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Lythe Vodaine

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Everything posted by Lythe Vodaine

  1. For example on the Steam store page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/291650/
  2. I know exactly what you mean. Sadly, I only had half an hour Yesterday to create my character, start the game and play for a few minutes. But I already cancelled all other plans for the weekend. I'll immerse myself completely into this game for the next two days!
  3. Tihihihi! I already found my name in the Prima guide.
  4. Thank you for purchasing the game It does not matter that you didn't pledge when kickstarter was active. Only thing that matters is that you bought the game and by that support the Obsidian. I hope you will have tons of fun with PoE Well said!
  5. Indeed, it was really a pleasure helping Obsidian make this game possible. (10/10) Would crowdfund with again.
  6. Same here. But I suspect that it merely takes time for them to unlock them for every backer. I'd wait at least a few hours longer before contacting CS.
  7. I'm a happy squirrel right now. As soon as I get home today, I'll redeem the game code I got, download and start playing. The only thing left for me to do now is -- decide whether I want the GOG or Steam version. Most of my games are on Steam, so I'm leaning towards that, but then again GOG isn't bad either. Decisions, decisions...
  8. Oh, I never had problems coming up with names. For example, the idea to "Lythe" came to me in SWTOR when I thought about a name for my obese blue Twi'lek, who was anything but 'lithe & lissom'. Only much later did I find out that there's an actual village by the same name, somewhere in Ireland... Normally, I just play around with syllables in my mind and ears, and whatever sounds nice, remains. Like "Garowyn" for the elderly female witch that I played in Skyrim. Or "Azeroth" for my necromancer in Diablo 2.
  9. No question about it, option 1 for me. As long as I get a download link for Steam / GOG, I can wait a little bit longer for the game disk, if that means I'll get my other, more important physical goodies sooner.
  10. If the mountain won't come to Muhammed … you could start running everywhere when afk? : ) Reverse immersion? Adapt real life to the game? Hmmm... An interesting suggestion for sure. :D
  11. Well, as a role player aiming to immerse myself into a game, that would be a real bummer for me. So NPCs are allowed to walk, but I have to run everywhere?
  12. Hey there! In the gameplay presentation, it looked as if our characters will be running around all the time, even indoors (in the shop for example). Will we be able to toggle between running and walking in the finished game? Cheers, Lythe
  13. I'm male and usually play male characters as well.
  14. Did you try logging off, clearing the cookies of the website (Ctrl-F5), then logging back in? Tried that now, but the moment I pressed the "Back now" button I suddenly got "Error in exception handler". Oh well. I guess I'll have to wait till launch. Sorry to hear that. Any luck with another device? (smartphone, tablet or pc?)
  15. Did you try another browser? Did you try logging off, clearing the cookies of the website (Ctrl-F5), then logging back in? EDIT: Do you have an alternative device you could try? A smartphone perhaps, or a tablet?
  16. One of the few things I think Bioware did right in Dragon Age 2 was the personality system for Hawke:. Someone with a mainly diplomatic personality (achieved through being diplomatic in most dialogues) for example would be able to persuade certain NPC's into giving up peacefully, where an aggressive Hawke would lack this option completely and would have to attack and kill them to solve the quest. Also, for example a sarcastic, humorous Hawke would be able to distract a guard from the door they are guarding by making them believe that there is a fire nearby; while a diplomatic or aggressive Hawke could not pull something like that off. So I really like what Obsidian is doing with the dialogue / personality / reputation system here, as well. It gives me immersion +2. EDIT: Oh, and thanks of course to Leferd, for posting Eric's informative response here.
  17. It's awesome! It brings back very fond memories of those long evenings (and nights) I spent playing Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc.. I'm already in love with this game, and am sure now that it was the right decision for me to back it. Can't wait to get my physical collector's box! Oh, and of course it has bugs, like any Beta (and Alpha) out there. But the more we test it, the less bugs you'll get when the game is finally released.
  18. I'm not sure. I was able to upgrade from my original KS pledge to the "Retail Collector's Edition" (which is also a KS pledge) when finalizing my pledge. Afterwards, all I see as $140 pledge is the "Boxed Collector's Edition", which comes with less content than the "Retail Collector's Edition" (according to the email from Obsidian I get about that matter):
  19. Hey there! Take a look in PoE's options menu (ingame); there's a language selection dropdownbox there.
  20. While I agree with you (I really hate it when games select the language for me based on my location, I prefer to play games in English as well, not in German), I want to point out that there is indeed an option in the game's options menu where you can adjust your language setting. Mind you, I don't mean the Steam options settings of the game, I mean the ingame options menu that you can access through the main menu.
  21. Woohoo! Just finished the download here in Germany and had a tiny sneak peek before heading off to work. I'm so excited for tonight after work, when I'll start play-testing!
  22. Oh well, see you all tomorrow then; I'm off now to cooking (and eating) dinner and spending time with my significant other. Hope I'll play PoE beta tomorrow evening (central european time) though. Take care!
  23. As I understand their Twitter messages, the team stepped out of the plane from Germany not even two hours ago. They're probably asleep right now and will release the beta in due time, once they awake. Obsidian has a lot more staff then just the people that were at gamescom. It's not that I don't understand the reasons, but it just prepare for a let down. If they don't update during the next couple hours, I'm going to lie in my bed thinking about that the updates going to be up anytime while trying to sleep so that my biorythm won't go down. And then I'll neither sleep nor play the demo, although there is a fair overlap between europe and US daytime. That would suck. Maybe, but I think the big boss will want to be around (and awake) as well on the big day. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand where you're coming from, I'd rather play the beta sooner than later, too. But, since there's nothing we can do to speed up the process, we'll just have to accept the wait.
  24. As I understand their Twitter messages, the team stepped out of the plane from Germany not even two hours ago. They're probably asleep right now and will release the beta in due time, once they awake.
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