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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. Well, if you really want Doom to run well, go with option B and get a 256mb card like mrkeku suggested. The 256 mb card is going to make a big difference over a 128mb card because of the size of textures in the game.

    Heh, I kinda doubt anything that's out when Doom III comes out is going to be able to run it at a very high frame rate at full resolutions, textures, etc. If you remember when Max Payne 2 came out, though they did an EXCELLENT job on making it compatible with lower end systems, my current system still can't run it with all of the options turned on. <_<

  2. The problem with the waiting game is that over time, you can almost always make the same predictions. What's $500 now is simply more than I'm willing to pay. Will it be less in the future? Sure. Whatever is hot then will be less a few months down the line also. I'm not playing the whole waiting game. I've had this computer for over 3 years now. It's starting to show it's age and so I'm going to build another system. Even if I went with the x800, the whole system would only cost $1200 and I'm willing to pay for that. I'm not willing to pay $1500 and I'd rather keep it under $1000. ...And 512MB of video memory will still carry a hefty chunk even a few months down the road. It's that simple.


    Still, I think I will stick with the 600. My current card, a geforce 3, still handles the games I play. Sure, not as well as my wife's radeon 9800xt, but well enough that I'm reasonably sure, with the responses I've seen, I won't need to ditch it in 3 months because the games I like to play are unplayable on my system. If I need to replace my video card in a couple of years, about the point when the performance issue will become noticable, that's fine.


    To be honest, I was swayed more by ILs argument to get a better PCIX card. I respect your view. Nevertheless, I still believe PCIX is a reasonable investment and, frankly, it fits with the processor and motherboard configuration better also.


    Another question: can I use an AGP card in a PCIX slot? I didn't think so, but I've been reading some confusing stuff of late. I mean, the slots look different for one thing.

    I don't think you got what I was saying. What I was trying to say, is why spend $400 more on a motherboard that is going to be practically obsolete when BTX Form Factor comes out, and $190 on a GFX card that isn't all that good, when you can buy a $500 video card, and get similar performance? ;)

  3. Well, while you might think PCI Express is a reasonable investment right now, for $500 you can get a non PCI Express GFX card that will knock the bloody socks off of all the PCI Express cards out right now. Don't remember the exact name right now, but it's by 3D Labs, it's one of their Wildcat series, and it has 512 MB onboard DDR RAM. I haven't actually seen a review on it yet, but it's fully Direct X 9.0 and Open GL compatible, and so long as it's coupled with a decent GPU, more onboard RAM means almost universally better performance. That's what I'll be buying along with the above mentioned upgrade to keep my PC up to snuff until next year when BTX Form Factor comes out, and this year's tech prices have gone down. :unsure:

  4. I realized something the other day that wasn't pointed out in that article. As some of you may already be aware of, the coal burning power plants are already more enviromentally safe than the nuclear power plants, and arguably even the hydroelectric dams (, when the dams are built, the vegetation that is often sunken under the water, lets off large amounts of greenhouse gasses); due to the advent of the CO2 scrubbers they place in the exhaust pipes of those power plants.


    Now, if the same tech was applied to a Hemp burning power plant, and our nation was using a large amount of such power plants, it would actually be cleaning a huge amount of CO2 from out planet's atmosphere daily. Pretty good thing if you ask me.

  5. IMO, you'd get similar performance from a Radeon 9600XT 128MB DDR, which I believe is cheaper by now.




    Really is a crappy time to do upgrades right now though. I'm gonna be purchasing a Wildcat and a AMD Athlon 2500 Mobile in the near future, which I'll be overclocking to Athlon 64 speeds to try and hold onto my baby without doing a major overhaul until next year when BTX form factor based MOBOs come out.

  6. 'Lexx' was originally titled 'Tales from a Parallel Universe' on... uh... Showtime. Reruns are also still airing on the Sci-fi Channel.


    Also: The character Prince is neat.

    [Coincidence Alert]


    I saw the episode where Prince was imposing as the chick (can't recall her name), slept with Stan to get the key, and then Kai kills her/him to get the key back because s/he 'didn't kiss the same.' I dunno, while my parents would probably never watch it, I rather liked the idea of a bio-organic/cybernetic ship that had to 'eat' to continue functioning. It was rather funny when Stan was on the toilet and after he's done, he says 'You know what's really weird, is I'm starting to enjoy going on these toilets' [cue shot of toilet tongue licking around the seat]. ;)



    [/Coincidence Alert]

  7. Halo is nothing compared to Goldeneye 64 and Perfect Dark, but that's just my opinion. ;)

    Agreed. I never could get used to all the next gen console shooters where they require me to use one joystick to run around, and one to aim. Too freaking confusing. I'd rather use my keyboard and mouse any old day. If I do ever get a Billy Gates Box, which I probably will if everything moves over to consoles for the most part as it appears it's doing, and they continue to make me use copy protection even though I've never pirated a PC game in my life; I will be promptly modding it to accept a wireless keyboard and mouse.....and then slaughtering everyone on Xbox-Live. B)



    If Halo had come out on PC first, as was originally intended, perhaps Bungie would have put more polish into the PC version. No one really knows for sure, but I do know that if it had been released to just PC and not had the Xbox version going for it, it would have been quickly forgotten about, as it takes a fricking monster of a system to run it adequately, even though it runs on the Billy Gates Box just fine; which is substandard to my rig in EVERY SINGLE MOTHER F*CKING WAY!!! The vehicles were nifty, and the multiplayer was fun, I did rather enjoy the story; but as soon as Unreal 2k4 came out, it was put to shame. Not to mention there's no dual wield in it, which has been in shooters from the days of Max Payne.


    As it stands though, it's still pretty much just about the best FPS offerings on the Billy Gates Box. <_<

  8. Anyone ever catch Lexx? It was a Sci-Fi channel original series. I just caught my first episode tonight, and it seems rather sad that it was ended, I'm pretty sure it didn't last all that long from the length of time they had the ads running. It was pretty awesome. Pretty solid sci-fi, with a healthy dose of humor, bawdiness, and yes SEX. I mean, they practically marketted it for the sexual aspect, what did I expect, but the story and science aspect to it was better than was expected.


    In closing, I will say that you can't go wrong with a transgender disembodied head of an android. :wacko: (think C3PO, but openly a 'woman' trapped in a male android's personification, and hitting on humanoid males as well. )

  9. Well, correct me if I'm wrong (I'm really not all that much of a DC Comics afficiando), but doesn't Bats use mostly martial arts schools of fighting? If so, I'd definitely have to say that though he may be portrayed as a big guy in the comics, from what I've seen, in martial arts, small guys are often times more than a match for thier bigger counterparts. I mean, look at where the majority of the commonly taught styles come from.....ASIA. It's extremely rare to find a large oriental man, sure it happens (case in point, Yao), but not often. Large guys really aren't usually smaller than a similarly built small guy, simple because there's more of them to move, though they would have a longer striking distance.






    In that kind of fighting, I think speed matters more than any size difference. :unsure:

  10. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=1985&st=0


    I think you have been burning more than time.


    Guess I pegged you right...

    'JN, don't be f*cking moron. I rarely agree with PoC, and he really gets on my nerves with all his pseudo scientific beliefs, but he's right this time dammit. <shuders> I have to agree with him, it makes no sense not to legalize it. Even though I haven't even ever done a cigarrette, or had a even so much as a swig of beer; so I'm obviously no druggie, it makes not an ounce of sense not to legalize industrial hemp. It doesn't get you high, it has many uses, and the nation stands to gain greatly from it. Everyone who knows anything about William Randolph Hearst knows he was a liar and a glutton, he also started teh Spanish-American War with propaganda printed in his paper. And while everyone was in the depression, and he was still flush with cash, he had Hearst Castle built in South Cali, by literally importing pieces of castles from Europe and rebuilding them there. It even had a zoo for crissakes, with refridgerated cages for arctic animals. The guy was FUBAR. I'm posting this on Civilized Debate on the Tech forum I frequent right away.

  11. I had an Apple IIe, it was the computer competitor for the NES. It had Zaxxon, it was a pretty cool little game, as well as Super Mario Bros., Spy Hunter, Karateka and ilk. But my favorite game of all time and the one I've found the most addicting to this day, was Loderunner, I&II, had them on either side of a one of the floppy diskettes (the f*cking huge ones). I was overjoyed a few years back, when I found it in an online store where they give you 10 or so games for the price of shipping plus $2 because they couldn't sell the things, but alas, it wasn't the original, it was a terrible revamped one that they tried to make 3D and failed miserably at. Somethings just weren't meant to be in 3D. :rolleyes:

  12. lol.


    Do you really think everyone gets 5 confirmed refferals? I'm not even going to bother reading all that. I know like 25 people doing this. Not 1 of them has 5 completed refferals yet.


    "BUT MITH!!! What' s the harm? I give them a bogus email and FAKE INFORMATION!


    WRONG!!! YOU GIVE them your CREDIT CARD NUMBER which people can use to call up and GET your PERSONAL INFORMATION!"


    lol, you type up all that, its a shame you didnt even look into this. you wasted your time. And what little I did read of your post, is wrong.


    You dont give Gratis(the companies name) your personal information. Just any email you have access to. You give ebay, columbia house, Ancestry.com, AOL, or one of a few other things your personal info. One of those, which are huge reputable companies. All Gratis gets is an email to sell, hits on their site, and a kick-down from the businesses it has people sign up for.


    All your numbers are illogical and stupid. You might be able to add and multiply correctly(although those #'s to jupiter seem off from first glance, the distance to Jupiter when it is closest to Earth is about 4 AU, or 600,000,000 kilometers) but you have no logic breakdown when doing so. Kinda like a computor without AI would do it with just the numbers.


    It should take me about a week to get 5 completed refferals since I am getting them pretty fast compared to most people. After that about 7 weeks for the ipod to be at my doorstep if it gets here. If/When this happens I'll bump your post with a link showin an Ipod in my hand and a sign saying 'mith was completely wrong'. lol.


    Theres possibility that these people won't send an ipod. Although I have entered a contract with them, and they are required by law to give me an ipod after I finish these pre-requisites. This company has been around a long time. Even if I dont get an ipod. They do not have my information. Ebay does. And ebay has a strict privacy policy.


    Maybe I'll dissect your other stuff later when I'm not about to sleep.

    If you ever post that picture I will take back everything I've said....but I really doubt it'll ever happen. <_<

  13. Geez, I must be evil. What would my minister father say?!! :rolleyes:



    The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!


    Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

    Level | Score

    Purgatory | Very Low

    Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low

    Level 2 | Very High

    Level 3 | Very High

    Level 4 | Very High

    Level 5 | Very High

    Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very Low

    Level 7 | Very High

    Level 8- the Malebolge | Very High

    Level 9 - Cocytus | Very High


    Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html

    Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv

  14. Are you going to link us to this quiz, or are you too evil to do that? :)

    Sh!t, I knew I forgot something. :huh:


    The one with the picture is located HERE.



    But Alexia found another one that seems to have more accurate results HERE.




    On the second one I my score was 89.5% Evil, which means:


    Your EVIL Test Results



    (Score: 179 out of 200)





    Very EVIL!





    Yes! You are very evil indeed! In fact, we are quite proud of your efforts to make the world a living hell. You will find that most mortal humans shiver with fear in your very presence, and that animals run and hide when you approach. You carry a frightening air of evil wherever you go, and just by talking to people you can easily (and sometimes inadvertantly) influence people into acts of cruely, dishonesty, disloyalty, and other various delightfully unpleasant actions. Mind you, you are certainly not perfect, but your evil stature has earned our respect (even though that probably means nothing to you, since you neither seek nor require anyone's approval). You have made admirable strides in our cause. Good job! I mean, BAD job!

  15. I'll give you a nice deal on the BROOKLYN BRIDGE if you got the cash. :lol:



    Cosmo, fo' real dawg, spammy **** like this wouldn't go on if people didn't keep making junk email accounts to get free stuff. If it's that easy to get a free Ipod, why doesn't everyone just enlist a handy dandy proxy server, make six junk emails just like the one you made, fill them all with fake info, and VOILA!!! Free Ipod. Pffft! :)

  16. My biggest bit of advice is: go to UCLA. I much prefer it.


    Yes, he has UCLA on the list to apply...

    Well, from what I've heard as the son of a UCLA alumni, and the good friend of a USC alumni.....UCLA will give you just as good as an education as USC, for usually a lot less since it's state run and not private, hence more scholorships and other payment options. Although the major perk to going to USC is that it's a private school, and hence makes people look at you better because you paid more for the same education like a chump rather than going to a State run college getting the same education for alot less. Basically, the popular crowd in the adult level. I will say that USC's mascot is cooler (who wants freaking Teddy Bears), and that I hear their parties are wilder.


    Back when I was looking to be a psychology major, I wanted to go to USC, but since then those plans have been scrapped in favor of the local JC and then Digipen. ;)

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