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About Qistina

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  1. But they are blind, because the prophet way of life reflect the Quran, following Quran without the prophet guidance is blind And in fact, rejecting all hadith is extremism.
  2. "However, without a formal conversion, many highly observant Jews will reject a convert's Jewish status.[5]"
  3. Isn't stoning featured in some Hadith? Yes, and regarding the hadith, scholars have different opinions about them. Some scholars take all hadith without question, some scholars only take hadith that parallel with Quran, some scholars have mixed opinion. So it is all about scholars opinions. The Quranists however reject all hadiths There are many level of hadith, authentic, weak and fake. The authentic hadith are hadith that being agreed upon all hadith scholars using their own measure to define them. Weak hadith are hadith that scholars have mixed opinions, they are weak because of not fully meet the requirement to be labelled authentic. Fake hadiths are hadith that are being fabricated, we can know them using some method. Actually, hadith are everything that the prophet said and his action, it is not written down originally, it is because Muslims can see him while he still alive. But hundreds years have passed, Muslims of next generation have no clue about the prophet, and many have claimed the prophet do this and that, saying this and that, so some scholars in the past take action by recording everything that being claimed and try to authenticized them using some method. The popular method is looking at the teaching of Quran, if the hadith is parallel with Quran then it is authentic, because the prophet will not teach something that is not in the book. But some Muslm scholars just taken everything even there is no such thing in the Quran and justify it by must follow every prophet teachings either it is in the Quran or not...
  4. Really? I never heard anyone become Jewish, because no one simply cannot become a Jewish It is the same like no one can become English, Irish, Scottish, Finnish....Moorish.... Judaism is a specific religion to the Jews only, not to the Gentiles
  5. So it is a racial issue all along then... It is not about religion, but race
  6. They are corrupted, they corrupt the teaching, corrupt the religion, that's why Jesus against them is it not? Maybe there are things we can learn from Jews, only good things of course...but what are the good things about them anyway? Well you could learn many things from the Jewish community....I would say the first thing should be how the Jews care about other Jews. They really care about the sanctity of a single Jewish life, most of the Islamic world doesn't seem to care too much about other Muslims if its an inconvenience ....like the Syrian refugees and how the Sunni countries in the Middle East don't want to take in any refugees Is that a good thing? Isn't that RACISM? Jew is a RACE, Islam is a religion, Muslims are from various of RACES...surely you don't want to play with this? Syrian are Syrian, Arabs are Arabs, Turk are Turks, of course they are majority Muslims but they are all of different race. I am Malaysian, i am not Arab, not Syrian, i can say Arab problem is not my problem, Syrian problem is not my problem...but Malaysian problem is my problem So if you want to put all Muslims into one shoe, and compare with Jews, then you are making unfair comparison and judgment I don't mind discussing this, Syria/Saudi/UAE/Jordan and many other Middle East countries are part of the Arab League so there is suppose to be a connection despite what you saying And the reality is these countries are all Muslim countries and despite this they don't care about the Syrians? The same manner of Europeans don't care about other Europeans despite being Christian Do Americans care about Europeans? Do Canadians care about Americans? Same here
  7. Yes in the old days of Colonialism the Europeans did think the various tribes and groups of people they came across in there expansion across the world were uncivilized, barbaric and uneducated ....but compared to the Europeans at the time in the 1600's they were. The Europeans in the 1600's must have had the most technological advancements in the world? But that's the old way the West sees the world ...nowadays we are all one big global village that just needs to understand the West offers the best form of governments But evidently we can see white supremecists still exist, you just proven that in this post, there are white peoples like that still exist You can't simply wash it away, they still exist...only white people called other people such thing, other than white are Jews, and they call us Gentiles/Goyim...see the similarity there? White people call other peoples as monkeys because of Evolution Theory, so called science...so white people who reach the highest level of evolution, the rest of peoples are still in monkey form Jews called other peoples Gentiles/Goyim because they are corrupted by their twisted teaching, being Chosen people doesn't mean they are better human than anyone, they was chosen to lead by example for all human, but they become racists, that's why Jesus come but they want to kill Jesus....and later prophet Muhammad come and he's from different race, God give a "slap" to Jews by that, the covenant is taken away and given to other race and all races..
  8. They are corrupted, they corrupt the teaching, corrupt the religion, that's why Jesus against them is it not? Maybe there are things we can learn from Jews, only good things of course...but what are the good things about them anyway? Well you could learn many things from the Jewish community....I would say the first thing should be how the Jews care about other Jews. They really care about the sanctity of a single Jewish life, most of the Islamic world doesn't seem to care too much about other Muslims if its an inconvenience ....like the Syrian refugees and how the Sunni countries in the Middle East don't want to take in any refugees Is that a good thing? Isn't that RACISM? Jew is a RACE, Islam is a religion, Muslims are from various of RACES...surely you don't want to play with this? Syrian are Syrian, Arabs are Arabs, Turk are Turks, of course they are majority Muslims but they are all of different race. I am Malaysian, i am not Arab, not Syrian, i can say Arab problem is not my problem, Syrian problem is not my problem...but Malaysian problem is my problem So if you want to put all Muslims into one shoe, and compare with Jews, then you are making unfair comparison and judgment
  9. Well, it is like games, the developers make games, the fans modded them, then the games stop running and become corrupted. That's how. The Jews supposed to be the Chosen People, even Quran admit this, but the covenant taken away from them because they have been corrupted. Isn't Jesus storm the temple in anger? Who conspire to kill Jesus? It is because Jesus is against the corrupted teachings of the conservative Jewish rabbais...isn't Jesus say "Those who have no sin cast the first stone"?, what does that mean? It is simply in other word there is no such thing in the real teaching. There is no stoning in the Quran, and no stoning in the Gospel, so where stoning come from in Torah? You see that? That's the corruption...as we can see today some Muslims also practicing stoning in some countries even there is no such thing in the Quran. You can make your own comparison, this is just one example
  10. Well, that's how white people see other peoples in the world...really...my people was being called "living on trees" by white people... It is not just toward the black people you know, but any other non-white peoples
  11. They are corrupted, they corrupt the teaching, corrupt the religion, that's why Jesus against them is it not? Maybe there are things we can learn from Jews, only good things of course...but what are the good things about them anyway?
  12. I think most religions are socialists, or at least started with socialism movement, and so religious economy is socialistic economy Look at Abrahamic religion for example, it is all about movement of the people...prophet Moses (pbuh) moving his people against Pharaoh, prophet Jesus (pbuh) move his followers against authority at his time, and prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also do the same and in larger scale...Abrahamic religion is socialistic originally...it is all about moving the people out from the existing corrupt system Economy at prophet Muhammad (pbuh) time monopolized by the Jews, and the Jews are corrupted, they are into capitalism...everybody know about Jews and thier love of gold.... Buddha also against the authority, in his own way, he provide a way out from the existing system that is corrupt
  13. This is just a demonstration...look how ninja they are... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMXMhmaLkQo
  14. Sounds like usury to me. Is this "service payment" mandatory? If so, it's usury. No, that's not usury if you make agreement with bank in solid fix amount Let say, you want to buy a car, but you have no money, so you go to the bank they buy it for you, let say the original price for the car is $20000, their service for buying it for you is $5000, the car is yours, not the bank, you own that car. So you pay the bank $25000. If you cannot pay out of some reason, sell back the car to the bank, the bank buy back from you by deducting your remaining debt. The bank can sell the car as second hand car to anyone. Usury is, you make loan to the bank, the bank give you money, you pay the bank with interests. You use your loaned money to buy a car, you pay it with interest too to the car seller. So now you have two interests to pay. The car is NOT your's....Should you failed to pay back your debt to the bank, the bank will hunting you. The car seller can take away your car also...so both party hunting you....then the bank just take away your car and anything else you have, declare you bankrupt...then you begging on the street, homeless.... Cover ups like calling usury a "service payment"? Yes, like the example i make, you loan money, then you also pay the service provided (keeping the money safe in their bank and the service of giving loan itself) with your loaned money...by means, example, you loan $10000, you only get $8000, $2000 deducted as service payment, but you still have to pay them back $10000....so they got $4000 from the thin air.... This is back door usury Other example is like that Sheikh explained in the video.
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