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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Gorillaz ~ November Has Come
  2. You wear the pants of a man who has twice the elephantitis of the balls then you currently do.

  3. You will know, when you are at peace.

  4. I too would use my powers for Krookie's personal gain.
  5. Yeah, it not being your comment and all, I should thing so. Hey did you here, Pixies is in college!!!

  6. Its not the Stargate, its the Fargate, it has nothing to do with the movie or t.v. serial that I know nothing about

  7. Well, I think by now its a given, of course it might not be a part of your particuliar cultured heritage. I mean the earth is flat so all we have to do is push all the bad stuff off the edge. I would like very much now to have picture taken with chocolate man.
  8. Miles Davis ~ All Blue
  9. Born in west virginia oh no.

    Married to the preacher oh no.

    Shes always looking at me.

    Shes always looking at me.

    Shes such a charmer oh no.

  10. The Sea & Cake ~ Crossing Line
  11. no more Farscape references they reflect badly

  12. http://www.worldwithoutus.com/did_you_know.html Pretty easy to use, I'll tutor you, Guard Dog, later.
  13. The Bridge I'd say this was a nine out of ten. Maybe the best documentary I've ever seen
  14. Stop following me, you damn conservative
  15. Its a pretty well known fact all conservatives are atleast partly gay
  16. Bj
  17. ::Read in reverse::

    It's Earl again. Well, how else are you

    to live except by denial, by some

    palatable fiction, some little song to

    sing while the inevitable, the black and

    white blindsiding fact, comes hurtling

    toward you out of the deep?

  18. In Sitka, because they are fond of them,

    People have named the seals. Every seal

    is named Earl because they are killed one

    after another by the orca, the killer

    whale; seal bodies tossed left and right

    into the air. "At least he didn't get

    Earl," someone says. And sure enough,

    after a time, that same friendly,

    bewhiskered face bobs to the surface

  19. Pete Sampras would never attack a gay guy!!
  20. that's jock rock Miles Davis ~ Will O' the Wisp
  21. Like am I drunk right now? at this very moment? Because you can't just decide that, thats something I have to decide. Its my choice, not your's. You can't just decide that I'm drunk. Now you're not listening to me. Listen. Listen to me. I decide.......

  22. Yeah You got me there
  23. Wilco ~ I Am Trying To Break Your Heart
  24. We can be together, if you can hold on real tight.

  25. I hope you have been preparing your dainty wrist for the rigors of college life.

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