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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Man, I'm tired of this Leviathon bug crap
  2. ya but not as well as you know, the former sith lord, and 3 other jedis should probaly be guarded, you know maybe being in the same room or something, oh ya and Carth was a war hero who had a personal grudge against the admiral, I'm usually pretty cautious around my archnemesis
  3. Well I think people are still going to prefer Consular, or Guardian, because your a badass one way or another
  4. I just don't see how they could bring back Revan, while only asking their gender and have people satisfied
  5. In KOTOR you were captured by the sith on the Leviathon, and then conveniently not guarded, which inturn allowed you to escape. So whats on tap for the next game, perhaps leaving you in a room dangling above a pool of acid. Maybe left tied to the rail of some sort of space train?
  6. Ya thats you, I'm pretty sure that most people went the other way or both
  7. especially since most people played through the game ls
  8. I don't really know, maybe fett is more like a moniker
  9. I hope so that'd bee a definite improvement, especially for a consular, who's going to use alot of force points in combat anyway, this way you could spread it out some more
  10. And with new "Dark Boots" it will be even better
  11. Also I'm getting tired of all these post about theres these many forms of lightsaber styles
  12. thta too bda
  13. I thikn thta ist hadr fro yuo to splel correctyl
  14. Ya I know for sure there's a Bail Antilles and it is spelled Bail
  15. What I think he might mean is Jedis should only kill after all other options have been exusted
  16. I would think that part of being a jedi would be in finding a way to resolve things without using the energies created by all living things to harm people with
  17. Or getting evil boots what is up with the no evil boots thing?
  18. well in ESB yoda said for knowledge and defense
  19. well apparentley not everyone did I even got an "unoffical" warning from Adria Teksuni
  20. i think it all elementary as long as you get an assortment of fighting footware
  21. i do
  22. In turn it woud be cool if you could use your saber to block force lightning
  23. well as you already know jedis only use the force for knowledge and defense never for attack. That being said I think that there should be some way to "reflect" attacks. Also stasis field was a pretty powerful power, try saying that three times as fast
  24. ya I did it with a scout/guardian and scout/consular
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