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Everything posted by Rosbjerg

  1. funny thing is that in rl it takes alot to scare me .. but games freak me totally out!
  2. *brr* that part in the elevator ... I don't think I could muster the will power to complete the game!
  3. true .. but people are way to stubborn to ever change opinion in here! I'm beginning to think discussions are futile ..
  4. hehe .. could be, never considered that actually! was it you??? :D although I never found that condom, maybe she had it .. at least I didn't wake up naked in swedish apartment elevator with a condom stuck in my arse! (getting married the same day) and then reliving the same day over again until I fix everything! that would suck ..
  5. I live with a guy who does nothing but download films and games 24/7 .. the bastard .. so I usually check out what he has, and if I find a game to my appeal I buy it! I just think that the current 90-100$ that games cost here are a bit too expensive .. but I will always buy a game I play to support those who made it!
  6. I could only be a writer .. since I have zero experiance in all the other aspects of designing a game! but that ok, since I would really only enjoy writing the dialouge and story!
  7. funny you mention that, because humans react the exaclty same way when the red light turns on .. although conditioning is remembered and disregarded, when needed, much much faster in us!
  8. 213374U .. we agree and you know that .. but have you seen the ending of "A Clockwork Orange"?? it kinda ruined your argument .. because in the end he overcomes the conditioning!
  9. LOL .. eh well asides from the s*** and the sexual content .. yes I can see how my story would remind you of that one! or .. well only the "went to her dorm" part actually
  10. hah .. funny .. Me and a couple of my dedicated role-playing friends actually did that! we are 6 people, and each was asigned a different aspect of the world (I handled geography and climate) we created our completly own world, with cultures, languages and races .. and created 5 people in the 5 main cities of the 5 main cultures and races.. and then we try to rise to absolute power (or what ever we want) in our respective cities .. although in our game there are no Gods (well people whorship them but they don't exist) and no magic (okay a little, but it's hard to explain), and we have been playing for months now, some have achieved ultimate power in their city and are expanding their borders, raising troops etc etc .. slowly I expand the maps, as people explore, and those who handle cultures and races expand those as they are discovered .. it's a really interesting creative process to be a part of it! and very demanding!
  11. damn .. long way to go! and with all the posting I do in "way off topic" it will take even longer!
  12. how come I don't have a fanboi or a personal troll ..
  13. well Ludozee .. I went in and asked for my clothes .. she looked just as confused as I was when I woke up! so I actually don't think any of us know what happened that fateful night! and we haven't really spoken of it since ..
  14. I feel the same way .. but then I start to wonder .. why do I think this is funny? was makes me enjoy going on a total frenzy and utterly devastating a city block!? what inside me is so destructive, and why can't it be released in other non-violent areas of creativity! if only I could apply the ferocious tenacity of attention to other aspects of my life .. but alas, I, and apperantly alot others, need this violent outburst from time to time! I just hope that the, so far, innocent addiction stays that way ..
  15. well .. not enough juicy stories here! hehe I'll give it a shot .. At this certain party I decided to have a drinking contest with a close friend .. both of us started with 70cl of Vodka, and just worked our way through the bottle! halfway I gave up (couldn't feel my mouth any longer and started spilling Vodka on myself) .. needless to say in a matter of minutes I became extremely drunk! and then it all goes black! I wake up .. my head hurts like hell! and it's really bright in the room I'm in .. I look up and can't recognice a single thing! (It was the next day and I was lying in the hostess bedroom) next to me there's a lovely lady, apperantly in my clothing and covered with plastic jewelry, I look down, and I'm apperantly in hers and covered in the same kind of jewelry! (slowly unzip the pants .. "oh thank God, still have my own underwear on") it then turns out (as I discover by speaking to all the ones who slept over) that I had arranged a strip contest! won it with the hostess .. she had then dragged me into her bedroom (each in our own clothes).. and noone heard from us, until the next morning where I came out in her clothes.. now I don't know, and will never ask, what happened in that room! I don't even think I want to know .. but to tie this with an computer event (because it apparently has to?) .. I went to visit a friend of mine, and tried to play CS, still very drunk, and to no suprise I got my ass severly whopped .. well no suprise because I always do, but this time I had fun doing it! :D so the moral of the story .. drink alcohol before playing CS, and you won't be a bad loser!
  16. bah manipulation is easy .. sacrifice is fun! and to the conspiracy theorists: you just need to find a nice paranoid girl to share the last time before the end of the world with!
  17. "The fact is games affect people" and that said .. we don't know to what extent, and it's better to focus on it then simply say "oh well .. let's see and hope for the best"
  18. A general question .. Is it just me or is random acts of violence now a bigger part of everyday life than it was 5-10 years ago?? I see more severe beatings for every month, and I hear about more and more people trying the more extreme drugs! now its not just because I hang out with a bad crowd, I know my share of them though (and they aren't getting worse), but these are "normal" people .. or is it just Denmark going rotten?? because as I have said, but maybe I should clarify as well, I see extreme violence in movies and in games as a symptom of the desires from "normal" people .. it seems we want photo-realistic violence! to me that's a big warning sign! I know that the average person, today, can easily distinguish reality from fiction, and don't go out raping, murdering and pillaging from playing CS! but if violence because an everyday part of our lives, then won't we stop caring about it? .. If society is ok with the fact that violence is becoming entertainment and unconcerned with the youth becoming addicted to the rush of adrenalin, then the problem will one day get out of hands imo! I don't think people will turn into raging mad-men, but they will become immune to violence, and when they see someone being beaten at a club, they won't care.. that's my fear! that we will just stop caring ..
  19. I think he was referring to that fact!
  20. no spoilers .. he doesn't talk much about the game!
  21. I like the pepsi twist .. or whatever it's called! but regular Cola over Pepsi! and Sprite if I must drink a soda! I don't drink much soda anymore or eat candy .. I just tastes too sweet for me now!
  22. I can't play games like Silent Hill .. I get too scared!
  23. I agree with you. The rating system is enough in my opinion. That is my biggest problem with the censorship of violence/sex/nudity in videogames. Why is the developer's or game store's job to make sure violence is kept out of the hands of the kids? I agree that kids generally aren't mature enough to be allowed access to ultra-violent games, but I don't think passing laws outlawing it or forcing game companies to tone down their games is the answer. It's just pushing the blame away from the parents and onto someone else and ignores the original problem of parents needing to have more responsibilty for their children. I mean, Heaven forbid a parent actually has to monitor what their kid is doing. <_< I absolutely hate the level of irresponsibility that is present in almost of every facet of society. Everyone wants to push blame for any little mistake or problem on someone else. This is just another example of it. Parents are responsible for making sure their kids are ready for violent things. My parents raised me that way and I am a mature, responsible adult. My little brother is being raised that way, and he is more mature than a lot of kids his age. It's no coincidence that the kids that have problems at my college are the kids that were taught to pass the blame and that they can do anything they want without consequences. But before I go off on society in general, violent games are ok if the violence isn't the only reason for the game's existance. I avoided Manhunt because it seemed to tout violence for no other reason than because it wanted to shock you. No, thanks. Half Life 2, on the other hand, isn't violent just for the sake of it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well I'm sure single mom with 2 kids would spend more time with her children if she could .. but unfortunately this society is a little big on the money issue, and raising children isn't exactly cheap! so she has to work, and with all her good intentions she has a hard time standing up and being a b**** the only 2 hours a day she talks to her son (who can blame her I guess .. nobody wasn't to be the enternal bad guy) .. I mean come on! parents aren't the extreme benevolent superbeings with an endless amount of patience! they are human beings .. and some of them are in extremely hard positions, where they *have* to work long hours each day to even get their kids to school! and you talk about misplacing blame?? and btw this wasn't meant as a total defence of parents .. some blame still rest with them! no doubt .. but not all of it!
  24. I love it for a whole bunch of other reason .. the use of colour is brilliant! the simple philosophy of the film is explained very well through the styles of the fights and through nicely written dialouge! oh and did I mention the brilliant use of colours??? ------ and to Banblade .. well as I wrote the last part "only exceptional actors, and they are few and far apart, can lift an entire film by their mere presence!" I was thinking about the only 3 actors in the world I feel have perfected the art of acting .. some are good some are bad .. Affleck and Pitt are imo good, but not expectional! so you can't use that statement in your argument! because then everyone but the exceptionel actors would suck, and that is far from the case!
  25. of course that's a worse case scenario 213374U.. but it does seem our culture has become increasingly violent, and the most visible signs are violence on TV/Games and a change in attitude towards it .. but as said, I think that's just symptoms, the games only get developed because people buy them and want them! so the need is there and not being forced on us! it seem we just want to see realistic violence! perhaps because our society has become sterile and dull (we are animals after all with animal urges and instincts)..
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