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Everything posted by Mor

  1. By then it was to late, the damage was done and the people were informed too late. You could say that by that point it didn't matter what the press printed. When the truth was needed the media did nothing and parroted what it's government said. Again, are you suggesting that at the time the "westren media", didn't expressed doubts, noted that this was according to .. or was flat out against war in Iraq. Because this is the fundamental difference: There is no "westren media", there are a lot of independent media outlets with various view which are located in the west; and there is no "Russian media" there is only Russia. overall it doesn't matter how much you wave WMDs, Biden or any other appeal to emotion card, bottom line here where Russia has an obvious conflict of interest its version will always be suspect, especially when everyone around reporting something else. In my previous example Russia is FOX news, western media isn't.
  2. You conveniently side-stepped the fact that the western media flat out lied, or supported the state enforced propaganda lie that Saddam Hussein had WMD as they have many times before and since. I've been following the Ukraine crisis closely and there is no significant difference between the two media sides. Western media has their propaganda, the Russians have theirs, but the west is supporting an illegitimate side and breaking international law so their media is recruited to provide support for the whole charade and is therefore less reliable. The Russians could afford to tell more of the truth seeing as how it wins them points in the international community. BS demagoguery. Westren media isn't the USA, not everyone in the west supported USA action in Iraq, and unless you were aware at the time of proof that there were no WMDs the only "trustworthy" issue here is with Bush administration. Anyway WMDs incident aren't your "free card" that you can just wave around to dismiss criticism, so you can shovel in your opinion that "there is no significant difference between the two media sides" - when Walsingham just outlined the fundamental deference.
  3. I agree in principle with what you said about USA and Iraq, but comparing it to the current situation is wrong without context. Despite Bush administration jumping the gun on poor evidence, and the poorer results of that war, they had ample international legal ground to act in Iraq, with the burden of proof on Sadam. Russia had no such legal grounds to violate Ukraine sovereignty, in fact it was suppose to uphold it.
  4. Huh? I am not sure where you was heading with this.. He was probably released due to some deal or due to not being worth the bad publicity. But its hardly was the point of that article. I find Ironic the claims that its ethnic Russian that need protection against the "fascist, Nazis, ultra-nationalist.."(the convenient stereotype that Russia state media has been focusing on from the start, to dismiss or marginalize any elements that is viewed as harmful, while appealing to emotion of the "great fathers war"(ww2) Because I recall the peacefully protested for months against corrupted and criminal system of state relations(like in Russia), and I am aware of the culmination of the later police heavy handed attempt to end the protest and the clash that draw thugs from all across the map(e.g. titushki) I recall MANY accusations on the facis/nazis.. front that hasn't managed to materialize, and that overall status quo has been maintained. On the other hand I see Pro-Russian militias that seem to be far better equipped and organized, who has no problem to illegally detain who ever they want and exact street justice, people tortured murdered and helicopters blow up.. well at least they are fighting the so called "Fascist/Nazi" bastards from the west.. Nice to see you cheering attempted murder, you bloodthirsty prick. Maybe he thought its an accident, with the helicopter just exploding like that in early reports it was said to be a grande launcher or sniper bullet ( personally, I don't know about sniper bullets, iirc helicopter fuel suppose to less volatile than car fuel and mythbusters has put holes in the whole notion of cars full of fuel and bullets ending in epic explosions, but that not very scientific of me ). Anyway if they militias start blow any transport vehicle they encounter it would be a big escalation.. Also, I'd like to note that spontaneous gathering of hot headed nationalist brutes tend to cause a lot more collateral harm. On the other hand coordinated efforts, that strike a military base and avoid causalities tend to have a guiding hand.. You mean illegal. I don't see how this change the fact of the matter that Crimea is being under Russia's control. So, are you asking why Ukraine decided to cut export to the aggressor country that previously used the same tactic with them, violated assurances toward them, their sovereignty and currently seem to actively try to destabilize them to make another real estate grab? Because while I do not know how wise is this move, it pretty obvious that this one of the few leverages Ukraine still got and I sure hope that the Russia expansion into Crimea will become ever more costly. The more money they funnel from Russia to the westren expensions project, the more it works against them.
  5. Indeed, quite a few people on that team that make the magic happen, here the ones that we know off: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Developers @Sensuki, thanks for posting the interview.
  6. @Ffordesoon, No reason why it should, but we had so many gameplay changes that effected stealth, that I am not certain what its role within combat anymore. We know that skills aren't class specific, so theoretically you can pump up any class to be stealth master (which would be almost as good as rouge, at least stats wise). Would that offer any benefits outside of avoiding combat? certainly you wont have rouge's abilities(class specific), but would you be able to be heavy hinting Marauder that can "phase" in\out anywhere or? I don't know, but the disengagement mechanic might be what balance things right now.
  7. Kudos to her for keeping her wits about her and getting out of that situation, and this murder being of the street. But, honestly it seem like one of those embellished local news, I really doubt that she had any thought of DNA at that time. Come on and if he was, she would be dead
  8. We have been given a lot of info on how Stealth work outside of combat, but I don't recall any specifics about how would it work during combat(i.e. rouge hide in shadows), I don't suppose its a non-combat skill only so any thoughts? We have the alertness states (creatures will investigate if you move in too close and cry out an alert and attack if they find you) maybe they will play a role during combat as well e.g. alerted/engaged creatures will have an increase detection radius and thus far harder to fool. Or maybe there will be a check for entering stealth during combat, because if now everyone can sneak, then it will be too simple to just pull a Houdini during combat and or troll path finding with the act.
  9. The way I understood it the action bar is the always visible middle element of the UI, which content will depend on whether you selected an individual character or group. While the abilities bar will pop up separately "above the portrait row". But you right since its individual character-selection basis, the way Josh described, it will work. I am happy about this, because with many of the community UI design suggestions I always felt like the portraits, abilities and characters status effects got cramped into a very tiny spot and thus had to be downscaled to fit. Here they have all the space they need to use clear, stylized and most importantly easily decipherable icons at a glance (as opposed to tiny icons that except for color scheme clues, hover tool being the only way to figure it out) EDIT: Btw, I recently decided looked up what other things has been done on the UI and feedback front. Here is entry that might not be 100% on topic but interesting nevertheless (found at SA paywall):
  10. looks like it is: "To rest, all you need to do is press the rest button. The game checks to make sure it's okay to camp in that location at that time and will give you the option to access your Stash or go directly into rest." Btw it will be a nice touch if after resting, some kind of visual cue would be left behind from the abandoned camp.
  11. ^ Up to this change, it was said that crafting can be done in Forges, Labs and Hearths.(I assumed the later included campfires). But now, I am not sure how much of that info is still relevant.
  12. I think this post address many of concerns voiced in previous pages (notably the second paragraph): My take on things: 1. I like this, its an elegant solution which both functional and allows us to avoid overloaded UI with way too many small and hard to decipher one from another icons that attempt to gouge out my eyes. -- Also what about that scouting action? 2. I like that the design offer optional UI elements that would cater to both "minimalist" and those who prefer a solid UI "IE style" I have trouble to visualize this, either there will be way less abilities available to each characters than what I assumed, or it will get really crowded there.
  13. very interesting and significant update about the game mechanics, I love every bit of it.
  14. Honestly I'd be interested in any RPG project that Obsidian take on.
  15. ^ One of my university tutories really liked Braondon sandersons books, who had this outlook on magic systems that I think covers well that "why and how" argument. Here: http://brandonsanderson.com/sandersons-first-law/
  16. I agree that violence play into the hands of Russia. IMO since the start of conflict Ukraine showed remarkable restrain(or sense, considering its playing buddy), but its problem is that its locked into catch 22, they can't afford to act and at the same time they can't afford not to.. In order to conduct the elections or any decision-making process they first need to restore order and stability. Considering that the majority of the population in Easter Ukraine is Russian speaking and its primary news outlet was in Russian, IMO it is impossible to stabilize the situation unless Russia decide they will allow it and lay off the propaganda and I haven't seen Russia show willingness todo so. For example the recent Geneva agreement was nothing but PR farce to try to clean its hands, while actually "Not a single Russian official has... called on the separatists to support the Geneva agreement, to support the stand-down, to give up their weapons and get out of the Ukrainian buildings". On top of that according to the western sources Russia continues to "fund, co-ordinate and fuel a heavily-armed separatist movement in Donetsk"(link) Also while in hindsight early elections might seem like a good idea, I think we all know the effect of instability and media on electoral process, elections/referendum at this point would be farce with a predicable outcome like in Crimea. I assume that the idea was to restore stability, let emotions run dry and provide some semblance of discourse and debate. Which is hard at the moment when both sides see a complete different aspects of the situation. Another thing to consider is that following Russia's real estate grab in Crimea, the ethnic Russian population become a weaker minority in Ukraine, they may not want or see political process as legitimate option preferring the allure of Russia slogans. (although pretty much they'll be joining into the poorest high in debt Russian region)
  17. Heat wave is one of the least convenient times to get sick, in a cold weather you get a respite from the heat bubbling inside, but in a heat wave its like every pore emanating heat, and your eyes are volcano. "Pro tip" in those times cold showers are better then sex. Looks like a racing dog, a high energy dog. From the fitness thread I remember that you are a frequent flier in the gym, but I don't recall if your training program include something outside i.e. jogging or bike ride, because that would be a one sad puppy of you don't
  18. During combat you'll be only be able to access your equipment, but I suppose it is plausible that you'll be able to swap quick items among party members if you'd be able to access the inventory screen which will show with disabled packs(like the stash is disabled in non resting location). Also there might be "healing" potions for stamina.
  19. Sorry previous post was a late nighter. The point I wanted to emphasize is that any discussion of inventory mechanic should take note of several big changed from IE games: 1. Slot system and stash. 2. No combat XP and health being a limited resource(no healing between rest points) 3. New Crafting mechanics, and new craft able materials. Lets be honest inventory systems are usually not based in reality, its give and take. In our case I believe that the inventory system wasn't designed to address some irrational behavior, but to make the game more tactical. Like @Elerond pointed out that with much more limited slots(packs) space and the player no need to account for stuff he gather for economical reasons, the system becomes more tactical and you'll need to plan how to use that limited resource every time you venture forth. The later two should change how we approach loot, if there is no xp gain from mobs and every encounter drains your limit health pool then loot is the only incentive to explore, so it should be worth more than a pittance. In addition the crafting mechanics might mean that we will get a similar gameplay like in the witcher i.e. a lot of free crafting ingredients, that we would give us incentive to explore and will be able to cook over the campfire(? they said hearth). Also personally, I don't care about the bottomless nature of the stash, if its a problem to some I am sure that a mod some arbitrary limit to it will pop up, but I am intrigued by the idea that stash can't be accessed in the wilderness, that is if we got a witcher like system it will cause people to "live of the land".( I am sure that fellow RP guys would appreciate the gesture that a campsite would be more than just a resting "checkpoints" ) loot-gnomes? I don't know how much loot we will have, but it might be a nice solution to help pick large drops(can work with animal companions as well)
  20. Nice analysis. A thing to consider about the Economic aspect of inventory management, is that you don't need a system to restrict amount of loot only to re-calibrate your drop rates and since there is no combat xp gain, loot is your main reason to explore. Especially since you have limited amount of health during your adventures, people would expect to be reward in some way for clearing out the whole dungeon. Plus I suspect that we will find a lot more misc crafting ingredients like in the witcher that you wouldn't want to spam your packs. So unlimited stash which can only be accessed in strategic points, thus not effecting tactics seems like a good compromise lend it self to all the mechanics. That or we can always get the loot train going. I don't care if I have to employ donkeys, magical imps or start a slave company, someone is going to bring my stuff back.
  21. Concerning that detention, I wont be surprised if it is the same thing we recently seen in Crimea (and more notoriously in Chechnya), where unsympathetic journalist receive rough treatment. As for the video it reminded me american action movies, where the bad guys always has AK47, here the "bad guys" are always has roll of dollars in their pocket and the "good guys" always fighting the fascists I also like how while the police have done any investigative work and yet the "people mayor" had convenient cache of evidence few hours after the fact. EDIT: on unrelated note, for once we actually have believable pro-Russia gun men, unlike that "local" self defense crap, who at the very least were outfitted in Russia barracks..
  22. Do we know if there is any UI element that will show which units are engaged by the selected unit?
  23. If by treaty you refer for the call to all sides to refrain from violence and provocation; and for armed groups(right now mainly in Donetsk region?) to lay down their weapons. I don't think any of those terms were satisfied, certainly Russian propaganda is still in full motion and according to Kiev/west the Pro-Russian force are aided by Russia just like in Crimea.( I hope you not still deluded still about those "local" self defense forces) In this case the former is the worse threat, instigating local radicals and radical response playing to hands of another Russian invtervention where they would claim that they are yet again just "protecting" ethnic Russians.. restoring order.. The only Irony here is people star struck by the idea of Novorossiya and such as yourself, that see Russia the peace maker as oppose to the instigator which already got away with Crimea; and understands that with momentum going, Eastern Ukraine is a fertile ground where avoiding direct action will gain them more with same result. So overall this is no less of an empty gesture then threats of further sanctions or NATO sending troops/planes to poland (i.e. its basicly about reinforce public image). Russia move like previous moves was a safe bet from the start, not only they had the upper hand but also are necessary party to restore stability(and other place), so dealing with Putins Russia will require measures that extend beyond this. You either has short term memory or look and see where and what you want to see. Actions speak louder then words.. latest news are of thousands of Russian troops still massed along the border and Russia still shoveling the same rhetoric about eastern Ukraine continues.. as it did with Crimea and previously Georgia.. People expect Russia to tune down its propaganda and stay true to the statements against foreign interventions in sovereign states which it has been laconically repeating for the last couple of years. As for dogs, what dogs? I previously challenged your assertion if you claim that those protest are exactly like Euromaiden movement, that the government acting less proportionally and that we are biased, please be kind enough to explain your outlook on the situation being mindful of the circumstances and provide a solution. Yes, I would love to know what you are expecting to happen, and how do you see stability restored? (mind you we already have an election around the corner) Lately from you I only seen conspiracy stuff and mostly rants about US banking system, paper about US democracy, rants about economy and how weak it is, about US actions and overall arguments that US < Russia. I get it you are "butt hurt" by the USA, but would you mind explain your bottom line position on the Ukraine situation and Russia chain of actions and specifically a solution to them and how it would improve the situation.
  24. Funny how we always seem to want to bring democracy to countries rich in oil. It seems we go into third world countries, set up a bunch of UN troops (turn a blind eye to their crimes) and respect their autonomy unless they have oil. Then its democracy time (wish we had some oil in the US then we could get our democracy back). At any rate people in glass houses, don't look at the straw in your brother's eye, ect ,ect.... Are you trolling due to my comment on deflections? otherwise I have no idea how your "retort" about interventions has anything todo with my analyse of Putin actions and Russia Political situation ... And for the future, please be more specific with your "revelation". I am not certain if you are surprised that we can't solve all worlds problems(let alone our own) and that most things comes with price tag(even the white horse); want to argue for underlying resource war(IMO the modern wars thread is a better fit for it), but I have been very outspoken against the bestowing of democracy notably as it was pushed during the Arab spring, so lets make sure you are throwing stones at the right window. Like before with confirmation bias, it is a nice misrepresentation. No one suggested that "our side" anywhere close to squeaky clean (at least some of us here have argued against certain NATO\USA actions\polices before) what has been suggested that keeping things in perspective and marginally on topic might be prudent (e.g. not every discussion about corruption in some third world country should revolve into finger pointing at the USA) In fact the very first thing I tried to impress upon you that there is no "our side" here, no one wants to get Russia, we would all benefit from cooperation. The concern is that Putin's actions seem to radicalize Russia, further polarizing the geopolitical map and rebuilding old walls/animosities (some suggest that they lack long term planing as well). So yes arguments over definition of who is a major power, who will win an all out war and any other tangent of a tangent that started with whether economical pressure over Russia will be effective(still catching up on most of the last thread) seem off topic-ish and irrelevant to me, though not deflections per se.
  25. At this point, it is pretty much so. The last argument that I recall being "really" on topic was when Zoraptor failed to connect the current Crimean events to post soviet movements, arguing in favor of the provided referendum format. Other than that it has been a long ride of deflections from superficial similarities concerning other conflicts, to any number of tangent topic that conveniently allowed to avoid any criticism of Russia actions by feeding the Russia vs West/US paradigm so they can argue ideologies or policies, which catered to our Westren posters who aren't to happy with USA with their rants and conspiracy stuff, instead of posting in a relevant thread (btw Sarex I am still waiting to hear on why that banking scheme doesn't effect Russia) Overall this whole thing is really about "democracy". Like with china we all know about the situation of Democracy, human rights and various freedoms there but every discussion about change should be started with the understanding of its size and population (~1.4 Billion) etc.. IMHO for china any real change will be disaster. Same goes with Russia, it is not NATO that spooked Putin, it is democracy knocking on its doors, Putin wants a buffer between him and those ideas such as open society and independent mass media where opposing view can't be stumped out. So while the propaganda media coverage of Ukrainian events was outrageous, but overall the goal wasn't challenging the legitimacy of Ukrainian government which wasn't susceptible to "mother Russia" pressure and buried the fact that it was revolution against corrupted and criminal system of state relations(like in Russia) with Nazis scare crows. The goal was mostly about attacking the "western democratic/financial experiment", in order to suppress any positive sentiments toward its own opposition (on top of the usual things like mock trials of prominent political dissidents). Overall all those wars serve to bolster Putin's approval ratings, providing a distraction from his failure to turn the country into a modern state. Queen Catherine once said that she had no way to defend her borders but to extend them, ~similar thing might be said about Putin's effort starting with Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine (more Ukraine to come soon? linking it with Moldova\transnistria) and OBy promised something about Azerbaijan.. Anyway you know the saying that there are three things we don't get tired of watching: Running water, burning fire and other people working. My adaptation is that there are three things we don't get tired of arguing about: Government, taxes and trying to prove we are right?
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