutionary traits of an organism isn't defined by the amount of chromosomes, but by the consistency of the chromosomes. I don't care if your "Superman" has 3459 pairs of chromosomes, if each carries only four alelles, I'll start calling you a paramecium.


    Science, by definition, is a process that starts with an observation, which generates a hypothesis, which is (in)validated through experimentation and trials. This... theory finds NO NEST in modern science, its creator OBVIOUSLY never graduated high school, and hey, if you believe that, I've got a tin foiled hat to sell you for 20 million dollars.



    For good measure, I'd also mention that chromasomal abnormalities more often than not cause birth defects. I hadn't heard that bit about Aborigines (not Aboriginals you dip****) and tribes in Africa having less than us, but if so, going by the heritage of the mule. That should mean that they can only have normal children with other Aborigines and Africans. Pretty looney if you ask me. ;)

  8. So, yesterday I saw this movie called Stylish Vampire Posse Smacks Down Pasty White Vampire Posse To The Sound Of Rap And Other Music That Already Outlived Its Musical And Cultural Usefulness.


    I hear some people also call the movie Blade 2.


    I can't really pinpoint the highlight of the film. No wait, that's not right. I can pinpoint several. Dialogues were cleverly very short and to the point so as not to bore the audience. We wouldn't want them to fall asleep between action sequences. I also enjoyed that said dialogues were filled with profanity. I mean, its not enough nowadays that we get derivative crap or sequels just for the sake of money. They also must have profanity by the metric load, because you know, it really adds to the immershun! thingie. It appeals to all generations and lifestyles, I guess, much like DVD and All in the Family reruns.


    But what I also find interesting in the movie (aside Leonor Varela's curves) is the excellent script presented to us. I was really excited when I saw things like a guy fighting deadly vampires with nothing more than a shoulder pad, a heavy mace and some tattoos. It not only bodes well for originality, but it makes perfect sense. Kinda like waltzing into a warehouse with an underground rave scene flashing big weapons and having folks keep on dancing despite the fact that a handful of heavilly armed goons happened to carry enough weaponry to destroy the area. I have to find me some raves, they seem to be very relaxing.


    Equally impressive is how vampires evolved. No longer a secret society of sorts, they're now nestled into their own corporate-looking buildings filled with multiple identity-checking machinery. Not that it matters much, though, given most of the vampires are so stiff in their acting that I'd be surpised that, gender-aside, there was an actual difference. They look like a cross between Keanu Reeves' wooden face and Nicholas Cage's dull voice: wheter they're fighting, dying, bleeding, or cracking jokes ("Can you blush ke ke ke") they will always look the same and keep the same face and monotone, emotionless voices. At least they'll have perfect models for action figurines based on most of the cast's acting, so not all is lost.


    Speaking of cast you have some very well-crafted characters. I have got to hand it to the writers. You have a very original "yo yo yo wassup dude I speak like an foul-mouthed moron and move like a rapper but I can make bombz0rz!!!"-themed personage. His acting - not all too different from the cinematic tour de force that was Dude, Where's My Car? - is a shining example of how Hollywood can actually bring out the bestest, freshest actors. Kris Kristofferson, as the aged partner of Blade, really shines as well. Well, what little is possible to shine trough that film of filth and grime on his clothes and hair, anyway.


    The Bloodpack - a curious vampiric mercenary force that was trained to catch Blade but can't stand up to lesser vampires, in a striking resemblance to the prestiged members of Neverwinter's Academy that succumbed at the hands of 1 HP Goblins - is perfect. If you handn't guessed it, the towering behemoth that I mentioned before (the half-naked, mace-wielding prince of harm) is one of them. They are a very diverse and atypical bunch, and some of the best lines in the movie ("Yaaarrgh!!!") are theirs. This was *the* posse that should be in all rap videoclips. They own like no other posse has owned before.


    Another great thing about this movie is the storyline. It friggin' rocks. You just cannot shake the feeling that, if Blade and the chick actually got it on, you'd cry because of its perfection. There's blood. There's coreographed stunts. CGI ass-kicking powered by WWF moves. Vampires investing in DNA-tampering. Vampiric roadkill. It's got everything. It really is a shame that the main vampire chick (as cool and hot /as Drow chicks) didn't get it on with Blade. I mean come on. Black vampires need loving too. But I think its understandable. In my conspirational expertise, I think the movie was slated to have the main romance happen between Wesley Snipes and Ron Pearlman. Seriously. They flirt with each other like no one else in the movie (except the hot vampire chick and her three-way jaw brother in the end... yes, there's some vampiric inbred innuendo too, for those that like it). The best and most romantic lines belong to them ("Can you blush?" and "**** you" are riveting). Many times they're face to face, and you can't shake the feeling that they're about to lock lips. When Pearlman's raspy, seductive voice tells Snipes that the switch in the bomb is stuck, you can be sure that any gay person in the theatre will just cream themselves with pure extasy.


    Alas, Blade has to resign himself to just rubbing his leather outfit on himself.



    Seriously, its great. I can't wait for Blade 3.




    Yes, this is not meant to be taken seriously.



    If it really is that bad, it's a right shame. Blade the comic book hero pwnt. I liked the storyline where he teamed up with Spidey. Oh well, at least Blade 3 will have Jessica Biel for eye candy. :huh:

  9. I thought maybe some of you may be interested in hearing a theory seeing as your Star Wars fans (as am i)....


    The meaning of 46 + 2:


    According to Melchezedek, our planet is covered with geometrically constructed 'morpho genetic grids'. These grids extend from about 60 feet under the Earth's surface to about 60 miles above the Earth, arranged in geometric patterns (see 'Sacred Geometry'). Each species has its own grid, which supports life, and connects the consciousness of its particular species. Before any species can come into existance or make an evolutionary step, a new grid must be completed. When a species becomes extinct, that particular species' grid dissoves.


    A new grid was completed in 1989 - the 'christ-consciousness' grid. This grid will allow humans to evolve into our next version(44 &2). We'll develop two additional chromosomes (which are really 'geometrical images' designed to resonate with our specific grid) for a total or 46 + 2.


    The main change will be a shift to the "unity consciousness". Every cell in your body has its own consciousness and memory. You, the higher being that occupies your body, make the millions of different consciousnesses in your body work together as one being. How does this relate to this grid? Think of yourself as a cell and the grid as the higher being. We will still have individual consciousness, but will be united in the form of a higher being in order to work as one entity.


    So what this means is that there are 3 differen kind of humans in this world:


    1. 42 &2 (the aboriginals in Australia and There might be a few African tribes left like this)


    2. 44 &2(this is modern man, us)


    3. 46 &2 (this is supposed to be our next stage in evolution)

    the song by Tool - 46 & 2 is about how we are evolving and how we need to embrace these changes.


    Basically what the theory is, is that having similar abilities as a Jedi may actually be possible, once we pass through our next stage in evolution.. Cool ay



    You friends with PotC? :rolleyes:

  10. Recent Games Finished:



    Sacred (nearly done, truly huge)

    Splinter Cell II

    Far Cry

    Broken Sword III

    Contract JACK (not as good as NOLF, but faster and still fun)

    XIII (urgh)

    Call of Duty



    Shining Soul I and II (Avoid I. II is much better)

    Medal of Honor: Infiltrator

    Max Payne (very faithful adaptation)

    Metroid: Zero Mission



    BG:DA II

    Beyond Good and Evil (buy it)

    Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel


    Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

    Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

    Whiplash (smack 'da bunny)

    Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (meh)

    Grabbed By the Ghoulies (meh x 2)

    kill.switch (neat cover mechanics)

    Pitfall: The Lost Expedition


    Past Favorites:



    Thief I and II

    Crusader: No Remorse/Regret

    Divine Divinity

    System Shock I and II

    Most LucasArts Adventures

    Infocom, baby



    Tomba I and II


    Overall Best/Most Influential Games:


    The Fool's Errand (sequel is on its way in October)

    Ultima IV and V

    Might and Magic series



    You're my new hero! :D


    Not only are you a Metroid, Max Payne, and NOLF fan.....but you actually recommended BG&E. I love you. :rolleyes: That game got way, way too little attention.

  11. I felt the N64 was a huge disappointment as a system.  I got one right at launch, and Mario 64.  Playing Mario in 3D was wonderful.  The level designs were clever, and the game was non-linear.  It was a whole new world for platform titles suddenly.


    Yet, the 64 didn't deliver on any decent titles for years after Mario 64's release.  Many said the system was a pain to program for, and all the good development houses made Playstation titles.  The processor on the 64 was superior to the Playstation's, but due to a poor SDK, and a lack of memory, most N64 graphics were poor.



    There still were some excellent titles for it. Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie still hold a warm place in my heart. Mario Kart 64 owned. Waverace wasn't bad either. Donkey Kong 64 was alright too. :rolleyes:

  12. No, I have no self-hatred.  I have a hatred for the government, and most popular culture these days.  Where art is considered recyclables glued to a board, and music is considered rapping about what a badass 'gangsta' you are, and all the 'hos' you have.
    Music is just a repeating pattern so it's still music whether or not you approve of it or not.


    As for the government, I'm a Social/Rational Anarchist at heart, but as that'll never fly in the current state of affairs,
    This'll never fly, anywhere, ever.


    I think the gov should switch to a more Libertarian outlook.  The two party system is flawed from the get-go, basically we're stuck with total idiots as both of the potential candidates; and because of the outlook that "O NOES!  I'm gonna waste my vote if I actually vote for who I think would do a good job, I'll vote for the extreme left wing candidate just to get Bush out.  Hey, anything's better than Bush right?"
    If you vote for someone that has no chance of winning and your vote could make the diffrence in getting rid of someone you didn't want then it's a wasted vote.


    it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon.  If I was able to vote in this election (I'm missing it by less than a year.  )  I'd probably vote for Nader not only because I think he'd do a good job, but just to show the schmucks in office/running for office that I'm fed up; and public favor of the two party system is waning.
    Republicans want you to vote for nader sinc if your voting for nader chances were that you aren't a republican, so a vote for nader can be seem as a vote taken away from democrats.


    It's that Borgish attitude that keeps the two-party system in power. The thing about democracy is that if the majority doesn't support either candidate, than neither one gets elected. It really doesn't bother me either way if I'm not voting for the Democrats, because I'm not a Democrat either. I vote for whoever I think will get the job done best, and IMO, neither of the popular candidates will. <_< And don't be fooled, the amount of people who've been voting for third party candidates has been rising. The amount of people who did so in 2004 had been the most in a century. Sooner or later, the public will wise up that they DO have a choice, or else the government is doomed to collapse.

  13. Never heard of it, so is this some for of self hatred or have you never been out of grass valley and so only know about the rest of the country based on what you see on trl?


    <Rant On>


    No, I have no self-hatred. I have a hatred for the government, and most popular culture these days. Where art is considered recyclables glued to a board, and music is considered rapping about what a badass 'gangsta' you are, and all the 'hos' you have. I find that retarded quite frankly. As for the government, I'm a Social/Rational Anarchist at heart, but as that'll never fly in the current state of affairs, I think the gov should switch to a more Libertarian outlook. The two party system is flawed from the get-go, basically we're stuck with total idiots as both of the potential candidates; and because of the outlook that "O NOES! I'm gonna waste my vote if I actually vote for who I think would do a good job, I'll vote for the extreme left wing candidate just to get Bush out. Hey, anything's better than Bush right?" it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon. If I was able to vote in this election (I'm missing it by less than a year. ) I'd probably vote for Nader not only because I think he'd do a good job, but just to show the schmucks in office/running for office that I'm fed up; and public favor of the two party system is waning.


    <Rant Off> <_<

  14. Well I don't have many photos of me online, about 10 months ago I submitted a picture to..... hotornot.com. Yes I know, etc etc...... what I learnt from that experience is that I'm rated mostly a 1! Well here you go. Here ....its so cold here in england.... what messed up weather...


    EDIT: I've just realised that this sounds like a totally lame attempt to get people to rate me. Its really not, in fact feel free to click on 1 if you're compelled to rate at all.



    OMIGAWD!!! HAWT, HAWT, HAWT, HAWT!!! I give it a 10. :)



    Also, you have a 6.2 now, all your begging must have worked. :)

  15. Does it really matter that much when you joined, or if you're a "veteran" or a "newbie"?


    I'd think that posting intelligent responses in threads and portraying yourself as more than just a semi-intelligent primate would garner the kind of respect from your peers that people seem to want, rather than relying on who got here first or who post-whores the best.


    Afterall, I've seen intelligent posts from people with less than 100 posts, and I've seen rediculous, unintelligent blabbering from people with over 1000.  For me, it's all the the context.  If you make sense, your spelling is decent and you form complete sentences, then I'd take that over someone who's been here for a long time but does nothing but basically spam the forums.


    my 2 cents.



    I would have no problem with that, this is what I tried to explain on the board where I've seen this happen. (For those curious, it was the Albino Black Sheep forums, worse still, they still have the register date and member number. ) But unfortunately, the newer members don't seem to understand that.


    Worse still, as time goes on, it's becoming hard to differentiate between this board and the Bioboards. It saddens me. :p

  16. Did KOTOR have eny official cheats? no. And there were a very few easter eggs in kotor.





    I laugh in the face of everyone who bought the stupid Billy Gates Box version. The PC version has like five pages worth of cheats. Losers. :(

  17. This encourages postwhoring IMO, because leaving the post count/levels, but taking away the Registry Date, and Member number....leaves the post count as the only way to tell a veteran from a newbie.


    Then you start to get n00bs coming in (Not to be confused with newbies); who get the genius idea to post wherever they can, even if their entire post consists of an emoticon, and amass several thousand posts in under a month. I've seen it rip a forum apart not only be spreading division among the ranks. (people with gigantic post counts who've been there less than a month acting like jackasses to people who've been at said forum for a year or more because they're obviously veterans because they have a veteran post count). I've seen it happen before, it's not pretty. I hope this post makes sense, I've been up all night <curses his insomnia>. :)




    If nothing else, think of how much slower it will make the board run? :ph34r:

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