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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Darius Dar ~ To the Breadbasket
  2. I dunno, if he could get you into some sort of jungle environment all the advantages are his
  3. Chuck Berry ~ No Particular Place To Go
  4. Joking aside, I'm sure McCain could tell people more about the political happenings in Finland then you could. He made a mistake, anyone who has had to repetitively get up and talk in front of people can attest to how facts you know by heart can get lost in the jumble of points your trying to express.
  5. Give the guy a break, he's like 87 years old.
  6. Right, thus creating the idea in American's heads guns = freedom. Without a gun how are you to keep the King of England out of your face? My father in a lifelong member of the NRA and we've talked about how gun company's interest put gun ownership right in danger, while at the same time controlling the debate in Congress. My father, like most members of the NRA, supports some time restrictions on "assault weapons" and things of that nature, but are fearful of giving up any type of freedom because such a thing would set a precedence to take greater freedom away.
  7. Gun ownership might have more to do with being on the wrong end of European Imperalism
  8. Not quite. The sequence is a 2/3rds vote by both houses of Congress, then the ratification by 3/4ths of the states, either via their legislatures or by conventions. (Most past amendments have gone the legislature route-- the only one that I recall using state conventions is the 21st, which ended Prohibition.) http://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_A5.html right, I should have said 3/4 vote in the state legislature, good catch
  9. This is the US. Gun manufacturers don't ship guns out of the country for the guns to get shipped back in. The Black Market for guns in the US comes from guns sold to licensed dealers that are then improperly sold or from guns that are stolen. Issues with licensed dealers improperly selling guns is a problem of licensing and enforcement. Not the sale from manufacturers. not all illegal guns are obtained in the same way, duh But even if every gun in the US that was used in a crime was acquired the way you say it is, then if the manufactures were fined don't you think that they'd have a bigger interest in keeping track of who has their guns and keeping their guns away from dealers who make a habit of selling them improperly?
  10. Well, first an amendment is suggested or proposed it needs a 2/3 vote in both house of congress or to be proposed in a special national convention to be approved for the ratification process then it need to make its way through congress carrying a 3/4 majority to be ratified, or it can be approved in special state conventions if 3/4 of the states approve Once an amendment is proposed it has 7 yrs. to be ratified before it just goes away. The special state conventions will never happen because we could technically abolish the constitution in them if we were inclined
  11. Oh, and I heard the other day that they did manage to pry Charleston Heston's gun from his cold dead hand.
  12. there ya go, make the company responsible for the actions of other people. so, what happens when someone commits a crime with a butter knife? taks I think we can agree that firearms should not be sold like butter knives, right? Gun manufactures ship their guns out of the country knowing full well they're selling to people who plan to make those guns available on the black market in the US. By fining them you force them to take a active hand in the distribution of their products. Also making it illegal to export guns wouldn't be a bad idea. Its simple and heavy handed, Taks, and I understand your argument, but guns are pretty unique in what they're used for, pretending that all products are the same until they get to the hands of the consumer just doesn't really fly here. I'd answer Tale's post too, but he's a tard
  13. The way to reduce gun violence isn't to restrict the rights of gun ownership, its to set limits on the manufacturing of guns and fine companies when their products are used in violent crime.
  14. The Sea & Cake ~ Bird and Flag
  15. you know Wals, because cellphones are awesome!!!
  16. sometimes its difficult to see the trees so far into the forest

  17. You never know, George Lucas's neck is always watching
  18. Joy Division ~ New Dawn Fades
  19. I believe that every American has the right to own a gun, foggy constitutional wording and all, but I know for a fact that the "Founding Fathers" had no inclination of the advancement in technology and how it translates to the ability to mas murder. Really the whole "cult of the constitution" is insanely retarded, gun laws need to be under a microscope, BOR or not.
  20. nah, a retarded Laozi thing is ahrd to miss with its helmet and correctional braces

  21. yeah, insanely good looking wouldn't wear all that well with the traditions of the Sith Lords, good point Archie
  22. No Country For Old Men Insanely good, makes me want to get one of those cow killing guns
  23. Yeah, he had a cool mask, what more do you need to have a dynamic character that fans can't get enough of?
  24. thinking back to the whole Canderous thing and Dxun reminds me how the game was almost cool, not quite, but it really was hinting at it.
  25. Good try though, mouthbreather

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