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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Vibrolance? Its like a vibroaxe or vibrosword or vibroblade or vibroshoe or vibrovibrator. You see there this subtle code with all vibro weapons that if you take off the vibro it corresponds to an actual item in real life. Let me show you: vibrosword - vibro = sword. Now you try.
  2. Eddy Grant -- Electric Avenue Seriously though, I was in the mall yesterday taking advantage of the no sells tax thingy happening this weekend and I noticed something. There was these kids with these bad emo-ish haircuts and they went around with their shirts tucked into the front of their pants like they had just taken a piss so that they could show off these really gae belt buckles. I was curious, what is this and how can we stop it? Any insight would be appreciated.
  3. I hope you get that pony you been wanting. Don't eat too much icecream and cake and get a stomach ache like last year. You remember how bad that was? You remember?
  4. Everytime I go to karoke I sing that and Kenny Loggin's Danger Zone. Bob Dylan -- Corina Corina
  5. NOFX -- The Brews I'm sure Israel's military listens to this before any battle, "We got the might, psycho mashuganas We can't lose a fight, as we are the chosen ones Chutspah, we battle then we feast We celebrate, we'll separate our milkplates from our meat We're the Brews Sportin' anti-swastika tattoos Oi Oi we're the boys Orthodox, hesidic, O.G. Ois"
  6. NOFX -- Go To Work Wasted
  7. ^^Definitely top three Where would you go to make that sort of trade?
  8. Pixies --Subbaculture This goes out to that goth who's by the numbers conformity has given rise to my base passions. A night of unbearable pleasure awaits you, my sweet. "We did the clubs what ass I was hoping to have her in the sack I was looking handsome She was looking like an erotic vulture"
  9. They say you shouldn't stick anything in your ear smaller then your elbow, but I can't help it, I must be addicted or something.
  10. I started the NWN:SOU campaign at the urging of some forum members and a few friends and I was halfway through with the ant people's lair, well after the scorpion people's lair, and I realized we have a viable fantasy setting that makes a big enough profit to keep the genre afloat and somewhat mainstream, but at what cost, what cost?
  11. You ate weight, huh? Just like Chunk in the Goonies.
  12. Getting worked up about more then likely going to church on Sunday and hiding my disgust during said church.
  13. NOFX -- The Decline
  14. What is that wire coming out of your mouth for?
  15. Yeah, or you probaly weigh the coolness of a lip piercing against keeping your tooth enamel and take it out.
  16. Yeah but a girl in the band, that's like instant credibility for some reason.
  17. Yeah there is. Propagandhi -- Ska Sucks
  18. Keep the Aspidistra Flying -- George Orwell Its cool I find all these old books in my parents house that belonged to my grandparents and theres all kinds of cool stuff in them. In this one I found a ticket from a bullfight they went to down in Mexico, coolness.
  19. Metroid II, immulators can be sweet
  20. Op. Ivy -- Plea For Peace I normally wouldn't do this, but Drabek put me in the mood
  21. And be sure to take like six or seven sh1ts a day. Even if you don't feel like you have to go and push as hard as you can, this is doubly effective since you get everything out and you work pretty hard doing all that pushing.
  22. John Coltrane -- Naima
  23. Kor, that look like it hurts, but you'll tough it out, you're a hockey fan after all.
  24. Without cheese they really aren't nachos, they're just chips, possibly corn chips.
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