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Everything posted by Rosbjerg

  1. 66 people gave it a 10 on IMdb .. and the score is 6,1! 52 - 9 123 - 8 290 - 7 344 - 6 190 - 5 and an average of around 50 people pr the scores below that .. seems horrid bad taste will never die!
  2. ah yes .. then I should call myself "Meet Virginia" (yes I fought it was a quite amusing song to hear while having "well you know" too!) :D and to Eldar .. well depends on how old you are!
  3. you know .. ham .. raw .. it's really quite simple ..
  4. hmm as a side bonus info people could explain what their avatar is .. I would like to hear the story behind both of yours! Since I can't recognize them, all though I vaugely remember Darque's being mentioned in reference to a game of sorts?
  5. I've heard some bad news from reliable sources about the stability and general feel of the game .. so I'll probably borrow a friends version or something before I buy it ..
  6. I always like to find the origin of names .. words and the like! so where did your username come from? does it have a deeper meaning .. or just something you thought sounded cool? and why did you choose it? mine is quite simple .. it's my last name! (Am I the only one using my real name here btw? and have a picture of myself .. I feel kinda strange at times with all the DARTH ----- around) I chose it because most of the forums I'm on I like to use my real name, so not to give the impression I hide my opinions behind a pseudonym.. (not implying any of you do!) but I normally use Camek which was derived from Cenek (a Czech name dervied from the Roman Vincent which means "to conquer")
  7. well the man/girl/robot can inspire loyalty .. :D
  8. uhh that looks sweet .. I remember I used to play the old games till my eyes was bleeding! always loved strategy, even though I find them very lacking today they were very good at their time .. hopefully the third edition can carry the torch into the new millenium!
  9. It's such a shame that Kashmir (danish band) isn't known internationally .. it's some of the best rock music Denmark has ever produced .. especially their new cd Zitilites and their old Travelouge!
  10. raw ham ..
  11. no no Kaftan .. she doesn't say a thing .. so naturally he assumes she agrees, and then she cuts him to pieces (like any woman would) .. they just edited that out as to not make Wolverine appear soft!
  12. exactly! but we need a change in attitude to violence first .. because otherwise we will make a martyr out of it! (ok maybe not the best referance, but well you know what I mean!)
  13. until you meet a homosexual, then your dead! :D
  14. "And what does he do? Does he bother to talk to her, find out more about what an intriguing personality she is? Does he ask about how it was like growing up in a patriarchic society where the only way to accomplishing a life for a strong woman is to become some dodgy mastervillains sidekick? Does he even stop to think that behind those razorsharp adamantium claws, theres a woman with thoughts and feelings of her own? -No, he chooses violence as his direct path of communication. He beats her, throws her into things, drowns her and even stabs her repeatedly. And when realising he cannot kill her with regular means he uses the very obvious sexual assault metaphor of penetrating her with a phallic object and filling her up with somekind of deadly metallic seemen and thereby killing her." first of all .. extremely well written! lmao .. but guys are guys .. if some chicks comes along with the same abilities as you, and do the things you do .. but much better .. of course you have to kill her! I mean she's basically castrating you!
  15. I heard back when Throne of Baal was released .. that it would be the last Baldurs Gate game, but not the last within Forgotten Realms.. I mean what's gonna happen in BG3 ?? without spoiling TOB to much, you kinda finished that game with a grand ending!
  16. it wasn't an argument for that .. I was just trying to come up with a reason for why you haven't been taken, from both sides of the argument!
  17. I don't think the feds could care less .. even if they were part of a big world wide lets-take-over-the-planet organization .. what small pieces of the puzzle you might know would in no way threathen the powers, or you wouldn't be here .. and since there probably isn't a conspiracy, they probably care even less!
  18. Yes thank, what ever diety, that we are not!
  19. I was kinda joking in my first post .. and I don't think I'm immortal! I will try to prevent a confrontation when ever I can, that is my first rule .. but this guy was a serious threat to everyone around us, and I though I would rather give a shot and rather have the knife stuck in me than feel responsible for getting someone else killed .. luckily, as I said, I succeded in disarming him!
  20. hmm .. wonder why so many people spend their time in here then! we must all be very bored!
  21. Pray you don't find yourself in a situation in which you are forced to find out how much truth is in those words. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have been ... not a serial killer though .. but a guy once pulled a knife on me, luckily I was able to disarm him and get him down on the floor as the bouncers took care of the rest ..
  22. well maybe that's because I know that nothing will hurt me irl .. and since I'm a guy I don't really have to worry about rape! and since I've studied martial arts for a decade, I don't have to worry about a serial killer running towards me with a knife .. :D
  23. then what's the point of arguing? I feel I have wasted my time if I try to convince someone of something (let's just say for arguments sake that the "something" is true) and they just ignore it ..
  24. If I can see I'm wrong about something, I always admit my mistake .. But that takes alot of good arguements from the opposition!
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