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Everything posted by Humodour

  1. British culture is one of dividing to conquer, stoking strife, attacking other cultures for money and glory while acting posh and generally being hypocritical about it. Maybe in the past. These days British culture seems to be mainly about self-deprecation and cynicism.
  2. Right.. because the fact that coal-power plants in Australia are pumping out unimaginable amounts of pollution to satisfy your AC units, computers and whatever cheap polluting electronic you have - is sooo much cleaner than cigarettes. How do you justify polluting the air I breathe just because you want ice in your water? Oh wow, this is nice. "Two wrongs make a right!" Excellent logic mate. Let's divert the topic to energy instead! And just for reference, there's a good ****ing reason I vote Green: I largely hate fossil fuels. Your sentence shows an ignorant lack of understanding of the patterns of dispersion and health impacts of fossil fuel pollution, too. Why not try replying again without being disingenuous? Edit: This is a matter of civil rights and freedoms. Smokers should be allowed to smoke all they want in private, with the consent of those around them. But trying to argue that the health impacts of second hand smoke are fake or minimal as a defence of smoking around others is blindingly stupid and selfish.
  3. Way to a) ignore science, and b) blame the victim.
  4. How the flying **** is that a justification for the damage they are doing to others? Edit: Judging by the post above mine in response to a similar question from Deathdealer, I surmise you do not understand the risks associated with 2nd-hand smoke.
  5. Since actual Tokamak reactors are huge, this wouldn't happen. Further, fusion materials are not actually explosive, so would actually happen (if somebody miniaturized a Tokamak and stuck it in a car) would be the car melting as the heat escapes. Nuclear bombs don't melt.
  6. Ta. Archos 5 looks pretty decent as is, but I'll wait for the Dell Mini 5 - it has 3G! And no offence Purkake, but I clearly said runs on Android. I can't see anything from Microsoft fitting that category.
  7. I want a device that has as large a screen as possible while still fitting in my pocket. I want it to run on Linux, preferably Android. I want it to be at least 600 mhz (preferably a gigahert). I want it to play MP3's. I want it to have Flash support. I want it to have WiFi. Ideally it'd also have 3G mobile broadband. I want it to have mobile page support, but also (and perhaps default) full-size page support. A USB port would be nice. Preferably flash memory since I'd be carrying it a lot, possibly drop it - hard drives seem less rugged. Ideas?
  8. Have fun when your 1 terabyte hard-drive dies.
  9. Steam generally doesn't do regional pricing for Australia, so it's a great deal to buy on there. When it is forced to do regional pricing by stupid publishers however, e.g. Bioshock 2, the product is usually twice as expensive. Why? Taxes add about 10% to 15%, not 100%. It is for this reason that I will not purchase Bioshock 2. I won't deny simply downloading it instead crossed my mind, but I'm a patient person - I'll just wait 3 years until the price drops to $20 or so on Steam (I'd never buy it elsewhere, since it'd have online activation DRM).
  10. She looks like whatsername from Dr Who. Donna something. I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. Hahaha!
  11. I absolutely loved VtM:Bloodlines. Combat was great fun, what are you guys smoking? Flamethrowers, claws, swords, pistols, magic, stealth... Maybe you guys didn't play the Brujah or Tremere? Those are the most fun classes because of their wide skill sets. Oh, and Malkavian.
  12. As Wals said, oil won't suddenly dispappear. The price will simply reach a point where it's uneconomical to use it as a fuel (whether due to pollution taxes or peak oil). It's not at all elementary that this would raise the cost of plastic manufacture prohibitively.
  13. Sry, I'm not mongolian. Shutup woman get on my horse.
  14. With the previous thread being a modest failure, I was hoping that with a little more exposure and growth, HoN might have by now expanded to the greater gaming populous. Romans. To that end, I was wondering if anybody from Obsidian plays it these days? What is HoN? Epic stuff. An independent studio remake of a classic Warcraft 3 map, new graphics engine, awesome new lobby system, and cool new heroes. And they're independent, but the servers and game are pretty sweet and reliable. Think, I guess, RTS + Diablo 2 + turn-based except not because it's real time and turns don't exist shutup. Add me. I'm 'Fuse' - I get a 4 digit letter account name because I registered before it existed and then it got hacked by Chinese but not really. Type /b add fuse I'm not sure if you still need invites or not. I think it's open beta by now but if it isn't I have 7. I'll give them to the first people to request them, regardless of race, religion, creed, skin colour, gender, or sexual preference or political persuasion or if you like other guys. http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/ I forget how many players there are. There's over a million accounts and either 250,000 regular players or 25,000.
  15. Yes. What do you expect? It's Britain.
  16. The second you stop being a cranky rotten bastard No, when he does that he's drunk. I'm drunk now you mong.
  17. OK, I think you almost have a valid point, but I lost interest when you brought up 'organised crime' in a thread about, essentially, individual ignorance/laziness.
  18. Good. Stop being such a soft male-chicken.
  19. What evidence do you have to back up that claim? It's quite a stretch to claim that the human brain has changed significantly in 10 years.
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