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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Maybe a bit more then a pinch <{POST_SNAPBACK}> SPAM SPAM SPAM <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> See what I mean, RoadReaction here might need a salt enema
  2. They say geniuses always choose green, but Lucas would have chosen blue, makes sense
  3. Maybe a bit more then a pinch
  4. Lets see if I can split this up a bit more, Revan because hes a man would beat the Exile mostly because shes a girl. But if by some strange alter verse thingy happen and Revan was a women and the Exile was a man then the Exile. And if they both were guys then they would drop their difference and probaly grill some meat. And if they were women they wouldn't fight, and instead go buy some shoes.
  5. Ya but then theres Navy Blue and I'm not colorblind, but unless they both are present I can have a hard time distinguishing the two
  6. I have a friend whos colorblind, and its a hilarious afliction.
  7. Communist? Do you want to toss a frisbee or maybe play some hacky sack
  8. Its more of an educated guess, your word seem to radiate virginity "
  9. i love the bladerunner avatar
  10. He seemed like a likely canidate for some man love
  11. How old were you when you thought you could probaly take your dad?
  12. They really better not **** this up, but I don't see how with Miller actually being there. I wonder if Rourke's involvement has to do with his work in Bar Fly, thas a movie with a really interesting back story
  13. Stinkin Trekkies <_<
  14. I concur, where's Saint's sexually repressed hostility when we need it?
  15. Whoever suppose to adminster your medications and change your diaper needs to get off their cigarette break
  16. It would be a shame if a Lucas arts product had its integrity compromised
  17. I dig it, its just a sucky idea. And yes they'd have to be godlike to challenge a level 30+ jedi, I guess the game could just be super easy again, but I hope not. And as I said writting non-selfcontained canon(even though I really hate the EU) is a poor endeavor for a video game to make
  18. No, Colon is a very prominent Star Wars name
  19. So you only care about the fact that we don't defend Taiwan and not the reasons why? You might make a fair politician after all. As for the rest of you jibberish, capitalism effectively kills democracy, so I guess we should destroy ourselves
  20. I'll agree with alot of people in that obviously Revan and the Exile have to be in KOTOR 3 in one way or the othert, but they just can't be playable characters. At level 30something how many more useless powers does the Exile need, and no there i no "good" reason for anymore "deleveling". Revan was at twenty in at the end of Kotor are we to beleive that hes been gone all this time and didn't gain anymore power? Isn't he atleast as powerful as the Exile? It just doesn't make any sense to include them as playable characters, its great that effectively two gaming companies have made characters that have been enduring enough to have a loyal fanbase. Its hard to have them appear in the game as well, because at some point you have to atleast tell the game what the Exile looked like or establish an official Exile thats guaranteed to piss off almost eveyone. Secondly the whole "true sith' thing has already made me concerned for K3. As I've said this idea seems to be more in the process of writing canon of the Star Wars timeline past then the current standard of writing about little used planets on the outer rim and writing adventures that seemed to be "contained" within their timeframe. Having the "true Sith" simply is too big to be self contained and seems like a horrible idea. I especially hate the idea that Revan and the Exile would have to grow even more powerful to fight these apparently godlike creature.
  21. Then as a future politician you might want to invest some time in what MFN means and how by granting it the U.S. effectively condones the actions of government of China. Also that you won't be able to speak out against China because the same corporate entities that fund your campaignes and line your pockets, want to exploit china for its cheap labor and want their products to reach the largest market in the world. Also that you're only aloud to condemn nations that don't have a nuclear weapons program
  22. i think the way the story is going we may end playing both revan and excile. i may be wrong. if i'm right it be interesting how they pull that one off. someone suggested that we have two parties until they meet half thru the game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't think they'll do that, it just makes things to complicated and pigeon holes an rpg, which effectively kills the rpg
  23. That piece was fictional. And the force can only help so much
  24. Well by that logic, your getting angry at someone for getting angry at someone, who got angry at someone, and that makes you even worse. And then theres me, being angry at you for getting angry at him for being angry at that other guy, who was angry at him in the first place, making me the worse of all. BTW Utah sucks
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